Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string

I have an inquiry to engage in, a puzzle to solve, so instead of doing it in my head, I’ll do it in this article…The puzzle is resistance. Resistance to guidance, resistance to changing your mind, changing your attitude, changing your behavior, changing where you look from. CHANGE.To adapt. To using your intelligence. After all, … Continue reading “Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string”

Reality doesn’t care about beliefs. So why do you?

You can make-believe it happens, or pretend that something’s true.You can wish or hope or contemplate a thing you’d like to do,But until you start to do it, you will never see it through‘Cause the make-believe pretending just won’t do it for you. ~ Mr. Rogers NeighborhoodChildren get it that make-believe is not satisfying, so … Continue reading “Reality doesn’t care about beliefs. So why do you?”

Words, hands, facts, numbers. Which is your bailiwick?

One of the emails I never fail to read, and never fail to benefit from in some way is the Monday Morning Memo.What I like about it, and you probably would hate, judging from many YOUR choices which of my emails to read… What I like most about the Monday Morning Memo, is that it … Continue reading “Words, hands, facts, numbers. Which is your bailiwick?”

Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?

Your current core identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is ‘worthless piece of junk = unwanted’. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is … Continue reading “Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?”

Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?

Why are all the measures in the Starting Point Measurements important?Why would, for example, someone with more words have an advantage over someone who has fewer words?I am going to explain it here… But judging from my core group’s response, I am warning you, it will sound Greek to you. Unless, of course, you are … Continue reading “Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?”

The two hemispheres of the brain and spirituality…

The scenic route of getting some teaching, and making it your own.Making it nurturing, life affirming tree of life knowledgeI want to share a phenomenon, that, hopefully, will get clearer as I am sharing it. At the moment I can only see its visible aspect. I am almost certain it has an invisible aspect as … Continue reading “The two hemispheres of the brain and spirituality…”

The invisible undercurrent that is running your life

The invisible undercurrent, undertow of self-made rules… Or if you prefer, the invisible strings that move the puppet…What they talk about when they say ‘there are known knowns… etc.’Donald Rumsfeld stated:Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know … Continue reading “The invisible undercurrent that is running your life”

Can humanity be saved? Saved from itself… Let’s look

I had a birthday conversation with my big brother yesterday.I love my big brother. He is two years older than me, and until I was six years old we slept in the same bedroom, and we were the best of friends, even though he occasionally tortured me…I have two brothers. I never developed a relationship … Continue reading “Can humanity be saved? Saved from itself… Let’s look”

Don’t set ambitious goals! sounds counter cultural?

In the famous marshmallow experiment by Walter Mischel. He said that the 30% of the kids that didn’t eat the marshmallow, didn’t even look at the marshmallow. They kept doing other things, keeping their eyes off the marshmallow. Consciously, intentionally, and purposefully.The marshmallow is ‘the thing’, the goal people want… and it is what actually … Continue reading “Don’t set ambitious goals! sounds counter cultural?”

Transformational methods to get you unstuck

Or how to set the context to alter the story and therefore alter your actions?Whether you know it or not, your relationship to life is stiff, inflexible, and therefore ineffective.You look at things, always, from the same exact perspective, and therefore you see, always, the same old, same old life: good or bad, the same.