Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?

What is the difference between an opinion 1 and an assessment, an observation, a statement, a theory, a hypothesis?

Many people use one word for many different things…

I have this “friend” who climbs the same steps I climb, except that he climbs it seven times each time, I climb it once or twice. He is a little younger than me.

I am fond of him: he is one of the handful of people I regularly talk to, eye to eye.

I often walk with him as he walks home: I guess I am hungry for human companionship: 10-20 minutes at a clip. Continue reading “Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?”

How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?

How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?

coherence, high vibrationAs I was looking for a picture for this post, I realized that vibration, raising your vibration, as a topic, probably has more bullshit out there than even food…

I can safely say that EVERYTHING you find is that… b.s. and has nothing to do with vibration, or consciousness… So maybe this article is a little late… but better late than never? Continue reading “How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?”

Raising your vibration? Are you sure that is what you want? Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?

Raising your vibration? Are you sure that is what you want?  Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?
Are you sure that what you want is Raising your vibration? Or do you just want feel good about yourself?

When people come to my site, buy a product or sign up to my mailing list, I ask them what they expect to find, what they expect to get.

Ultimately I find out that they don’t know what vibration is, but they want to feel better. Feel better physically, feel better about their lives, feel better about themselves, without doing anything, changing anything.

They want it to done for them.

They may be willing to pop some pills, listen to some audios, drink some magical potions, but that’s it.

99% of my site’s visitorsĀ are not willing to inconvenience themselves in any way.

They want the same life, do the same things, the exact same way, but have a different result: feel better.

When I get a person to ask me to measure their vibration, 50% of them know that their vibration is low, and agree with the number I send their way.
The other half argues: “But I am such a nice person. Kind, caring, volunteer saving cats, blah blah blah”
Continue reading “Raising your vibration? Are you sure that is what you want? Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?”

What is it that hides it from you that you have been wrong?

What is it that hides it from you that you have been wrong?

The biggest issue is not what you have. The biggest issue is how you use it.

I get a lot of emails. People want better health. People want more money. People want to make a difference. People want to have a higher vibration.

What no one has said to me: I want to know more. I want to see more. I want to grow.

One of my students wrote to me this morning: How must it be to see so clearly the truth of things invisible to others? I wonder.

If I took you on the top of the Empire State building, you would be able to recognize a few landmarks, more if you are from New York.

Vibration, the number, is like the number of floors you are above street level.

But it is not enough to be higher, it is important to see things for what they are.

Actually: what raises your vibration is seeing things for what they are. The more precisely and accurately you see things for what they are, the higher your vibration. Astute is the common name for it.

Continue reading “What is it that hides it from you that you have been wrong?”

The hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity you rush into… headfirst…

The hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity you rush into… headfirst…

actions-over-wordsThe hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity do you rush into… headfirst… That activity can be four kinds… four conative types, four types of conative actions… reading, planning, action, and execution.

Scientific name for your “how” is Conation. It is innate, and it is NOT changeable.

Regardless… I have been looking at taming my own… I find that it is not tamable. It is what it is.

But I have come to suspect that what you do after you do what your Conation makes you do is when the magic happens.

You see, all people belong to three types. People who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder what happened. But all three types will, if you ask them, explain why they did what they did… and it will be all a lie. A big fat lie. Continue reading “The hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity you rush into… headfirst…”

How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…

How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…
let me measure your vibrationHow to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency

The vibration number, often called ‘vibrational frequency,’ tells a lot about a person.

According to many teachers, you need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want…

This video is about that:

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding. Continue reading “How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…”

Want to change how you feel? Want to change what you believe? You are in for a surprise…

the secret of change is to focus all your energy on building the newIf I asked you if you are trying to change anything or anyone in your life, every one of you would say yes, many things.

The beingness of wanting to change someone or something is “something/someone is wrong” and then the second part “unless they/it change, I cannot be well.”

The vibrational frequency of that being, on the David Hawkins map of consciousness, is 120.

And if you listen to ads, if you listen to gurus, everyone suggest that you should change stuff, especially your beliefs.

There are entire programs dedicated to changing your beliefs, especially your beliefs about money, love, abundance.

The vibration of the desire to change stuff, especially stuff you have no control over, is 120.

You have no control over your beliefs.

Now what? Are you stuck where you are?

Probably… unless.
Continue reading “Want to change how you feel? Want to change what you believe? You are in for a surprise…”

As promised: what is vibration? What does the vibration number measure?

earthquake ready structure higher vibrationI promised in my email… and here it is: my current understanding of the vibrational number

Dr. David Hawkins, whose vibrational or consciousness table I have been using to explain what the numbers I give you when I measure your vibration, thought that your emotional state correlates closely and well with your level of consciousness.

Instead of arguing that… what is there to argue?

You feel the way you feel.

On the other hand, if you look at those emotional states, it could be said that they hide, hide well, beingness states.
Continue reading “As promised: what is vibration? What does the vibration number measure?”

Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?

lonelinessDoes one size fit all… What is good for one will be good for you too?

Yesterday a reader asked what is the series I watched all day on my birthday.

The question indicates and unmasks a cultural phenomenon: thinking that what is good for one will be good for you… Nothing is further from the truth, and nothing is as debilitating and enslaving than thinking that.

I saw two movies a few years ago, both have a protagonist who dies but doesn’t know he died.

We see the world through is eyes… When it comes to the idea of life after death, the question is: what does this idea do to you and your life?
Continue reading “Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?”

Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission

spreading_misery_equallyUnless you learn how to identify with the Witness aka Observer, you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Guaranteed.

It’s Sunday. Ever since I woke up the Negative Emotion Transmission has been very strong today. Stronger than on a weekday.

It is by design. The owners of the transmission want to spread misery on your day off. Why? I don’t know.

What is your recourse? You can’t protect yourself from the misery transmission.

You can do three things, maybe four. Continue reading “Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission”