Ignorance in health matters is killing you

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

granny with flexibilityThis is not a gimmick… This old lady can do this and a ton of other stunts…

The question you should ask not how she remained so flexible, because who cares…

Instead: ask a question that is relevant to you:

What is it that you can do to regain some of your flexibility, some of your energy, so you can enjoy life more, feel younger, look younger.

That is exactly what I did. Continue reading “Ignorance in health matters is killing you”

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

necessary-endingsThe personality test that tells you if you can grow, and if you can benefit from working with me.

I have been at my wits’ end for years now.

Today I found out what was missing…

Remember the wise saying: when something is not working, there is something you don’t know.

More often than not, what you don’t know is a distinction… and it was definitely true in my case.

I have been making the mistake of coaching and dealing with my people as if they were me… like me… similar to me.

Continue reading “The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test”

On fools and wise people… the fool never learns…

On fools and wise people… the fool never learns…

isocrates-quote“It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement.”

I am old. And pretty much alone in the world. Not lonely. Alone.

How I do is entirely up to me. No support system, no cushion, flying without a net.

The notion has different effect on people. The effect is on their actions… or more precisely, on the attitude with which they take the actions.

Never practice surgery on your family and other lessons

Never practice surgery on your family and other lessons
662311125cd60dbfa86171ea8e68a6b3Developing the habit of looking before you leap

You have habits, thought patterns, beliefs, practices that guarantee that your life will not change, especially won’t change for the better.

When you do a course, read a book, or talk to a coach, you want to do and change the most important thing about your life: drop 30 pounds, start a new business, or leave your husband. Continue reading “Never practice surgery on your family and other lessons”

Awareness… it’s seeing what you are looking at. Accurately

Awareness… it’s seeing what you are looking at. Accurately

cherry-hazelnut-muesli-2I have been in this inquiry since February when I first heard Tai say: the strongest predictor of your success, in any area of life, is the level of your awareness.

So what is this awareness that is so important.

Nine months… it’s taken me till today to get complete clarity of what this ‘thing’ awareness is.

Six million Jews perished in the gas chambers and mass graves during the holocaust, because they were not aware.

Tens of millions of people were ashamed of themselves and their association with Germany, people who elected Hitler and the Nazi party… because they were not aware.
Continue reading “Awareness… it’s seeing what you are looking at. Accurately”

How to grow from where you are begins with…

How to grow from where you are begins with…

why-do-i-succeedI’ve been quiet.

I am working through some stuff… nothing personal, it’s about you. It’s about what to teach you. How to teach you. It’s about seeing, in more detail, and more precisely what is the truth about you, so I can talk to you the way you can hear me.

The more precisely I can ‘diagnose’ what is the situation with you, the more effective my message and my teaching can be.

But, it seems no matter how precise my teaching, it is not really up to me, or my teaching, what will happen to you or your life.

It is up to you. Your actions, your attitude, your ‘undeclared commitment’ in life. Continue reading “How to grow from where you are begins with…”

Anchor your existence and start becoming a person

Anchor your existence and start becoming a person

We all want to be a person… but none of us know how to do it.

This article is a method that can help you becoming a person…

In this article I use an analogy with plants… but this article is not about plants, it is about you having deep roots so you have a core, and when you say I, you know that you are talking about those deep roots…

floating plantsI have run out of good shows to watch on Netflix.

I began to watch and abandoned four shows, fast.

And I just had an insight:

Most TV/Netflix customers are like most people: they have no foundation from which to watch, see, read anything.

Even when it’s a well designed, well executed show: these people don’t know why. Or the reason it is good for them is different from person to person.

For me a good show is a show well planned out. A show that decides, ahead of time, what it thrives to accomplish. That is the context inside which they develop the characters, the story line, and direct the actors to act in. Continue reading “Anchor your existence and start becoming a person”

How I use ego to get over myself…

How I use ego to get over myself…

colorfilter-largeI expect you to hate me from time to time. It is part of the process.

Some people come around at some point. Some sooner than others.

The ones that come around tell me that after a while they actually could see what I pointed out. I respect them for that.

Ever since I embraced being stupid, integrated it into my personality, stupid became a phase rather than a conclusion.

What do I mean? Listen up, this is important! Continue reading “How I use ego to get over myself…”

How to Learn Many Things at Once… very useful if you are in my coaching program

How to Learn Many Things at Once… very useful if you are in my coaching program

learn-new-thingsThere’s so much you want to learn, need to learn, should learn… so much, in fact, that you don’t know where to start.

Most people get inspired for some goal, sprint at max effort for 1-2 weeks, burn out, push the goal into the back of their mind, and never touch it again. New Year’s resolutions are a classic example. Campaigning.

Let’s look at how to improve your chances of success.

Learn awareness, the strongest indicator of health, wealth, love, and happiness

Learn awareness, the strongest indicator of health, wealth, love, and happiness

distinctions-are-the-secret-sauceChangeability, adaptability is the secret of living a consistently good life… but changeability and adaptability depend on awareness. As your awareness grows in the four pillars of the good life, so your success and the quality of your life…

By the way, did you notice I didn’t say “learn about awareness…” but that is what you read? Right?

In the old Forum program, the Forum Leader came in, screaming at us, poor unsuspecting brand new participants: For you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always.

It took me years to decipher that and see that it is true.
Continue reading “Learn awareness, the strongest indicator of health, wealth, love, and happiness”