What it takes to get ahead in life, or to raise your vibration

What it takes to get ahead in life, or to raise your vibration

Albert Einstein - everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a treeWe must admit there are people who do LIFE better than we do, they get ahead, they live well, seem happy.

How do successful people do it? They have good judgment. But where do you get such good judgement from? Good judgment comes from bad experience. And the bad experience comes from pain. What you do with it will make all the difference, what is your attitude towards it, will make you win in life, or stuck in life.

Here is a famous story, an illustration:
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The secret method to instantly change life

The secret method to instantly change life

Be-the-change-you-want-to-seeContext is like meaning… it is not part of what it is referring to, it is added to it, by a human. And if it is added, then you have a lot of freedom about it: if you can see, that is.

Most people can’t see the forest for the trees… so if you are like that, you won’t see context, until you look deeper. Beyond the obvious. Beyond your automatic. Beyond your machine-like, conditioned, pre-determined ways.

Why context is decisive, and what it decides if it is so decisive

I have been repeating and repeating this idea, that context is decisive. Finally, yesterday, I managed to get it through, or so it seemed, on the Playground.

Context is the hidden part of everything, the hidden agenda. Everyone has hidden agendas, some more than others, some time more than other times.
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What is consciousness, really? Where is it?

What is consciousness, really? Where is it?

I am here, waiting for the cable man to fix my internet. It’s been down since yesterday afternoon.

It is hard to remember what we did with our lives before the internet… for me it’s been 18 years. It is hard to figure out what I can do that does not involve the internet… Finally I settle on writing, editing, and such.

It’s 11:30 am. The repairman was scheduled to be here at 11. I am sitting here, uncharacteristically anxious, contemplating that the man won’t even show up, that he will lie, that I will have to be another day without the ability to work.

It’s excruciatingly painful. I am diligently making room for the bad feelings, including them, breathing normally. Then I have a suspicion: is this mine? I normally don’t get anxious: I take life as it comes.

Turns out I tuned into the repairman: it’s his anxiety. Hm.
Continue reading “What is consciousness, really? Where is it?”

Even her husband is changing…


When people change around you… who you are blaming? Where do you look for cause and effect? Do you know what causes what? I bet you don’t…

This is a case study of one of my coaching students…

I have been coaching people for about 30 years, and have been running my own programs for almost as many years.

Some people take their own transformation on, and they change. Some, I say, because most people don’t.

I have noticed that certain countries, certain cultures are more conducive for people take their own fate into their own hands… most aren’t. 1

And sometimes, these same people, cause massive transformation for their family, but are unaware of it, and therefore cannot make it permanent, cannot make it last, cannot even acknowledge it.
Continue reading “Even her husband is changing…”

Is building confidence a topic you like? Confident about…

19930628I sent out an email:

My email exchanges

I sent out an email the other day. here is the whole email:

Is building confidence a topic you like?
I have been looking at topics that may be of interest to you, and so far, I have settled on building confidence…
Do you agree that if you had more confidence, you’d do more, you’d have more fun, you’d accomplish more, you’d feel better about yourself?
Please hit reply and let me know what you think.
There are no right answers, and there are no wrong answers. Only YOUR answer that matters to me.

I can’t wait. I’ll answer your email, I promise. thank you in advance,


The answers knocked me conscious… Most of my subscribers don’t live on the same planet as me… we don’t see eye to eye…

The duping of the planet is almost complete…

Until you get that you are on your own, and the Universe is NOT on your side, your life will be hell.

Here are some of the email exchanges… and at the end of this article, I’ll point the way to a world where people are smart (YOU?) and self-sufficient…

writers-worldYes, Sophie, thanks! I agree.

But I’d like to tell you one more thing that I’m not actually able to overcome – I cannot believe (I have no confidence) that the Universe is really on my side.

You know, after too much time when things are going wrong (I mean years) and I can see a solution that would be for the best of everyone involved, and I asked, and I tried to command –

there was I time I really felt confident I could have what my heart desires -, and I tried to work on myself but I don’t see anything good really coming my way except in my imagination and in ‘predictions’ from ‘seers’, in time I lost the confidence I had in the Universe, even if I keep on reading that many people think quite the contrary. And I’m starting to think that many of those people are not true, too…

Furthermore, if I’m the only one to blame for my situations in life, that leaves no room for the existence of angels and spirit guides to help me out, so that leaves me completely on my own to face everything!! And I’m so alone at that that I really feel overwhelmed… so I hoped those beings were real and I tried to ask them as instructed by the so-called ‘angel ladies’ and various channellers but I still had no help in coming out from my bad situations, only promises I don’t really believe in anymore.

Ok, sorry, maybe I’ve gone a little off topic (of what you asked), but I thought that maybe it could be helpful to remark that not only a lack of personal confidence is a problem but also a lack of confidence in the Universe.
Many thanks and all the best

astronomiaMy answer: the truth is that you are on your own, and the Universe is not on your side.

There are no angels, no spirit guides, and the angel ladies are blood sucking parasites.

Do you really think that? They’re all really lying? How can someone overcome their doubts, then, and their feelings of hopelessness?
Forgive me if I ask so clearly, but by your answer (many thanks for answering! You’re really kind!) it seems you know what to do, as if you were once stuck, too, and overcome that.
Many thanks again

dog-with-mailman-bones-capmy answer: Accurate. I was once stuck and I have overcome that.

The moment I realized that no one is coming to rescue me I was knocked conscious. And started to do what I hoped others would do for me.

Hi Sophie,

Building confidence is definitely something I have been working on. I have tried meditations, subliminals, brainwave entrainment, chakra clearing and several other programs from ‘gurus’.

I have noticed some small improvements but I’m still not where I want to be.
Feelings of anxiety, low self esteem and not being able to speak my truth (fear) are still programs running in the background.

My goal is to transform my life in every area and get out of my current situation.

Any suggestions?

space3My answer: If I will ever run this confidence building program…

…you’ll find out that confidence cannot be built by the current guru methods, in fact those guru methods do more damage than good.

I teach people to be brave and courageous and be in action in spite of the feelings or the small voice that tell them otherwise. As long as you are under the influence of your feelings you are as good as miserable.

OK… here is how the world really is:


  1. The Universe is not friendly to you

    The Universe is not friendly to you. If it is conscious, and on some level it is, it considers you the enemy: human: the only ‘thing’ in the whole universe that refuses to live and act in harmony with all-of-it.

    And because the Universe’s nature is holographic, as above so below, as below so above, the nature of humanity is repeating itself in the cancers, and bacteria…

    There are two kinds of parasites: the first is more intelligent, and understands that if you destroy the host, you destroy yourself. The second… stupid. Humanity, for the most part, is behaving like the second kind of parasite.

    The Earth is resilient, and self-healing, but is slowly succumbing to this parasite’s stupidity, and slowly dying.

    The coming Ice age hopefully will give the Earth some respite to recover.

  2. There are no angels, no spirits, no gods, and no guide

    There are no angels, no spirits, no gods, and no guides. You are on your own. And unless you start behaving accordingly, you will continue begging, hoping, and waiting.

  3. Your feelings and emotions

    Your feelings and emotions are on the surface of your being and are NOT reliable guidance. If you wait until you feel confident, you’ll wait all your life.

    Confident people take their feelings with them on the journey, while they act consistent with their commitments, goals, ideals, and while they do that they feel the way they feel.

    How you feel is how you feel.

    Don’t forget, that there IS an energy transmission of negative feelings almost all the time: your feelings have nothing to do with guidance, or what you can or can’t do. They are just feelings.

    I am confident… watch the language! Confidence is a being. Not a feeling. And I am confident because I have enough track record that tells me I have the right to be confident.

    If I will ever teach becoming confident, I will not teach you to feel confident: who cares. I don’t feel confident!

    Conversely, I feel and don’t feel a lot of things… all of them are skin deep. The only thing that matters is your being and your doing.

    If you allow feelings to influence your being and your doing, then you are stupid. Immature. Duped. Your vibration is low, your intelligence is even lower. You are fodder to fake-prophets’ altars fattening their bank accounts.

Fake prophets like Christie Marie Sheldon, like Abraham/Hicks, and all the other blood sucking law of attraction, energy-stirring, karma-cleansing criminals: Crimes Against Humanity I call it.

