Where are the answers? Within or without?

I already know, I don't have to lookI spend time observing visitors’ behavior on my site. I wonder why they want to learn to connect to Source… I wonder why they want to know their vibration. I wonder why they come at all…

Finally, today, at least one of those questions got answered in one of Tai Lopez‘ emails… I’ll publish it here, and then I’ll comment.

He asks:

Are the answers within you?

The other day I was reading one of the greatest books of all time: The Analects by Confucius 1

One line in Book 15 stuck out, “I once did not eat all day and did not sleep all night in order to think, but there was no benefit. It would have been better to study.”

It reminded me of a lie so many of us have bought into – that all the answers are “inside of us.”

Confucius says that’s a bunch of B.S.

The answers are not within us. They are OUTSIDE of us – they are external.
Continue reading “Where are the answers? Within or without?”

Why, your chances to become worth a damn (dime?), are less than 2%?

the-life-of-a-teacherFirst things first: the saying is “become worth a damn.” But a lot of people consider damn a curse word, so they say “become worth a dime”… Oh well, here you have it. Become worth a dime… lol.

Second: let me explain the picture: no teacher is worth a darn, unless the student is able to handle, utilize what the teacher teaches. And therein lies all the difficulty you are experiencing.

As you can, maybe, track, I am becoming obsessed with learning to learn… or more precisely said, teaching you to learn to learn…

Because you have been mislead.

Even MY parents tried to mislead ME… lol.

I was dyslexic, which, as a diagnosis, didn’t exist when I was a child, so they thought I was stupid. So they tried to make me memorize…
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How to become worth a damn?

how to become worth a damnCan someone who listens to an audio, watches a video, reads a book, or even comes to one of my workshops, change?

Long sentence, eh? The answer to this question is this: it depends.

NO input can cause change by itself. The change comes from trying to apply what you read to yourself. Even if the application is just answering one question that requires you to look.

I am finding, that the program I so love, the 67 steps, is completely and absolutely wasted on you, unless you do the looking it takes to answer the one or two or three questions that come with each session.

Why? Because looking, attempting to answer the question, causes a state change. 1 The state inside which you listen is: I agree, I like it, I knew that, interesting, etc. Narrow cone of vision. Sitting in what you already know… undisturbed, untested. Sitting in who you already know yourself to be… undisturbed, untested.

Attempting to look to answer the question from your own life is where the magic happens. When you have to widen your cone of vision to include what you never look at.

It is happening to me in spades. I am at segment 19… Continue reading “How to become worth a damn?”

You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival.

survival of the one that can changeThe title could be said differently as well: You are a survival machine. You are put together for the survival of your genes. (Richard Dawkins: the selfish gene theory). You have hundreds, maybe thousands of genes. Each gene is a code, and the genes are strung together on your DNA. Some genes are recessive, or dormant, but can be turned on by your behavior, by your thinking, or by an energy person, like me. 1

These genes put together, each concerned only about its own survival is your DNA, and we could say that the machine is what we call the ego. Of course it is not a good way to put it, but at least you are cursorily familiar with the phenomenon of ego.

Ego wants to survive the genes.
And it deals with what it needs to deal with to be successful at it.

The mind interferes with the machine, culture interferes with the machine, religion interferes with the machine. All your misery comes from this interference and how you choose to deal with it.
Continue reading “You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival.”

Yourvibration.com is experiencing Growing pains

Sophie Benshitta Maven aka Empath SophieI am having growing pains…

I may not be the only one growing… the traffic from search engines is growing on the site. And the result is that people who have no business to be on my site, who don’t have what it takes, are sending me money, some even throwing money at me.

It’s hard to say no to money… and I am having, as a result, for the first time since I started this business, refunds. Refunds either initiated by me or by new buyers, but refunds nevertheless.

I had, on the other hand, a good learning experience today.

One new person booked a 15 minute call with me, and in 15 minutes it became clear to me that I can’t help this person: we are not a good match.

So I have decided that I should offer 15 minute calls to evaluate with people if they are a good match for what I have to offer or not.

I wish I had started this five years ago.
Continue reading “Yourvibration.com is experiencing Growing pains”

Who is this site for? Is it for you?

Sophie Benshitta Maven empath raise your vibrationI am an empath.

