The month when abundance is on your mind

It must be January, because my Effortless Abundance bundle is selling a lot. And Unlimited Abundance, astutely, is launching this month…January, everyone looking at their current situation and starting to organize themselves to improve what they have.

Want to get smarter? Mindfulness meditation to the rescue

One of the most desired abilities people want to increase is intelligence.They search high and low for an outside-method to do so… binaural beats, or any method that deals with the mind… after all the mind is the organ of smarts, right?Wrong. The mind, in fact, has nothing to do with fact, most of … Continue reading “Want to get smarter? Mindfulness meditation to the rescue”

Is Sophie something special? Has special powers?

Am I special? Do I have special powers?Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?Am I better? Am I special?

Updated: If your vibration is under 200

Before I let you use any of my products, your purchase needs to get approved by me. Why? Because most people don’t understand that not everything is going to work for them. They like something and they want it… then they will return it because it won’t do what I promised.All promises are conditional. Just … Continue reading “Updated: If your vibration is under 200”

Memorial Day Fun…

Memorial Day Fun…I don’t want to write a new post. I am working on something, and I am not ready. But that doesn’t mean that the blog should take a break, so here are some really funny pictures, some are profound, some are hilarious, and some are cruel.I had a really good time collecting them … Continue reading “Memorial Day Fun…”

Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster or hastier?

Mistakes… what causes them?Today is a day when I am mistake-prone. The source of 99% of all my mistakes have been caused by a phenomenon that I see in everyone I speak with… so I am not alone.The biggest difference between different people is only the frequency with which the incidents occur, no one is … Continue reading “Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster or hastier?”

Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice

What is transformation? There are many ways to say what it is, for the purposes of this article we’ll say: transformation is catching YOURSELF stuck in a state that is unproductive and self-righteous.For a transformational teacher every moment looks like an opportunity to cause your transformation: you are always in layers upon layers of stuck … Continue reading “Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice”

My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?

Summary: In this article I examine different teaching styles in the area of spirituality, consciousness and transformation, and I explain why I teach the way I teach.I got an email from a student of mine yesterday. I quote the whole letter

Is there a lazy way to heaven? Will my activators take you there?

Is there a lazy way to heaven? Will my activators take you there?First we must agree on what we’ll call lazy…At the Budapest University of Technology I had a Math professor who started his first class asking who was the laziest person in the class. I raised my hand, in spite of the fact that … Continue reading “Is there a lazy way to heaven? Will my activators take you there?”

What is Abundance, really?

Abundance , the word, is abused in this day and age. It’s been twisted to mean stuff, it’s been twisted to mean plenty. It is twisted as something to come from the outside. It is made to mean something that you can’t have unless you “attract” it.. But the word abundance means fulfilling completely its … Continue reading “What is Abundance, really?”