I got this question yesterday: How do I turn my body into a fat burning, fat fueled metabolism?
I’ve done it, and I think most everybody can… but…
Fat people think it means adding something to what they already eat, do, and it’s not how it works.
Burning fat as body fuel is overhauling the whole body… And the moment you go back to the old way of fueling your body, the moment you turn your whole system, again, into sluggish carb burning machine.
In the past 4-5 years I went from 165 lbs to 117 lbs… which is my normal weight. I did it with this method: by being a fat burner machine.
Then I was offered a piece of sour candy on a stick… whatever they are called, and how small it appears to the eyes, the candy was about 10 grams, my body responded with cravings.
And in a week I found myself buying candy… I still ate only one or two a day… But after another week I was four pounds heavier… 100 grams of candy turned into 2000 grams of fat… Ugh.
Returning to becoming fat burner again… I am in the middle of it, is a real art: for the body to change its mind it takes a week or two, before it believes you. So with those extra four pounds I look as a 5 months pregnant female: not pretty. Or maybe I look like an African starving female… distended belly.
This distended belly is called Kwashiorkor. It is a severe form of malnutrition, caused by nutritionalĀ deficiency, mainly deficiency in dietary protein. The extreme lack of protein causes an osmotic imbalance in the gastro-intestinal system causing swelling of the gut diagnosed as an edema or retention of water.
Makes no sense, I continued eating the same things… but the body related differently to what I ate… apparently refused to use the protein I ate… hm… curious.
Anyway, I have started to lose some of the four pounds, but my energy hasn’t returned, I am having headaches, mood issues, but the candy ended up in the trash can so it stops seducing me, but I still haven’t returned to be a fat-burner.
So it seems that a fat burner body and a carb burner body are like the body of two different species…
Maybe if you never became fat it’s different… but I have been fat as many times as many times I tried to become slim… And I think: each time I trained my body to want to be fat. š
Imagine changing your car to burn ethanol, aka alcohol for fuel, instead of gas (benzin in Europe, I think).
You cannot just tweak it a little… it is an overhaul.
My body loves burning fat. It allows my organs to do what they do best…
Continue reading “Fat burning body… what is the benefit… how do you do it?”