If you can’t move from A to B… The Too Direct Approach To Anything

hammer_break1I just finished watching a long (2 and a half hour long!) webinar, and one of the phrases that I want to borrow from there, is this: it’s not you, it’s your approach that makes you get less out of life than you could.

One of these approaches I see often that rob you of success is:

The Too Direct Approach To Things

One of the mistakes, one of the false beliefs, one of the erroneous ideas your paradigm gives you is to attempt to get from point A to point B through the straight, direct route.

But… No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created It 1

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Who or What is calling the shot in your life?

Who or What is calling the shot in your life? Commitment – new thoughts, new experiences

This is a continuation of the c-word article… and the getting ready for a breakthrough article. Read them first or this article won’t make sense completely

Displacement of your commitment:

As I have written before, the “universe” or the aspect of you that conspires and is in cahoots with the Universe, will put up obstacles in your path, so instead of doing stuff that’s consistent with your commitment, you are now on a detour path: handling your obstacles.

Alex, a friend of mine, is dealing with his server and his websites being hacked… a moment after he made a commitment to growth. So he feels forced to deal with that, instead of following the path he set for himself.
Continue reading “Who or What is calling the shot in your life?”

You have to get ready for a breakthrough? WTF? Why?

You have to get ready for a breakthrough? WTF? Why?

ugly duckling to beautiful swanOne of my students had a breakthrough on the Monday webinar.

To me it came out of the blue… nothing seemed to be building up to it.

I got intensely curious. After all, when you don’t or can’t acknowledge the “real” source of a breakthrough, then you can’t sustain the result the breakthrough. It looks like divine intervention: you are not causing it, some “entity” does… and all you can do is pray for rain…
Continue reading “You have to get ready for a breakthrough? WTF? Why?”

No One Is A Prophet In Their Own Land, in their family

No One Is A Prophet In Their Own Land, in their family

Passover and Easter around, you’ll spend time with family. You’ll see examples of “No One Is A Prophet In Their Own Land.”

You’ll be on both sides… by the way. But if you are one of my students, you will feel that you have something to teach your family: and no one will be interested. Get prepared!

In fact they will try to discourage you from continuing to pursue what you pursue when you spend time with me or my writing.

I’ve been teaching the Original Design for five years.

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Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

I had an interesting insight today.

Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.

Today he wrote meĀ  a “Dear John” email, saying

Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.

when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection. this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.

I knew, that this path is not for me. therefore I will sign off , thank you for accepting.

I also thank you for a life-changing week and wish you the very best

I felt grief, pain, sadness, and allowed it to just be there… I felt that this incident is going to take me to a place I hadn’t seen before.

And it did… here is what I saw:

to your computer… Link at the end of the article

Continue reading “Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?”

Updated: Does Meditation raise your awareness? Your ‘worth a damn’ factor

awareness-meterDoes Meditation raise your awareness?

There are lots of interpretations of meditation, so I am going to share mine.

Meditation is a practice to increase awareness.

Awareness is a transitive word: it has a direction. Awareness of what? And therein lies the mischief when people use the word.

  1. Awareness is always directed.

    When some of my students meditate, they go into la-la land… they literally become unconscious. Although after a long life of busy mind that is blissful, it is not useful.

  2. Awareness, and therefore meditation is useful.

    Continue reading “Updated: Does Meditation raise your awareness? Your ‘worth a damn’ factor”

Destinations and directions… or ‘cheap closure now’

Destinations and directions… or ‘cheap closure now’

Easy as apple pie…

But that gives rise to the ‘this isn’t it‘ and ‘somewhere else is better than here‘ way of living.

It also gives rise to another detrimental cultural phenomenon: cheap closure now.

I am from Hungary. Famous for its bakery, pastries…

Let us look at a problem that needs fixing: fruit pie filling.
Continue reading “Destinations and directions… or ‘cheap closure now’”

Is Sophie enlightened? Has she attained to whatever?

Is Sophie enlightened? Has she attained to whatever?

Often (too often!) people write to me telling me that I am not supposed to get angry, not supposed to be stingy, not supposed to be on thing or another…

Why? Because enlightened means, according to them, forever joyful, forever happy, and rich, rich, rich.

Having smooth youthful face, a radiant smile, and a slim body, if you are a woman. Men have no such requirements. They can be ugly, they can be a predator, they can be even disgusting looking. For men it’s OK.

So, what is the truth about enlightenment? Is there such a thing at all?

The answer depends on who you ask, but whoever you ask: they are speaking from Tree of Knowledge.

Why? Because if you say ‘I am enlightened’ according to scriptures you are lying.
And if you say ‘I am not enlightened’ you don’t know what you are talking about…

Enlightened is a trick. Just like it is a trick to call Jesus (if he existed at all) the son of god.

It is to feed the masses with inferiority… you are not like that. Creating a caste system.

