Want to learn how to live a frustration free life?

Want to learn how to live a frustration free life?

In this article, with your permission, I’ll teach you a little bit of real thinking. How to think. A thinking move. So you can get more aware, and have a lot better life, a lot better results in life than without having some ability to think… or specifically this ability I’ll teach.

OK, the topic we’ll dig deep on is frustration.

But before I go on, let me share something that happened to me when I was around 29.

I had a new boy friend, 13 years older than me, very accomplished in life, and like all Virgos, willing to look, willing to teach, willing to engage.

I was an architect already, by the way. Continue reading “Want to learn how to live a frustration free life?”

You are infected with memes.

memes are virusesHumanity is infected with memes. The infection accelerated when the internet began, and is now almost 100% with smartphones in every hand.

But some people didn’t get infected. What is their secret?

OK, let’s start at the beginning.

  1. What is a meme?
  2. What is the mechanism of a meme?
  3. What does a meme do?
  4. Who/what benefits?
  5. What counteracts?
  6. What cures?
    1. So, what is a meme?

      Continue reading “You are infected with memes.”

A telltale sign that you are self-referential. Is that the main cause of your misery?


“Admire as much as you can. Most people do not admire enough.”
– Vincent van Gogh

Admiring people who are worthy of our admiration doesn’t cost us anything. Same with admiring animals and plants and natural phenomena: no pain involved. Same with admiring great accomplishments by our fellow humans: no agony or agitation required.

I have said it before: being able to admire, to being in awe is one of the most uplifting and purifying experiences. Now you know who you are, in relation to that which you admire, and you know where you are going.

The above is a quote from Rob Brezsny’s newsletter. Of course Rob Brezsny is a “wearing pink color glasses” type of person, who refuses to see shadows. So here are the shadows that get revealed when you attempt to admire someone:
Continue reading “A telltale sign that you are self-referential. Is that the main cause of your misery?”

Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe is it?

I was looking for pictures for “accurate knowledge” on google… hardly any results. Then I looked for “garbage in garbage out, and I hit the jackpot”… I will put some of the best pictures at the end of this article… they are really funny… But now, let me get to the knowledge article…. OK, here you go:

I am reading Aristotle.

Why? It’s an excellent wake-up call. It knocks you conscious… It has knocked me conscious!

2400 years ago, when Aristotle lived, people, scientists, knew very little about much of anything. They weren’t less inquisitive, they didn’t have less theories, they didn’t argue less. They probably argued more…

They just had theories that are quite ridiculous by today’s standards, knowing what we know today.

Here are a few examples… Be prepared to laugh… Continue reading “Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe is it?”

I make decisions really slowly. One may even accuse me of procrastination…

slow decisions vs fast decisionsLet me correct that: I consider most decisions I make a test. Experiment. Rough draft. 1


Yeah, I thought so. I thought it will sound foreign… But you will learn something, through this article, that is not common knowledge… and it is even new to me!

Decisions are an expensive activity for the brain. Any choice is. Important choices and unimportant choices equally use up a renewable resource, for ease of language, I’ll call glycogen, although it may not be that.

You wake up with more of that glycogen… it replenished itself during the night… If your sleep is restless, then you won’t have your full stores of glycogen: ever since that nurse moved to the next house, my sleep is restless. Even with the audios… Mind you, I have tried to sleep without the audio, and slept a total of 58 minutes that night. With the audio I wake up a few times, and dream or solve puzzles, or write articles in my mind, but I sleep and wake up rested. So…

And yet, I have less glycogen than if I slept through the night without working in my sleep…

But I digress… What I really want to teach you is… Continue reading “I make decisions really slowly. One may even accuse me of procrastination…”

What do you wish you were acknowledged for?

What do you wish you were acknowledged for?

I am lucky. Life always offers me plenty to write about. 1

People say I am prolific, and if you look at my results: I write a lot. But… but if you asked me what I want to be acknowledged for, I wouldn’t say: for the number of articles. The number of articles only shows the tip of the iceberg. Continue reading “What do you wish you were acknowledged for?”

How is your brain like a guitar? The American Idol syndrome

What do mad scientists do? And why are they considered mad?

Mad scientists go beyond the obvious. They go beyond the visible. They go beyond the socially accepted map of reality, that is obviously faulty.

They are mad because they don’t care if they fit in. In their world, in my world, you are mad if you want to fit in.

Fitting in means dumb, superficial, gullible, manipulable, ignorant, sick, tired, and aimless.

So your reason to be here is all caused by what you find most important: to fit in.

Humans have this big brain, and they never bother to learn how to use it. Continue reading “How is your brain like a guitar? The American Idol syndrome”

You are a mad scientist? then the world is your laboratory

You are a mad scientist? then the world is your laboratory

I am sparkling today with insights.

Yesterday, just before the skies closed on the Days of Power energy, my friend reminded me to refill my cup again. And I did… and today my world is showering me with insights.

About your expectation and reality… The gap… the discrepancy… and how you don’t learn from it. Continue reading “You are a mad scientist? then the world is your laboratory”

People don’t care how much you know until…

People don’t care how much you know until…
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

As you know, I am a mad scientist. Mad, because I test things other people wouldn’t. Scientist because I talk, then test, then share it.

In thousands of experiments I have developed a sixth sense. What you would call the truth sensing ability.

It is a feeling that only develops after knowing a lot…

I am exposed to a lot of books, a lot of information, and this sixth sense has helped me to read only what has the kind of truth in it that is actually useful for me and my clients. Continue reading “People don’t care how much you know until…”

What should you work on to raise your vibration?

bach flower remedy bottlesYour Bach Profile… a tool for abundance

The first question everyone who actually wants to grow, raise their vibration, and stop being sick, dumb, and poor asks: so what do I do first?

Of course this is a good question… but until this week I really didn’t have a reliable answer. I didn’t have a good answer. I actually didn’t know…

But this week this is opening up, and I have been able to see some answers.

Of course when I have a chance to spend an hour or two with you, I rarely have a problem… but I rarely spend an hour or two with a complete beginner, unless they need a health consultation.

But my newly re-discovered tool, the Bach Profile is proving to be invaluable.
Continue reading “What should you work on to raise your vibration?”