More Money Workshop Part 7: God doesn’t have a thumb, you do

happiness-is-like-jamHere is an inspiring story. I found it on facebook, and edited it: I cut out god and Jesus and all the superstition that makes it a story to dumb you down.

Here is the story. Be prepared to be moved.


‘Good morning’ said a woman as she walked up to the man sitting on the ground.

The man slowly looked up.

This was a woman clearly used to the finer things of life. Her coat was new. She looked like she had never missed a meal in her life.

His first thought was that she wanted to make fun of him, like so many others had done before. ‘Leave me alone,’ he growled…

To his amazement, the woman continued standing.
Continue reading “More Money Workshop Part 7: God doesn’t have a thumb, you do”

Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being

well-beingWhat is the biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being?

And under well-being I include health, emotional health, relationship health, your whole existence.

I bet you can’t even imagine being well.

I remember when I tried, years ago, all I could see is running on a field and the wind blowing in my hair.

So, going towards well-being is not easy, because well-being is an experience that is empty. To the degree it is empty, to the same degree you are well.

Let me explain: wouldn’t you say that financial well-being would be and experience where nothing is missing, nothing is lacking?
Continue reading “Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being”

Is it nourishing or is it titillating?

something-so-stupidHow our sense of what is nourishing and what is junk got atrophied

I like reading and watching investigative, detective, police procedural books and movies.

I have noticed a new trend: when I ask myself at the end of a show, for example, I have no idea what exactly happened, who done it… minutes after the show.

So how is that possible? Am I the only one, the only stupid person? And if not, how come the millions of viewers don’t cry bloody murder… to set the creators of the shows straight?

Continue reading “Is it nourishing or is it titillating?”

Are you a healer? How would you know?

healer-training-2The best scam people run on the internet is teaching people in classes to become a healer. Some even give certificates to teach these classes.

Before I realized what I can do, I was most interested in coaching… and the same thing is happening in the coaching industry.

I have seen “nutritionists”, Bach Remedy “specialists”, Reiki “masters” that paid some money to some Scheister to certify them to do work that they could not do.

It’s a cultural thing, not even personal.

People hide their desire to climb, to dominate over people, to be a “desire to receive for the self alone” person in do-gooding activities. Big money in teaching them. Big money if filling the world with people who think they can, but they can’t.
Continue reading “Are you a healer? How would you know?”

What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?

All you do to raise your vibration is plain wrong and actually lowers your vibration.

I got this email this morning:

Hello Sophie,
I have read some of Your reviews. I thought raising vibrations meant inner transformation, less ego and more kindness. Sorry, but to me Your Message does not seem truthful. I do not think it is Your intention, but I have to quit.
Regards from K

A lot of visitors have the same opinion: higher vibration means more kindness… Continue reading “What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?”

How Does Water Energize Your Body? Get All The Answers…

how does the water energize you?

How Does Water Energize Your Body?

The question is: are you drinking it? Are you near it? Are you swimming or bathing in it?

Let’s see each case, shall we?

If and when you are drinking it, there are a few things to be aware of

Want to Get Energized by your drinking water?

Here are a few things to consider when you want to be energized by your drinking water.

  • Is the water, you are looking at, compatible with a healthy body?
  • its Vibration: is it high or is it low?
  • its molecular spin: supposedly left spin is better
  • its purity: contaminant can kill you
  • its mineral content: water without mineral content tastes bad
  • its mood… I know it sounds funny, but some water is really angry!

Continue reading “How Does Water Energize Your Body? Get All The Answers…”

Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why

Water… OK… first my story.

In 1993 a physician declared me incurable. I was weak, I was malnourished, and my blood work did not respond to anything, and was completely messed up. I didn’t seemingly have any known disease: had I died they would have put in cause of death: old age. I was 46 years old.

I hired a nutritionist, who out of desperation, put me on a complete elimination diet: I was living on protein shakes for a little while. and then slowly moved on to the complete elimination diet: you try to find out what doesn’t agree with your body.

In spite of all that effort, dietary changes, etc., two years later, a naturopathic physician still declared me incurable. Continue reading “Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why”

More about changing… but not the mind

seeing the world and yourself differentlyYesterday’s article said that it’s futile to try to change the words, try to change the thought to change you or your life.

And yet, some of the time those programs work. Often? Not at all.

So why do they work, how do they work?

When I look at the examples where something shifted like in my first encounter with hypnosis, I see that the behavior changed. Dramatically.

Were the words that changed? No. Something much deeper. If I want to go out on a limb, I could say that the picture of myself changed.
Continue reading “More about changing… but not the mind”

You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!

Inside-my-MindI am not hundred percent clear on the topic, but I am going to start it anyway.

We, humans, think that our minds dictate and direct our actions, and we are desperately trying to change our minds, if we don’t like the actions, or strengthen the mind if we do.

But what if the mind has nothing to do with our actions.

I am reading a book about this, this is probably why I paid attention today, when this happened:

It’s very hot today. As my habit, I leaned into the bath tub and opened the cold shower to cool off.
Continue reading “You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!”