More about changing… but not the mind

seeing the world and yourself differentlyYesterday’s article said that it’s futile to try to change the words, try to change the thought to change you or your life.

And yet, some of the time those programs work. Often? Not at all.

So why do they work, how do they work?

When I look at the examples where something shifted like in my first encounter with hypnosis, I see that the behavior changed. Dramatically.

Were the words that changed? No. Something much deeper. If I want to go out on a limb, I could say that the picture of myself changed.
Continue reading “More about changing… but not the mind”

You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!

Inside-my-MindI am not hundred percent clear on the topic, but I am going to start it anyway.

We, humans, think that our minds dictate and direct our actions, and we are desperately trying to change our minds, if we don’t like the actions, or strengthen the mind if we do.

But what if the mind has nothing to do with our actions.

I am reading a book about this, this is probably why I paid attention today, when this happened:

It’s very hot today. As my habit, I leaned into the bath tub and opened the cold shower to cool off.
Continue reading “You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!”

Seeing the big picture… a uniquely Human Being capacity

seeing-the-bigger-picture1Why is it so difficult to see the big picture?

Seeing the big picture has three dimensions, maybe four.

  1. seeing wide: Instead of locking onto a detail, you see the environment inside which the detail is. This is possible the moment you ALLOW what is to be.
  2. seeing from high: Most things unfold over time, much like traveling on a windy river… you don’t know what is coming beyond the bend, if it is friend or foe.This is one of the problems in making things happen: it is near impossible to be prepared for eventualities you can’t predict.
    Continue reading “Seeing the big picture… a uniquely Human Being capacity”

Transformation: Making the impossible possible

We all live in a paradigm. It is our model of reality.

Our paradigm is bordered and separated from higher paradigms by all the things that we know. Not what we believe, but what we know.

Beliefs are content in a paradigm, but don’t define it. The paradigm defines the content, the paradigm defines the beliefs. Continue reading “Transformation: Making the impossible possible”

My plans for new product delivery

Smart-Phone-AppAugust is a month where there is little business, so I have time to look at myself, my business, my life, my plans, and ask the question: what can I do for you that would make the most difference for you?

I found two area of life where I have something really revolutionary to offer,

  1. in the fight of the mites and their effect on your health, mental and physical,
  2. in your mental and emotional autonomy… to make you independent from those terrible Dark Side transmissions and the negativity of society

Continue reading “My plans for new product delivery”

Tools to get out of a funk

midlife crisisA few of my readers use this blog to snap out of their funk. I used Ray Williams’ Monday Morning Memo the same way… I also use Rob Brezsny’s weekly horoscope the same way. My Sunday call with a friend mostly works out that way too…

We all need something that returns us to sanity, to coherence, and to get aware, again, what is important in life.

This article was especially potent for me this morning.

My Sadly Comical Midlife Crisis

Continue reading “Tools to get out of a funk”

Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission

spreading_misery_equallyUnless you learn how to identify with the Witness aka Observer, you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Guaranteed.

It’s Sunday. Ever since I woke up the Negative Emotion Transmission has been very strong today. Stronger than on a weekday.

It is by design. The owners of the transmission want to spread misery on your day off. Why? I don’t know.

What is your recourse? You can’t protect yourself from the misery transmission.

You can do three things, maybe four. Continue reading “Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission”

How you do math is how you do life… Smart or stupid?

math-is-the-language-of-godThe other day, during my daily walk, I met a guy. He was sitting on the long steps that lead to the top of the hill where I live. He was just sitting.

He said hello and almost instantly started to complain.

Turns out he lives on the money he gets for the beverage bottles and cans he collects.

When I asked if he had any education or skills, he said that he was smart and could have anything… easy… even a GED, if it weren’t for Math.

What I answered wasn’t empowering but it was true:

If you are bad at Math you are not smart.

Continue reading “How you do math is how you do life… Smart or stupid?”

How do you know if a program or method works or not?

will-it-work-for-meA better question: How do you know if a program or method will work for you or not?

That is a crucial question.

A program may work, but

  1. you won’t like it
  2. you will be afraid to do what you need to do to make it work
  3. you don’t have the foundation to make it work
  4. you have time and energy to do it
  5. It takes you away from where you should be, or takes your time and attention from doing what you should be doing.

Continue reading “How do you know if a program or method works or not?”

Chronic issues, no answers? Some questions are answered here…

chronic health issues no answersLife, nature, growth are chaotic, and non-linear

Your thinking, your mind, on the other hand is linear.

When it asks the question “why” it expects a linear answer.

But, of course, any and all linear answers are wrong. Garbage in-garbage out. The answer can’t be better than the question.

The only way to see even just a fragment of the complexity of causes and effects is to practice keeping many plates spinning at the same time… to use a juggler analogy.

Instead, you multitask… which is trying to keep a plate spinning, a ball rolling, etc… impossible.
Continue reading “Chronic issues, no answers? Some questions are answered here…”