Do your biological age and behavior match?

biological-bases-of-criminal-behaviour-3-638I found this chart on the net. Let’s do an experiment today, OK?

Find your age and give me feedback. It will be interesting to see if any of this is just mumbo jumbo or actually approximating the truth. Continue reading “Do your biological age and behavior match?”

Winners don’t fight what is: they use it.

Your chances are like this tiny sea turtle hatchling... not bigThe ones who fight are broken.

You fight? you’re broken

To all the people that had their anchor-to-doom attachment pulled, I recommended that they start using the Unconditional Love Activator. Why?

Because the capacity of allowing need to be first practiced between you and you. Between you and your actions. Between you and your feelings, thoughts, and urges.

Without first allowing what is, you will ALWAYS be ineffective, bruised, and beaten.

I have learned this the hard way. I am a very forceful person by nature, and that is a horrible thing for a coach. Forcefulness create resistance in the other person, and instead of smooth transition to desirable actions, I trigger fighting, belligerence, and ultimately failure.
Continue reading “Winners don’t fight what is: they use it.”

Conditioned patterns can be stubborn

1598273_1510684609157486_186667503_nI am re-learning to walk. It’s slow going, but muscletest said it would work, so I am practicing.

This morning I got this encouraging email

Hello, It’s Jonathan, just checking in to see how things are proceeding with your new ways of being.

Do you think it looks funny?

Does standing up feel like you’re leaning forward?
Continue reading “Conditioned patterns can be stubborn”

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

lying to yourself is not allowing yourself to be who you areDo you get hooked? People pushing your buttons?

Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. Continue reading “What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

Are you a match to life? If not: Allowing is missing.

whatever you don't allow is what will continueIt’s even obvious to you that allowing is missing… But how do you activate the capacity of allowing, and then how do you make the capacity a working skill?

Allowing is what’s between you and serenity. I don’t mean happiness, because happiness has its roller coaster nature: happiness has unhappiness as its shadow. You can only get happiness if you are willing to have unhappiness.

Allowing is letting it be. And although you may feel the urge to change it, fix it, kill it, hide it, hide from it, allowing is authentically allowing something to be, and gain your own beingness.

Without allowing you have no access to beingness.

Continue reading “Are you a match to life? If not: Allowing is missing.”

Customer favorite #3 Unconditional Love Activator

freedom1Before I created the Unconditional Love Activator in 2011, my vibration was 300. Even 300 placed me into the top 0.1 percent of human population.

Over time, using the Unconditional Love Activator, my vibration is now reliably above 900.

So, what does the Unconditional Love Activator do, that you’d want for yourself?

Good question, right?

Well, here you go:

If you are “normal”, then you hate yourself, or you hate aspects of yourself.
Continue reading “Customer favorite #3 Unconditional Love Activator”

What is the capacity that is like a linchpin… if you have it you can enter the kingdom

allowing - the linchpinI am a lot like you, except not always. I am forceful with the best of them, except I am not always forceful. I can be limp and resigned, like you, except that I am not always limp and resigned.

I have mastered to a large degree the capacity “allowing.”

One of the readers says in a comment: I have been practicing dropping the pen, and yet I find no change in my attitude towards anger that I don’t want.

Dropping is forceful. Surrendering is forceful. Changing is forceful.
Continue reading “What is the capacity that is like a linchpin… if you have it you can enter the kingdom”

What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?

borte abductedWhat did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?

I have been reading about the Mongols, the nomadic people that occupied lands and people in the 13th century, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, in the 13th Century under Genghis Khan.

99% of those Mongols didn’t read, didn’t write. Their average IQ (my measurement) was the same as college educated people’s today. Their available IQ was 90%, as opposed to today’s college educated people, whose available IQ is less than 80%. Which means, those Mongols were more intelligent than you. Ugh, that hurts.

What is the secret difference between them and you, that they were able to conquer and you are not? And what could you borrow from them, even though you are not a steppe warrior?

Here are my insights that I hope will be useful for you today:
Continue reading “What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?”

Addiction vs. connection

About this video:
Published on Jul 9, 2015

What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do — and if there might be a better way. As he shares in this deeply personal talk, his questions took him around the world, and unearthed some surprising and hopeful ways of thinking about an age-old problem.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

This is an interesting video. But…
Continue reading “Addiction vs. connection”