Lack of humility that causes you not to learn

Lack of humility that causes you not to learn

A fresh look at lack of humility… the lack that causes you to not be able to learn new things

I am reading a book that says: the purpose of life is survival.

It is clear that the purpose of the selfish genes is survival. Not the vehicle (for a human gene the vehicle is a human body) but itself. The gene. Long and short term survival. The gene actually doesn’t care whether that survival is noble, enjoyable, fun. None of that. Just survival long enough to produce another generation of vehicles.

The human vehicle, because of its consciousness, desires quality of life, liberty, and self-determination… the list is probably a lot longer, but the human vehicle, you, definitely considers a life without those not worth living. Not a life for a human. The history of humanity could be told through the struggle, resignation, stagnation, loss, of those values. From freedom to overt slavery to hidden slavery… this is where we are now.

So I am going to look at the issues that hold my students back through that distinction: survival. If what I find is true about my students, it is probably true for other people… as well, maybe even you…

So, the question is: how does lack of humility serve survival… or the illusion of survival? After all an individual’s ability to survive increases greatly by learning new things… and yet.

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How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

I thought I would share something I haven’t talked about in a long while… And that is your memories. Your pain memories… specifically.

We all have it. And they are, for most people, packed away, in some fat, or some muscle, joint… like any other toxin.

Life is smart. You cannot be very effective with life, very present, if you have to deal with pain that can’t be resolved… emotional pain.

Many people go to classes to rid themselves of the pain, but these classes don’t work very well. Why? Because when you retell the story, you get caught in the story instead of feeling the pain. You feel the “marker feelings” the words awaken, but not the original pain. 1

The pain is NOT in the story… stories are words. But the pain is real, and the words, the story, push the pain further out of reach.

Continue reading “How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…”

One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

I have been watching youtube videos and movies for a few days now… The focus is becoming more and more on being who you are… being true to that… and inside that seemingly limited “arena” be the most you can be, the best you can be.

One of the great evils perpetrated on us humans is the dogma that we are all one, and that was also made to mean sameness.

Don’t get all out of shape… I do believe we are all human. I do believe we are in this together. I do believe that only if we cooperate we can save our race and our Earth… But I also see that people who preach this are intolerant, uncooperative, and hateful. And I suspect if you got bent out of shape, then you are one of those..

Horse shit.

I am not same with you… I am the end of a blood line of thousands of years of persecution on one hand, sharpening the skills to live in a hostile environment on the other. A tradition where what is in your head counts… because it cannot be taken away. Everything else can be taken away, but who you are, and what you know cannot.

How could I be the same as you when you only care about your money. When you think you are your money…

This is just one example… but as you can tell, my pump went up.

In my coaching practice, the most successful are the people who are able to reach deep down and become proud and guided by their ancestral heritage.

Continue reading “One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.”

Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important

Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important

This article distinguishes the most important thing you need to know about growing.

Without growing you are dying. Every minute of every day.

Survival is dying.

The purpose of life is living…. not dying.

Most people I know are either stuck or are coasting… They are going noplace… fast or slow… it is unsatisfying and yet… starting to move in the direction Life wants you to go, or even where you want to go is near impossible… Just look at most people…

This article will reveal a secret… the secret of taking your life where Life wants you to go.

I have been clear that Life wants each of us to go someplace… not necessarily physical, not necessarily to a life-purpose, and yet it is a place. A non-physical place.

When I ask myself where Life wants me to go, after the almost immediate fear-reflex, I feel that I am where Life wants me to be. Doing what Life wants me to do. Afraid that I am not going to succeed.

But then again, Life is not a life-coach who talks you to death with goal setting, and specific, measurable results, and milestones, and bold audacious actions…

Thank god, because if it came to goal setting, I would be a slacker…
Continue reading “Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important”

How I raised my vibration: my secret method revealed.

How I raised my vibration: my secret method revealed.


