If it is about winning… you have already lost.

If it is about winning… you have already lost.

life is about how you playLife is not about winning. Life is about how you play…

It is impossible to win. Life is not a winnable game. And wanting to win is setting you up for misery.

So what is this ‘wanting to win?’

It is an agenda. And like any agenda, it creates a narrow cone of vision, and a forceful ignorance of anything outside of that narrow cone.

This results in three things: Continue reading “If it is about winning… you have already lost.”

How Queen Elizabeth can teach you a lot about life, and how to live it successfully

How Queen Elizabeth can teach you a lot about life, and how to live it successfully

There is an arc to this article… I arrive to the answer after a journey to it, in the second half…

What is the reason that some people learn and grow, while others stagnate?

I read an interesting sentence in an old marketing book:

“Generally we don’t decide we want to get married and then pick the person who seems to be the most desperate to get married and propose to them.”

In that document, TheMissingChapter, the author talks about selecting a business to pursue, but what he says applies to any aspect of life.

  • If you are desperate for money… banks won’t loan you any.
  • If you are desperate for love… it will elude you.
  • If you are desperate for success… you’ll make all the wrong decisions.

Desperation is a very poor advisor, it makes you incoherent.

The worst mistake a service provider can make is cater to desperate people.
Continue reading “How Queen Elizabeth can teach you a lot about life, and how to live it successfully”

Hemp kernels… the perfect food that’s also tasty

Hemp kernels… the perfect food that’s also tasty

I don’t remember why I first bought hemp seeds but I did… and ate a tablespoonful here and there. Last September, I think…

It made no noticeable difference. I guess the hulled seeds and little bits of hull staying in the mix didn’t make it that appetizing. Had to brush my teeth after it… the kernels stuck to my teeth.

But when about a month ago I found out that coffee was going to kill me, lol, I was looking for something that could help. I wanted to go back to drinking tea, but I can’t drink tea without milk. And tea without milk also tests too acidic for me. That was also the problem with coffee. I have a sensitive stomach and a damaged esophagus.

So I looked for information on how to make almond milk at home, and found out that hulled hemp seeds made great hemp milk… Tested it and lo and behold, they do. Much smoother and richer than almonds.

And because I am a tea addict, I am drinking a godawful lot of hemp milk with my tea… and I am getting better. Healthier. Stronger. Younger looking. My wrinkles are smoothing out, which I didn’t much care about, but others do. Continue reading “Hemp kernels… the perfect food that’s also tasty”

Personhood understanding the 13th floor dynamics

Personhood understanding the 13th floor dynamics

In my coaching I am seeing a phenomenon that can only be understood once you start mastering the 13th floor through the books, ground breaking new book “Feelings” by Margoczi, and the follow-up: “Words,” plus through getting to know your feelings… The Feelings webinars can help you get started in that.

Sidenote: the author of the book isn’t even willing to entertain the word: emotions. This should tell you something.

In the world of symbols, the level of words, most people use the words feeling and emotion interchangeably, but they are actually not even connected directly.
  • Feelings are a 13th floor phenomenon. They are as physical as anything, measurable, and make a lot of sense.
  • Emotions are a 15th floor phenomenon, and are entirely culturally defined. They are the marker feelings of words… and there is nothing that makes sense about them. Anything that is culturally defined is designed to confuse and enslave you. No kidding.

Continue reading “Personhood understanding the 13th floor dynamics”

I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

health-spiritualitySource says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.

To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.

You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.

Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.

So I have surrendered… OK. I’ll get you well. If that is what I need to do so I can take you to the level of human being… which requires serious spiritual growth, new capacities, new way of being.

Continue reading “I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well”

The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?

The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?
mutually exclusive outcomesWhy and how you got stuck?
  • When you see that acting would make a positive difference, but you don’t act.
  • When you see that if you did what you said you would do, you could… but you don’t do it.
  • When you see that staying angry or right will cost you everything you ever wanted… but being angry or being right is soooo justified…!

What is it that counters you taking that action, when you don’t do what you see would be a good move?
What is winning when you are obviously losing?

Obviously, as always, the answer to those questions is under the hood.

Obviously, because above the hood you are losing. But under the hood, something or someone is winning…
Continue reading “The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?”