An empath is like a psychic in a way. A true empath can feel and identify your feelings, whether they are emotions or physical sensations. I can feel them stronger than you yourself. Using those feelings as guidance I can inform you about the source of your feelings and advise you on a way to restore balance and well-being.

Through empathy I have also found a way to connect, directly, to the Source of All-of-It, in a two-way fashion, so I can ask questions and receive answers, get energies, get guidance, and support. I don’t know of anyone who does what I do, and I cannot teach much of it: so far I haven’t found anyone who can connect, at will, to another person, for example.

I have asked for and received strong energies from Source. I can embed these energies into liquids or into audios. The Avatar State audio, for example, assists you in identifying the areas where you are out of alignment, and help you correct them.

The Heaven on Earth Energy bundle, and the Energizer, infused in water, help you deal with emotions suggested by the mind or the Dark Side, so you can be well, and healthy.
Continue reading “Who is this site for? Is it for you?”

Dyslexia… the most successful people are dyslexic

Dyslaxia strategyI had an insight this morning. This article may be the most important article I have ever written. And 99.99% % of you will ignore it… even if you read it three times. And I bet, you won’t even bother to read the footnotes… Must be not important you say, and you are right… about everything.

The world belongs to the changeable. The flexible. The one that can adjust, and go with the punches. This is what’s been missing… or at the minimum, without this you can’t change.

You know, if you know me that I have been harping on the color exercise. Simple exercise, everyone gets it right in minutes… except.

What people are not getting is this: It is training. Like wax on wax of in Karate kid. Doesn’t have anything to do with colors.

You know by now that I am dyslexic… very dyslexic.
Continue reading “Dyslexia… the most successful people are dyslexic”

Next I am going to teach a course on how to learn. That is the most important skill you can learn

learn to learn... that is the most important skillMy experience with you is that you don’t know how to learn… you don’t even hear what there is to learn. And only to the degree that you can learn that your life can change.

Remember the famous saying I use a lot:

If life isn’t working the way it’s supposed to, in specific areas, or altogether, there is something you don’t know. 1

So given your level of competency in the area of listening, learning… I think you need a major course on that…

Why am I saying that?

  1. Because even if occasionally you read something that contains all the knowledge you need to change that which is not working, you don’t follow the instructions….

    Anything that you just read… is not knowledge. It’s information… and uses up space in your head that you need to actually have a good life.

  2. Because I watch how many of you behave on my site, read and re-read what I wrote… and then: NOTHING.
    Continue reading “Next I am going to teach a course on how to learn. That is the most important skill you can learn”

Self-involved or self-aware? Centering is the biggest difference.

involvedbeingmeWhen I am looking at winners, they are involved with something worth working for… involved, as in action about.

When I am looking at you, I see you being self-involved, 90% of the time. 1Self-involved… I haven’t been able to find a definition I agree with… so let’s be crass: you are self-involved if anyone would think or say: dig your head out of your ass… please…, or you have your head up your ass… or nobody home…}}

And even when you look not so self-involved, your actions, your blaming, your finger-pointing belies the underlying self-involvement… you feel that you are a superior person when others seem smaller.

As long as your biggest concern, expressed in your attention and actions, is yourself, you will be miserable, guaranteed.

Did you notice that I didn’t say: expressed in your words, in your facebook posts… no, your words lie a lot.

I meant: you’ll have your attention on yourself, and your actions will be irrelevant, not building anything, not growing anything, including you… leading you to be split, and miserable.

The “self” your attention is on, is your small self… how you are perceived by others, what you want, what you don’t want, what you like and what you don’t like, what you are afraid of.
Continue reading “Self-involved or self-aware? Centering is the biggest difference.”

How to grow in spite of the ego


Why do I demand that if you want to be my student, you buy and do, religiously, attentively, seriously, the 67 steps by Tai Lopez?

It’s Tuesday, so it was my doing my errands day.

At the grocery store, at the self checkout, there was a new attendant, who looked like a foreigner. I asked where she was from. She was from Albania. We got into a conversation. She’s been here for 16 years, and she is full of complaint.

I suggested that she could apply herself more, get skills, computer, better english. She was arguing every step of the way. Turns out that she doesn’t have time for any of that because she spends most of her time in her garden.

Suddenly clear of who she was, I recommended that she stops complaining.
Continue reading “How to grow in spite of the ego”