Kindness reveals the diamond…

Change must begin with clarity of where you are… precision, exactness, all of which you and I have been trying to avoid.

So we make up all kinds of stuff, including the butterfly analogy. After all if you need to go through transformation to become a butterfly, you don’t have to be responsible for any of it… it is a miracle transformation, it is out of your hands.

In this article I’ll show you how I change, from a totally different place, the place of conscious change, where you don’t need a miracle, you don’t need voodoo, where you need work… (Oh no Sophie, not work again!? lol)

I will show you the work that brings out the diamond, the shine, the beauty in us… the best work anyone can ever want or wish for.
Continue reading “How I raised my vibration: my secret method revealed.”

Dr Eric Berg… vibrational review. Is he a quack?

Dr Eric Berg… vibrational review. Is he a quack?

body-typesFor those of you who came here just for the numbers: the guy is guided by greed. Dr Eric Berg’s personal vibration is 170, the same as Tai Lopez, cut from the same cloth… and the method depends a lot on your accuracy, as you’ll see. But it is 7% at its best.

I wrote this article when I was 33 pounds heavier, and a lot less happy with my life.

I have, since, advised many clients who, except for two, did really well on my recommendations. Continue reading “Dr Eric Berg… vibrational review. Is he a quack?”

What would happen if all the sugar disappeared?

What would happen if all the sugar disappeared?

This is a thought experiment… one of the good ways to use the brain…

There are millions of bloggers, millions of article writers, millions of products.

They would all be out of business. Because suddenly, without the sugar, you would become a lot healthier, a lot more intelligent.

You would also stop a lot of lying and pretending… the lying and pretending that keeps your inner turmoil constant.

I found out, a few days ago, that one of my clients who wasn’t getting well, and swore that she ate according to the rules I set up for her… except I am finding out that she was eating Snickers bars…

Are you kidding? Are you stupid? But if you are kidding: who are you kidding? If you are stupid: who is paying the price? Continue reading “What would happen if all the sugar disappeared?”

How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable

How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable

The most difficult thing to see, the most difficult thing to accept is that even though you are looking, there can be something right in front of you, and you won’t see it.

Instead you’ll see what you know is there.

This is the source of most mischief.

In fact, this is the source of your low vibration.
Continue reading “How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable”

My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel

My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel

The inspiration to coach using Tai Lopez’s 67 steps came from one of my all time favorite books, the Neal Stephenson novel, Diamond Age.

In that novel, science fiction, far in the future, a scientist puts together an interactive book, a primer, for a rich and influential client’s grand daughter. And then he steals it… meaning: duplicates it without permission.

He means to give it to his daughter, but accidentally it goes to a very young, very poor, very disadvantaged girl, Nell.

Nell grows into a veritable person and a hero as a result of interacting with the book.

Not READING the book, but interacting with the book… doing what the book says to do, answering the book’s questions, etc.

It is not what she learned from the book that made her a person, by the way. It is the constant redirecting the book provided. Getting to know herself. Minding her job as a person… not worrying about others’ opinion of her, or what she is doing, of what one is supposed to do. Continue reading “My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel”

Do you have a core identity? Something that will not change? Something that can lead you to greatness?

Do you have a core identity? Something that will not change? Something that can lead you to greatness?

Some countries need to manufacture a history for their people. Other countries created one by following a credo, an ethic, that is personally binding.

Father Geoffrey invented a history for England.

The question we’ll look at: can you invent greatness for another… Can a great path that doesn’t oblige have any positive influence on the person, or instead it will give them wrongful pride… “I am better than you” nationalist or racial superiority?

Let me examine the difference between the different stories of different peoples, so I can explain the difference between the individuals who hail from different cultures.

I am going to bumble my way through this… so expect this article to be a little chunky… I apologize ahead of time. No disrespect meant… Honest.


I’ll go about it the scenic way. Continue reading “Do you have a core identity? Something that will not change? Something that can lead you to greatness?”