This is the biggest failing of our education system. Teaching things just in case… And most children, hell, more adults, are not able, not willing to learn anything they don’t see they need.
What children say: I don’t need to know that. Why do I need to know how to do calculus… Why do I need to know how to spell? What is the boiling point of water, what was the third law of Newton… and millions of other things.
This is why we have a whole humanity that doesn’t know sh*t… Because they never needed the knowledge when it was offered… AND they lack the capacity of foresight.
The capacity of foresight allows one to see in what situations that are forthcoming they would need something, they would need it bad enough, that it would be worth for them to put out the effort… i.e. dig a well when they are not yet thirsty.
None of my students, none of my clients have ever done that… So they are trying to dig a well when they are thirsty and they always miss their opportunities and live a miserable, low vibration life…
But turning on the capacity of foresight is the biggest waste: because if you don’t see you’ll need it, if you don’t need it right now… then it will turn off… A catch 22 if I have ever seen one.
One example is the wannabe business man who has a good idea and some money to burn. He gathers a team to put his idea into action. When the product is done, he goes and proudly presents it to the intended buyer… who doesn’t want it.
This is when the wannabe businessman realizes that he never asked the intended buyer if he wants it, and if he is going to buy it when it’s done…
Lack of foresight… can you see it?