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Become all you can become with Sophie
He that won't be counselled, can't be helped
I am doing a business project with my brand spanking new coach… and…
As it was predictable, this is my fourth day only, I already got to a place, where fear is coming up.
I am glad, because I am so rarely afraid. This will give me an opportunity to notice something Tree of Life for my scaredy cat clients and students.
IT, the voice, is whispering sweet nothings into my ear, lol. ‘It’s not important.‘ ‘You are already fine.‘ ‘What if you lose all the money you’ve made?‘ ‘he doesn’t know…‘ Continue reading “When you are afraid… what is there to do?”
What is an adult, what is a child… and does your ego-state (Child, Parent, Adult) influence how much money you have, how much love you have, how healthy you are?
One of the distinctions is field. A field is a lot like context: it’s decisive. It limits what can be inside it… Field as a distinction is smaller than distinction, it is a subset of contexts… Its defining criteria is the relationships between participants. Continue reading “How old is your child self that is running your life”
This is a great question, if you have curiosity the capacity turned on. This is an even greater question for you if you have been trying to learn, by signing up to my programs, or buying a capacity from me, and you are failing.
Here is the statement I paid more than 20 thousand dollars for, taken an airplane some 20 times, slept in a hotel 20 times, and got nothing else from the courses and programs I paid for…
But this sentence is worth the 20 grands it cost me to get it.
Here is the magic sentence: “When something isn’t working… there is something you don’t know.”
The sentence is brilliant… and yet it won’t work for 99% of the people…
Continue reading “You are not learning. What does the culture teach you, tell you, so that you end up not learning?”
One of the reasons you don’t grow, is because the nature of time is that it goes one way. Forward. It doesn’t stop, it doesn’t go backwards, and mistakes are mistakes made.
But we, humans, are equipped with a brain that is able to model, replay, and practice, to turn mistakes into learning. Continue reading “What do Freecell and the Groundhog day have in common?”
I don’t know what that means… but I know that I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them.
So when I find out that they don’t know about it: I am surprised.
It is nearly impossible to have an authentic conversation with someone after I already had the same conversation WITH THEM in my head.
So many things never get said. Continue reading “I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them”
Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…
Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner… Continue reading “What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?”
Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…
… if you are willing to look and see what is so about you and your life.
The truth. Naked. Ugly. Often shameful.
Here is a correspondence I had with a client today:
She said: “I’m interested in changing my context since it’s part of what keeps me stuck.”
“… answering the questions: what am I doing? Why am I doing it?
Unless you have done the work of identifying what you have been doing, and why you have been doing it, no way you can shift the context. You cannot catch what you can’t see. And you cannot change what you can’t catch.” Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…”
For decades one of my sore spots was that people refused to serve me, even though I paid them.
I remember saying to myself: my money is not good enough for you? and wept.
I had no idea how I “accomplished” that… in 20/20 hindsight it is still a little spotty.
What wasn’t clear to me, never even occurred to me, how my attitude effected the service provider. My “To what degree you think of yourself:” starting point measure was, at the time, 70%. From my behavior I would have guessed it was higher.
Mainly I overrode what they said. I argued, I knew better, I acted with contempt…
What I didn’t know then is that being a service provider needs to be a win, or no service.
A customer who is not happy is a drag on an provider, and not worth the little (or even a lot of) money they pay.
I was that kind of customer…
Continue reading “Should you become a client? Would I even accept you as a client?”
I did the first session of the Muscletesting course, version 2 yesterday.
There was a lot of things to unlearn and relearn for the students, things can and do prevent one from being effective in life.
Tons of the memes, everything and its opposite, no clarity.
What is Source. Where is the knowledge coming from when we muscletest for the truth? Is truth stagnant, the same today as it was yesterday? Does anything remain the same as it was yesterday?
The most successful people on earth know that only physical laws, the laws of physics apply here, and you can deal with the rest as appearances. A mirage. Maya. Not solid.