Harsh? Reality is harsh.

Every morning I wake up wondering what the heck I am doing. The few people that were privy to the truth: they didn’t make a difference. What makes me think that I can?

Osho taught for 30 years and had hundreds of thousands of followers: none of them learned the lesson. Remember: repeating the lesson is a dead giveaway that you are feeding on the Tree of Knowledge… dead and wrong.

Truth repeated is a lie. more accurately: truth repeated is not truth any more.

To find out where you are at, even if it is bad news, you are better knowing where you are, so you stop fancying yourself where you aren’t…

The Starting Point Measurements is accurate. Most measures are for my own use, so don’t get confused. I’ll mark the most important measures for your own use…

Get your Starting Point Measurements

Don’t judge a book by its cover

dragonQuoting from Rob Brezsny:

In the nights to come, I expect you will dream of creatures like fiery monsters, robot warriors, extraterrestrial ghosts, and zombie vampires. But here’s the weird twist: They will be your helpers and friends. They will protect you and fight on your behalf as you defeat your real enemies, who are smiling pretenders wearing white hats. Dreams like this will prepare you well for events in your waking life, where you will get the chance to gain an advantage over fake nice guys who have hurt you or thwarted you.

I am a rough and tumble Hungarian/Israeli/New Yorker.

Most people, especially in the South, California, Canada, and Australia, people think I am a little too rough, to straight forward, bordering on rude and arrogant.

I am your fiery monster from the above quote. I fight on your side, I fight on your behalf.

Your real enemies are the white robed, white hat donning, smiling pretenders.

How do you know I am honest? You don’t. How do you know I am telling the truth? You don’t.
Continue reading “Don’t judge a book by its cover”

Integration: the orchestra that is you

orchestra harmony or cacophony

Osho says: Man ordinarily is a crowd.

No man ordinarily is one, but many. And that’s why there is so much noise within – many voices, many faces – and a constant quarrel. One part wants to do one thing. Another part is simply against it and wants to do something else. It is a miracle how we go on managing to keep ourselves together. Otherwise we are constantly falling apart. There is no center. The master is missing.

There are only servants, and each servant is trying to claim to be the master.

For a moment each servant sits on the throne, proclaims himself the master, and in that moment you think, “This is the master.”

When there is anger, anger becomes the master, but soon it will be gone. It is a constantly changing scene. After anger comes regret.
Continue reading “Integration: the orchestra that is you”

Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?

say no to negativity and get stuck with it People talk about positive and negative, positivity, negativity, and other Law of Attraction b.s. but they are completely misdirected, mistaken, shallow and involved in magical thinking.

The only real divisions of “content” when it comes to your mind, your actions, your emotions, your intentions, your context and principles: is it from the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge, or said in an even simpler way: is it reality or is it unreality, is it a fact or is it a fiction.
Continue reading “Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?”

What are you grieving for when you are grieving?

what are you grieving?I caught myself grieving yesterday.

I got a brochure in the mail that had pictures of Budapest in it. I left Hungary, and Budapest, the capital I was born and lived for 34 years 32 years ago.

Every time I considered grieving, a song welled up in my head, a song about home and home sickness. It’s about longing, and it’s about regret. And I refused to regret anything. Like Edith Piaf, Je ne regrette rien. No regrets. 1

I regret nothing

Continue reading “What are you grieving for when you are grieving?”

Spiritual? Religious? Atheist?

wizardozIt is undeniable that there is more to reality than what you can see with your eyes. The below the water level stuff… or behind the curtain type of stuff… mostly about the invisible dynamics, the invisible motive powers of people, and maybe even stuff.

I grew up atheist, a Marxist, and a seriously anti-religious child. Most of that wasn’t from my parents, I don’t ever remember them talking about any of that among themselves: they almost never talked to me about anything.

I never thought there were monsters under the bed, or that the Easter Bunny filled the boots in the windows (we are talking about Hungarian customs, don’t get confused!) or any other superstition. I was free to observe… unimpeded, unhindered, unguided by others’ imagination and fantasies, like religion.

I knew there were at least two layers to every human: what they showed and what was inside…
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