Could Depression Be Caused By Carbs?

Could Depression Be Caused By Carbs? This is a question not many people would be able to answer authentically. Authentically means answering from their own experience. I can.

Why can’t other people? Because most humans go through life with their eyes closed, asleep. Things happen to them they don’t act as cause in their lives, they don’t even consider it. They don’t live consciously. I do, and this is what all my programs are about: causing you to live consciously.

carbs, including fruitsAbout 10 months ago I removed most carbohydrates 1 from my diet. I was on that all protein, some fat, some greens diet for six months. Then I started to add, slowly, some vegetables, and about a month ago I added sweet potatoes, baby red potatoes, and finally two weeks ago I added bread.
Continue reading “Could Depression Be Caused By Carbs?”

Where do you look for signs of YOUR transformation?

Where do you look for signs of YOUR transformation?

When you have a transformation, where do you see it?

First off: did you or didn’t you have a transformation? Good question, right? Because, after all, you are still spending a lot of time in your head, you still have feelings you don’t like, and you are still not a millionaire, don’t bed young women, didn’t lose the extra 30 pounds… so how would you know if you had a transformation or not?

let me give you a few examples from my own journey of transformation.

    1. After I did my very first program, 28 years ago, the whole office changed by the time I got back. People suddenly liked me, wanted to find out what I did, wanted to follow in my footsteps.Not only that: suddenly I was invited to places, people wanted to shake my hand. It was weird: I did the program and they changed. Strange.
    2. After I did my second program, two years later, I noticed something even weirder: the weather changed. It became sunny, the clouds suddenly looked awesome, the trees were beautiful, and nice people were coming out of the woodwork… I had this guy volunteer to support me until I could establish myself, for nothing in return. Weird.

Continue reading “Where do you look for signs of YOUR transformation?”

Two myths that lead you to no success and misery

Little Boy Reaching out to CookiesMost articles just flow out of me… this one just didn’t want to flow.


My guess is that this article may be the most damaging to the current status quo, current success myths that keeps people that follow the common knowledge stuck in their misery.

My second guess is that it’s because I myself am just now going through the process of liberating myself fully from this common knowledge.

With transformation, with success, with raising your vibration, there is no way around hard stuff, only through it.  The shortcut leads through the stuff… Said in another way: the shortcut is not an easy way, it is the hardest, emotionally, existentially, because there is no easy way… so if you were looking for an easy way, please leave now.
Continue reading “Two myths that lead you to no success and misery”

What you don’t know can really hurt you

Graphic_WhatYouDon'tKnowCanHurtMeToday I learned something about myself, and at the same time I learned something about transformation that until now was only theory for me.

As you know, the absolute basic step in transformation is to see and accept that you don’t know everything, that some of the things that you know are not true, and that most of the things that you don’t know are totally in your blind spot, so you don’t even know they are there.

You may also know, theoretically, that all power, all transformation comes from getting a sudden glimpse at what was in your blind spot.

blind spotIn driving, if you are lucky, the card hiding in your blind spot will honk when you want to change lanes. Or you get lucky because you notice it before you cause a crash.
Continue reading “What you don’t know can really hurt you”

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do, what do you ask for? Are you eating soup with a fork?

What is the Soul? Where is the seat of the Soul? How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? What does the Soul do? Continue reading “How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…”

Transform your relationship to money… Currently it is unrequited love… or maybe you are a jilted lover?

money and wrong decisionsYour relationship to money is much like your relationship to love… Your personality, timid, have given up, resigned, cynical, taking it for granted, ungrateful, forceful, trying to hold onto, possessive, greedy, jealous is running your whole life, but especially these two areas, love and money. And your current reality in those two “arenas” is probably ugly.

This article and the Money-Course it announces has been long in the waiting. I’ve known for a long time that everything ANYONE is teaching on the market nowadays is bs… but I myself didn’t know what would make a difference… so I was waiting, and working on my own money issues in the meantime. I had a breakthrough this past week… and thus I got ready to write this article

Here is an email exchange from this morning, abbreviated:

Customer: What is my vibration?
My answer: Your vibration is 120. I recommend the Heaven on Earth or the HOE Long range to raise your vibration to the level where my activators can work for you…

Customer goes and buys the Effortless Abundance… ignoring my recommendation.
Continue reading “Transform your relationship to money… Currently it is unrequited love… or maybe you are a jilted lover?”

Phases Of Learning, Phases Of Self-Changing, Phases Of Transformation: How To Succeed In A World Dominated By Fixing

learning-to-walkIn my previous article I write about the creative plane vs. the competitive plane.

Today’s culture, the norm, the planetary hypnosis (Dark Side) generated attitude is hurry and forcing.

fire-walkAlthough I don’t like Dr. David Hawkins and his books, his phrase “power vs. force” is valid here: when you hurry you are trying to FORCE the Universe (and the people in it) to suddenly do what YOU WANT them to do, instead of falling in step with the Universe, and get what you want when it’s good an ready.

Just watch your reaction, if you are a man, when the woman of the house interrupts what you are doing and demands that you take out the garbage, organize the garage, make the repairs you promised, right now, not when you are good and ready…

Or if you are a woman and your man demands sex, when you are not feeling well, when you are tired, when you don’t feel like it, not in the mood… demands that you get ready at a moment’s notice.

Feel your muscles tense even reading the scenarios… this is how the Universe reacts when you are in a hurry.

To be in harmony with the Universe, you need to fall in step, you need to fall in rhythm, in harmony with the Universe.

Whenever I participate in a drum-circle, especially if it is a big one with people from all over the place, I experience this magic: falling in rhythm, falling in step with the Universe.
Continue reading “Phases Of Learning, Phases Of Self-Changing, Phases Of Transformation: How To Succeed In A World Dominated By Fixing”

Public Inauthenticity or the art of getting off the hook

Public Inauthenticity or the art of getting off the hook

indifference-martin-luther-king1“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” — Elie Wiesel Nobel Peace Prize laureate

“…to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”

Obviously Elie Wiesel and I think alike, so I don’t remain silent and indifferent, I shout to whoever is willing to listen.

Now, with that said, let me get to the topic I indicate in the title… Continue reading “Public Inauthenticity or the art of getting off the hook”

Shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love

It’s time to laugh again… plus here is a shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love Sleepy-time
sleepy-time-activationUsing your Sleepy Time to raise your vibration

It’s time to laugh again… plus here is a shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love Sleepy-time

Gonzo, the guru, offers advice on how to reach nirvana on your own without the expense of new age programs. Delightful.

Now, on a more serious note: one of my students that has been unwilling or unable to do what he needs to do, in terms of anything that needs courage or work… lol, has been looking for shortcuts. Continue reading “Shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love”

Why are people so low vibration? Including teachers, healers

Why are people so low vibration? Including teachers, healers

If you read one of my previous articles, your answer (most of it) is there: our upbringing is based on the interest of the “powers that be” and not on the interest of the individual, or the interest of the human race: the Original Design, evolution, being an expanding personality.

Our lives, what we are allowed to do, see and know, is not that much different from what you see in the movies “The Truman Show” or “The Matrix” and we are policed, rigorously, and incessantly.

And the policing forces are also “sheep” and have no idea about the truth, about their own status…

So, humanity, in lack of real information, to understand and make what they see easier to handle, easier to be with, invented an imaginary world of explanations, gods, spirits, angels… just to be able to make sense of what they needed to deal with.

Vibration, your vibration, your consciousness level and the ability to be with stuff that is not easy to be with are correlated: meaning: once one gets high, the other gets high as well.
Continue reading “Why are people so low vibration? Including teachers, healers”