Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way? What’s the difficulty?

PhotoReading and normal reading produce different results Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way?

In several tests, comparing comprehension and the ability to recall and use the information after reading a book, people performed much better when they read the book with the PhotoReading method than when they read it “normally.” The retention, the length of time that the knowledge is available was also multiple of the “normal” reading length.

The tests compare the same person, (as opposed to groups) so the base knowledge, the vocabulary, and interests, (which are fundamentally influencing the results,) are the same in the comparison. Person A, normal reading, vs. person A PhotoReading, got it? If you compared my results with yours, the comparison would not be valid, because we have a different level of knowledge and vocabulary, and interests.

So the comparison is comparing comprehension between two states:

  1. you have a chance to read every word with your conscious mind, look up words that you don’t know, re-read paragraphs that you don’t understand completely, ponder, etc. You can read, at the rate of about 30 pages an hour, and it will take as long as it takes.
  2. in an altered state of mind, with eyes fuzzy and focused behind the pages so you cannot actually see what’s on the page, at a rate of 1 page a second… a normal book takes a few minutes to read this way.

Why would it be so? After all it doesn’t make sense, does it?

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Money Grubbing Gurus. Money and Vibration

Are gurus in it for the money? Are you just a means for them to get rich?

Are the teachers that don’t make any money have a higher vibration? They are surely in it for you, right?

Where should you look when you want to decide who to follow? What should you do to actually start getting what you want and need to live a great and fulfilled life?

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Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

stephen pierce momentum maker Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

Stephen Pierce is a Born Again Christian. His vibration is 270.

He is a multi-millionaire marketer. A Black guy with a great story: long ago he was at the wrong place and got shot… he picked himself up.

He is unusually intelligent, you might say he is a genius. Also married right: his wife’s family are the nicest people I have ever met and the family works together as a unit. Have never seen anything like that. I spent a weekend with them a few years ago, when they still lived in Michigan.

Update: he is now divorced. I wish him luck.

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Vibrational Review: Mastery MindFuse, Sasha Xarrian

sasha xarrian mastery mindfuse Vibrational Review: Mastery MindFuse, Sasha Xarrian

Personal vibration: 195
Mindfuse: content: 240
Truth value: 250

I met Sasha Xarrian 7-8 years ago at a marketing conference. That was her first look into marketing. She had big hopes to becoming a big guru. I also met her workshop leader son.

They both had big dreams on becoming gurus that teach people about manifesting, and riches, and the like.

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The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy

Are You Trustworthy? Trustworthy

Tonight, on the Daily Connection, I downloaded a 3rd Phase activator, called Trust.

Some of the commands in the activator talk about being trustworthy, and trusting yourself.

As expected, the ego spoke up, loud and forceful, declaring that we are full of hot air.

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If The Light Can Heal. Can The Source Heal?

If The Light Can Heal. Can The Source Heal?

do healing hands heal? The Question Is, Really, If The Light Can Heal. Can The Source Heal? What is Doing The Healing When Healing Happens?

The answer is a little complicated. and very controversial.

Can a person, like Jesus, lay his hand on you and the lame will walk, the blind will see, etc?

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What Is Healing? Making You Feel Better, Is That Healing?

What Is Healing? Making You Feel Better, Is That Healing?
More about healing

Making you feel better, providing relief from suffering, making you happier… is that healing?

We can argue till the cows come home. You say yes, I say no.

My definition of healing is a complete return to the original design in a certain area of the body.

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Connecting To Source and Healing

how does Source Energy heal? What is healing?

Our bodies designed to be well and stay well.

Some of us were born with defective genes, where the DNA was injured either in the fetus, or in the ancestors…

What would damage the DNA? for the most part the cause of permanent damage is lack of energy to notice an aberration or repair it…

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