Or alternatively, since the last century, anyone who can say ohm, and sit in the lotus position is ‘an enlightened master. I just found a new ‘enlightened master’ Ibrahim Hassan in Egypt. He has 10 spiritual capacities, personal vibration 170, and truth value less than 1%

enlightened masterspiritually aware: having a good and accurate grasp on how reality is… This is the dictionary meaning. When I listen to people, they say: enlightened with reverence… so, I guess, their meaning is something like approaching god-like.
enlightened master ibrahimibrahim-hassanI both listened to this person, and watched this person with the audio off… Both times I felt his impostor syndrome, I felt that he listen with the mind and speaks from the mind. None of what he says is his personal experience. Fake…
enlightened master ibrahim hassanAs I said, bs artist.

‘, a guru, and your job is touch their feet and sit with them so you can entrain yourself to their vibration.

But my measurements of any guru is that they were and are low vibration, full of anxiety, impostor syndrome, who abused their power and had no integrity.

So the so-called enlightenment, looking through the ‘enlightened ones’ is a scam to create a them and you… hunger and greed for enlightenment, no mind, silence, and such.

So the result is more anxiety, more pretense, and more misery. Wahoo… success?!

My claim to fame is not what I have attained to. My claim to fame is that I don’t ask you to do anything I am not willing to do, and 90% of the time I actually do, when I ask you to do it.

My claim to fame is I am a ‘man of understanding’ using Osho’s wording, Osho’s expression. That simply means that I don’t say something from my head, I look, I see, I say.

And given the number of years that I have been doing this, I see a lot more than anyone I know, and a lot more accurately. That is not to say that I am accurate 100% of the time. According to muscletest, I am accurate 93% of the time. 7% of the time I am off. How off? Off…

Compared to the 2%-10% truth value of others, I am up there, but I am not 100%.

Now, with that in mind, that is only when I speak. And mostly when I speak about you to you.

When it comes to me, I am wrong 20% of the time. Why? Because it is very hard to see your own self.

So if I lived till 120, I still would not see myself accurately, even though it is a daily occurrence that I see something I was wrong about.

Can you be with me, can you trust me if I am only accurate 93% of the time? And that with double-checking myself with muscletest, really frequently… Without that I would be wrong a lot more often.

Some people, especially if your soul correction is ‘Silent Partner’, have a serious issue with trust.

It is because you are afraid to trust yourself. Because you have an eye for mistakes you make… and you even pay more attention than others.

So your issue with self-trust is projected to others in the world, and you’ll have a hard time trusting me.

One of the fundamental missings, for a lot of people, is self-trust, the ability to say: if I screw up: I can handle it. If I succeed, I can handle that too.

Self-trust is the ability to say: I can handle it.

When self trust is turned on and is working, you stop resisting, you stop procrastinating, you stop avoiding what you are not sure about… and become an expanding human going on expanding human being.

Because lack of self-trust is preventing you from that…

The activation is, on your end, is quite simple: you need to do, for three days, things you are not used to doing: taking risky steps, talking to strangers, asking for help, taking wrong turns driving, taking on assignment you are not sure you can fulfill but are going to.

It will not eliminate fear: I am still afraid from new things… but I am rarely stopped by them. Now that I have included being homeless as something I can be with… I can see that I can handle a lot more… Jail? dealing with authorities? Still scares the living out of me… So self-trust is 70% working.

And this is what you should expect with every capacity: it is a 1-100% thing… For example, generosity is only 30% active and working for me. I still interrupt people, I still connect their success with my no-success and react with anger…

Whether I am ‘enlightened’ or not, I am still human.

PS: If self-trust is your big issue, here is the link to order the activation of self-trust. Self-trust is sorely needed for most of the things on the Tree of Life.

Especially it is needed when I ask you to choose something, or invent something, as in the upcoming Invent Your Self course…

What can Columbo teach us after 30 years? In becoming an expanding human being…

What does Columbo can teach us after 30 years?Do you remember Columbo? The detective in his rumpled trench coat?

I watched all Columbo episodes I could while still in Hungary, it was that long ago.

In one of those episodes a person got suddenly thirsty and went out for a coke, during a movie in a cinema… And I don’t remember if he was killed, or he was set up…

I don’t remember, because the show was about subliminal messages spliced into the movies to increase coke drinking, etc.

The length of exposure is very brief, an it is in the middle of an interesting movie, so your mind doesn’t know you saw anything, but your behavior will show you that you saw something: you suddenly have an urge… an urge to run, an urge to stay, an urge to do something.
Continue reading “What can Columbo teach us after 30 years? In becoming an expanding human being…”

There is no secret to raising your vibration

There is no secret to raising your vibration

There is no secret, no secret ingredient to raising your vibration, to become an expanding human being.

For those of you who have been making ever tightening circles around the secret, you may call it the Truth, this article will be first a big let-down. A disappointment. Continue reading “There is no secret to raising your vibration”