All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is…

All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is…

I have been curious why certain things I could do, like certain marketing moves, but I am not doing them.

Actually, there are quite a few things that I know I can do, and I don’t do them.

What’s there is fear. Mortal fear.

I am sure you recognize yourself.

Recognize that mortal fear. In ordinary language we call this procrastination. So if you are a procrastinator, if you think you are a procrastinator, listen up! Continue reading “All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is…”

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego, and how can we make it really useful? You don’t have any part that is not useful!

I just had a ‘conversation’ with a student, where I suggested that she uses ego to support her growth.

From her answers it has become clear that ‘using ego’ is not a commonplace conversation, and that it needs instruction.

Culture condemns ego… as if it were a bad thing.

So let’s see what ego is, and what it isn’t.

Ego is a lot like a kitchen knife: you can use it for good, for useful, or for harm… kill with it. You can also use it to clean it under your nails… somewhat useful, but not the right tool… Continue reading “Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?”

Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?

I had an interesting insight this morning.

Putting a price tag on any product, service, or coaching is going to be a lie. My courses. My strategy sessions. My coaching. My health consultations. My activators. My Water Energizer. My Heaven on Earth…

Really, almost any product.

For one main reason:

You, The Buyer, create the value for yourself!

Continue reading “Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?”

12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn

12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn

Becoming worth a damn is what people in my 67 step coaching program are working on. But here is an aspect that is not touched on by Tai Lopez and his 67 steps program.

Being worth a damn is a tricky distinction: there are no guidelines to follow. If you want to be worth a damn, where you want to look is what value other people assign to you, how much respect, support, love, etc. you get from other people.

This is also my first time looking at life through this question, and myself have found two behaviors I haven’t eliminated completely, and all the negative social feedback is caused by those. Continue reading “12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn”

Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method? Lottery Approach?

Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method? Lottery Approach?

There are really two types of people when it comes to making more money: one group will chase the mirage, the lottery approach, winning, betting on schemes… and the other, the tiny group that sees that making more money is a natural fallout of becoming worth a damn.

I am interested in talking to the second group, the tiny group.

You see, knowing that you should become worth a damn is nice and dandy… but knowing with pinpoint accuracy where you aren’t… what it is that you need to do next to increase your worth a damn factor is crucial.

Life is holographic. Maybe it is the Universe… but who am I to just repeat something I heard… I don’t know about the Universe. But I do know about Life. Continue reading “Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method? Lottery Approach?”

No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard

No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard
No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard… A Marshmallow eater…

(or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard score)

This morning I am running on fumes…

TLB – Twitchy Little Bastard; a person who is too anxious for results. Also a person who has no ability to control his urges… like the urge to fix what they see as wrong. Continue reading “No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard”

If I asked you: how much of my articles you actually get… What would you say?

If I asked you: how much of my articles you actually get…  What would you say?

If I asked you: how much of my articles you actually get… What would you say?

Experiments and tests show that if you have the right attitude, high level of interest, and you are coherent: you can receive as much as 7% of what is being said. Word based communication.

Re-listening or re-reading the same thing won’t improve the percentage much. Why? Because what you think is there replaces, effectively, what you hear or read the second time.

This is what is normal.

What is also normal is to believe that you got 100%. And for the speaker to think that you can get more than 7%.

Continue reading “If I asked you: how much of my articles you actually get… What would you say?”

People who become worth a damn have stuff in common

People who become worth a damn have stuff in common

libraryWhat is in common, what is a shared characteristic among them? What does all people who are worth a damn do?

There is not much in common. It is not talent. It is not ethnicity. Not personality or schooling. Not religious affiliation.

The one common characteristic I have found is books. People who become worth a damn are readers.

Even more importantly than being a reader: the most important commonality is when they started to read.
Continue reading “People who become worth a damn have stuff in common”

Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

arrogance is weakness disguised as strengthThe most popular image I have on Instagram says: Arrogance is weakness disguised as strength.

Now, why this is worth writing about?

Because it is the tip of the iceberg of something really important.

We have spoken about the selfish gene. For the gene you are a survival vehicle only. And a person, who is not related to you, is competition, rival… standing in your gene’s way to make more copies of itself.

I know this is unfamiliar territory, but please bear with me, because where it is taking us is worth going to… so patience… you don’t have to understand the genes… unless you really want to.

I don’t want to add another worthless article to the already millions of worthless articles on human nature. Continue reading “Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?”

Life skills… skills you need for a good life

Life skills… skills you need for a good life

Here is an article from skills you need dot com

Become worth a damn

The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life.

Life skills are usually associated with managing and living a better quality of life. They help us to accomplish our ambitions and live to our full potential.

Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills.

Here at Skills You Need you’ll find lots of information about life skills and life skill development. We don’t cover tying your shoe laces but you will find hundreds of articles around personal development.

Continue reading “Life skills… skills you need for a good life”