What do I know that you don’t, that I don’t often get upset? In spite of my peppery constitution…

you live in a world of your own designOne of the things I learned in Landmark Education, 1 is that there is physical development, and there is emotional, ethical, moral development each person needs to go through to become a fully functioning adult.

It was brand new information to me and it blew my mind.

It was new to me in spite of the fact that I was educated, having read thousands of books… even about child psychiatry, and yet, it was an earth shattering revelation to me.

I, like other people, thought that children were born with the capacity to understand why certain things are harmful, etc.

I’d thought that the inability to comprehend and appreciate responsibility for your own actions, for example, was not inability, instead it was unwillingness. Ability as programmed by the genes wasn’t becoming clear to me until about 13 years later. Continue reading “What do I know that you don’t, that I don’t often get upset? In spite of my peppery constitution…”

Without distinctions everything stays the same

Without distinctions everything stays the same

if you want a rewarding lifeIn the old Landmark Education Forum, or in the old 4-day Forum, the old Advanced course… the course leader came in yelling: “for you everything is the same as everything else…” or alternatively: “You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground“.What are distinctions and what they have to do with a life worth living?

What they meant to say is that you don’t have distinctions and therefore life is a mess of undifferentiated stuff… and you have no power with it.

Distinctions are the different ways to look at things. There are a lot of those… most of those you don’t have.

In the normal course of events you judge things looking through the distinctions you have. Why? you don’t have a choice about it.
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Is a five year old running your life? Running it to the ground?

5-year-oldThe knee jerk reaction is, universally, to want to fix what doesn’t work, what doesn’t please us.

“It’s wrong and it needs to be fixed.” you say…

This fixing thing has brought you more misery with every attempt to fix it. The more fixing you do the more unbearable life becomes, and the further the life you wanted to live has moved.

It’s not a mirage, it’s how it is. Not only seem that way. You get deeper into the bind all your fixings caused you.

But yet, every time you see something that doesn’t work as well as you’d like it, you have a new opportunity to fix it and go deeper into misery, or bring conscious awareness to it to see what you can see in the light of conscious awareness.

I will bring my example here. I’ll make it a business example, please indulge me.
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Another way lack of humility screws with you

To be unattached is not to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are attached to the world; otherwise why should you renounce it? What is the point in renouncing it if you are not attached to it? Only attachment renounces. If you are really non-attached there is no question of any renunciation.The Detached/Unattached 2 capacity workshop evolved into a major tranformational process course… which I didn’t know it was going to do. 3

Lots of insights, but here is one I want to share:

In your life, beginning with your life in the womb, you made up stories about how you are, how others are, how life is.

Your life, the quality of your life, whether you are worth a damn, whether you have knowledge, strategy, whether you do something worth doing or not, are given by the stories you made up.
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Powerful, powerless… how can you tell?

being-an-adult or being a sissyI have been getting attachments. I am noticing, they come mostly on the weekends.

So the sender or senders are working slobs… and tormenting people is their hobby.

They are, I think, using voodooo techniques: making a model of me, and pushing pins in the model.

The reason I think it is a voodoo doll, because they are getting very precise, whereas a healer who intends to heal, is very sloppy, otherwise why would they connect to another they intend to heal in their eyes, throat, of sinuses… would make no sense.

So yesterday I had four attachments on my head, in a straight line, like a mohawk head dress, and by this morning they added a fifth, smack in my Tangerine Spot.

I must be standing in the vertical dimension, because there is no anger, no anguish, no fear, no hurry… nothing. Just headache.

Now, I am sharing this for two reasons:
Continue reading “Powerful, powerless… how can you tell?”

Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.

What do I mean by that? Some people know that they are cowards, some people suspect that they may be cowards, but most people don’t know and don’t give a rat’s ass if they are cowards or not.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about humans’ delusional nature.

It takes courage to have a worldview where you are responsible for what you do, who you are being, what you say. Continue reading “Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?”

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

dying to be lovedWe all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult.

Its purpose is survival.

The organism wants to survive, desperately.

We don’t know what that love is, but we want it. And some of us want to earn it. Continue reading “Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies”

Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

purple chick strategy... beware of the dark sideDNA capacity activation is all about activating the resources of hidden and dormant in your DNA… capacities that mean the difference between a so-so life, and a good life, like resourcefulness and seeing the big picture.

All of the capacities are attitudes and emotional abilities… how you do things, not what you do.

Here is an article I saw that shows a good example or decision-making that uses capacities most people need but don’t have:

The “Purple Chick” strategy:

So what can chicken farmers in the rural district of Nakuru, in Kenya, teach us about resourcefulness?

Well it’s like this:
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You don’t have to deserve something to be deserving

agnosticLet me ask you something: do you have to deserve a body? Did you have to deserve to be able to read?

No. Deserving is much more basic, and much more profound than that kind of deserving, which would equate the word with earning.

Earning is a mercantile world’s word: it measures your work, or your merchandise against the asking price… earning.

But deserving is different, regardless how crazy that word drove me when I was a kid. My kid brother whining that he deserved whatever he was whining about.

I didn’t think I deserved anything, so he asserting that he deserved whatever, emphasized for me that I didn’t. He said he did, and I said I didn’t. It bothered me. A lot.

People around you will tell you what you deserve, but they are lying. They are playing god… Deserving comes with Life.
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Your feelings are lying to you… or why to have a coach

fear is lying to youYour feelings are lying to you

Your fear says: don’t do anything… Or it may say: run… and you run.

When you look at all the people you know, the ones that listen to their feelings are mediocre at best, No winners among them.

Because winning requires you to stay in the game, regardless of your feelings.

I say: you are stupid, a lot. What do I mean? Hey, stupid as the stupid does.

Do you know how many opportunities Bill Gates had to say: Nah, too hard! or Nah, they don’t want it. or Nah, I am too afraid.
Continue reading “Your feelings are lying to you… or why to have a coach”