As promised: what is vibration? What does the vibration number measure?

earthquake ready structure higher vibrationI promised in my email… and here it is: my current understanding of the vibrational number

Dr. David Hawkins, whose vibrational or consciousness table I have been using to explain what the numbers I give you when I measure your vibration, thought that your emotional state correlates closely and well with your level of consciousness.

Instead of arguing that… what is there to argue?

You feel the way you feel.

On the other hand, if you look at those emotional states, it could be said that they hide, hide well, beingness states.
Continue reading “As promised: what is vibration? What does the vibration number measure?”

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?
can-you-be-with-rapeCan you be with it?

Can you just be… not running away. Not trying to fix it. Not hating it. Just BE. Be there.

Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be?

And observe? And do nothing?

None of your buttons pushed, none of your usual anger, or whatever… just silence, just peace, just emergence? Continue reading “Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?”

The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All

buddha had the capacity of having, the capacity of allowingThis article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.

But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…

Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.
Continue reading “The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All”