Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Before you can go up, you need to go down! Just like in building a house.

Because unless you clear off the “stuff” and then dig deep to know what’s under the top soil, your house will be warped and collapse in a hurry, often while you are building it.

For most of you this is really bad news, because you are hellbent on staying phony happy, phony loving, phony well… delusional high self-esteem-ed, and you are unwilling to even look at what is real. But what’s real is real, and if you ignore it it will bite you in the a-s-s. No compassion, no looking, just continuing what isn’t working, and never will work is stupid… Here, I said it. Stupid. Continue reading “Emotional detox? What can it do for you??”

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Plan to create abundance plus a vibrational review of “Create Abundance 2020”

First off, this is not the cash gifting illegal pyramid scheme that Carly and Thomas Smith are promoting.

What is a cash gifting program? It’s much like a chain letter: You buy in, and hope that eventually, from the monies that people you enroll personally, you will get more money back that what you paid in.

It’s illegal. I have seen many of these spring up, from time to time. Human greed has no boundaries.

Most people that I know lost what they invested. Some, with lots of salesmanship and a lot of acquaintances, made some money, but they made it on the misery of others.

What is the vibration of that program? On a scale of 1-1000 it is, the vibration, 5. Depraved.

Now, if you came here because you were looking for that cash gifting program, Create Abundance 2020 or any other name, please leave. You won’t be interested in anything I have to say.

You are probably desperate, or too greedy to be interested.

The average vibration of people who are interested in that is 100. Look it up on the Map of Consciousness…

Now, let’s look at stuff that people with a higher vibration, with a higher level of consciousness would like to read. Something that isn’t illegal…

By the way, if you haven’t read my Effortless Abundance 39 page ebook/PDF, it’s a great read and will give you a great foundation for the rest of the article.
Continue reading “Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’”

The DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

The DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

The new capacity, the capacity to see the consequences of your actions, The Sight, is an unconscious capacity. Unconscious meaning: you don’t necessarily notice any difference, especially if

    1. your ego keeps shouting: “it’s hopeless…”
    2. the subconscious will keep on feeding you the same nonsense it’s been feeding you to get you where you are…
    3. greed, urges, jumping, impulsiveness will have you jump without looking. The fact that you can see doesn’t guarantee that you’ll look.
The fact that you can see doesn’t guarantee that you’ll look.

All activation was successful… I am writing in the process, and I almost never write: the energy went through…

I take it for granted that you understand. I found out some people don’t… 🙁

Ego noise

here is a person who will have a hard time acting with what he sees, because of all the noise the ego makes:

this is what I wrote down while I was doing the activation Continue reading “The DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions”

The bliss of being who you are, the bliss of being your Self

The bliss of being who you are, the bliss of being your Self

I wrote this article five years ago. But it goes well with my next… so I am republishing it… so they can be read together.

Last night I finished watching the British series, ‘The Paradise’ about the first department store in London.

I learned something I probably would not have been able to learn anywhere else.

The series is mainly about two characters, the owner of the store who created it. He came from nothing, and is a true entrepreneur.

The other character is a small-town girl, who works for him, and discovers herself as an entrepreneur. Discovers is the key word.
Continue reading “The bliss of being who you are, the bliss of being your Self”

Authenticity… your power belongs to you

Authenticity… your power belongs to you

Authenticity examined through movies…

When I watch TV series on Netflix or Amazon, or read thrillers, I working… wouldn’t you like to get a job like that? lol.

When I was in high school, I joined every group, every course, went to every seminar that spoke about movie making, the art.

When I had my high school final exams, I got lucky and I pulled question #40 on movie making… I so fascinated the three teachers that were the “jury” that I upset the exam schedule…

The trick (what I didn’t know} was that I watched the movies on all levels, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I felt the feelings of the characters, while I saw them and while I heard them.

360 degree experience.

My experience is that I can go to the movies with anyone, and come out and find out that we saw two different movies… Very weird.

Anyway… One of the phenomenon I can see, hear and feel, that most people can’t, is authenticity.
Continue reading “Authenticity… your power belongs to you”

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

Is it Trust or a belief? Are you trusting or believing? Can you tell?

I wrote this article six years ago… and except for “current events” it is still accurate… My webhost hasn’t kicked me out… yet… lol.

This word, trust, has been coming up  too frequently, in conversations with my students. I consider that coming up guidance, so let me start exploring trust: what it is, what it isn’t, and how to deal with lack of trust, or the different forms of distrust… and also where it comes from.

I had a great opportunity to observe myself today. My webhost shut down my site for a reason of their own. A year ago that was a daily occurrence, but this was a first since.
Continue reading “Is it Trust or a belief? Are you trusting or believing? Can you tell?”

Magic Bullet… How To Make a Miracle

You wave your magic wand, and bada bing bada bang, a little magic dust, and you have a miracle.

  • Or you take a little pill, and you wake up beautiful, slim, sexy, and rich.
  • Or you pray that God gives you a miracle
  • Or you meditate
  • Or you buy that get-rich-quick scheme that promises overnight money with no work at all
  • Or you play it over and over in the theater of your mind… You feel it… you appreciate everything… still…

But all these don’t cause a miracle.

No matter how skillfully you wave the wand, or how fancy (and expensive) the little pill is, how passionately you pray… etc. etc. etc.

No. none of them work.
Continue reading “Magic Bullet… How To Make a Miracle”

Do you want it just in case, or is it just in time? Updated

I see this time and time again: if and when you need it, there is a triple amount of chance that you will actually do what you need to do to learn it, engage with it, read it… do it.

Triple is still small for most people… but it is, hell, three times more than you would do if you just wanted it. 1

Want what? Growing, practice, spiritual capacities, healing, courses, coaching… transformation, living on the vertical plane, in reality, where nothing is wrong. That is what I “sell”…

I have been struggling to get through to this one client to be able to support him in using and keeping the activation of the capacity “causing.” Causing your life, to own what belongs to you, to own what you are doing, what you are feeling, even what you are NOT feeling.

Causing is a very high capacity, dependent on your capacity to own what you can own. What belongs to you.

I can feel that most of the time he is on his computer, reading articles. Continue reading “Do you want it just in case, or is it just in time? Updated”

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving, Pursuing, Fighting For. Even What You Call “Loving” Is Greed. Sorry to burst your bubble…

And all resistance in the chest, in the pit of the stomach and in the shoulders… whatever the reasoning.

What is the opposite of greed?

I mean, if you knew that anything with any element of greed in it works to your detriment: it makes you miserable, and it repels what you are greedy for… You would get curious what is the opposite of greed, wouldn’t you?
Continue reading “Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving”