DNA capacity activation webinar insights to share

destination-vs-directionEvery time I do something new, I hate it and learn something new.

We had the webinar where I activated self-trust and humility for people who were on the call… subscribers to my mailing list only.

They were also students and customers… no surprises here.

There have been a few surprises, that I’d like to share:

  1. one needs trust in others to allow me to “do them” on a public call…
  2. depending on the level of trust, a person can get a capacity activated even if it is not directed specifically at them
  3. people with the least amount of trust are the most fickle: they try anything and then get all messed up: full of attachments from their escapades.
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Musing on good and evil, and the role the unactivated DNA capacities play in that

good or evil?Some people, some groups, even some countries always bet on the wrong horse.

They are on the wrong side of life, and don’t know it. Can’t know it. Can’t see it… Why? The answer is at the end of the article… Keep reading.

The question is: is there such a thing as a national DNA, a party DNA, a group DNA?

My hunch is that yes, albeit not in the traditional sense.

Hungary, where I was born, is such country, by the way. They sided up with the Germans in both world wars… and they lost both times, with the Germans.

They are still on the wrong side of life… poverty, corruption, antisemitism.

Are you on the side of Life? Are your affiliations on the side of Life?

One of the abilities missing for Hungary is the capacity of “the sight“… being able to see where your actions are taking you.
Continue reading “Musing on good and evil, and the role the unactivated DNA capacities play in that”

With abilities: should you get them when you need them, or should you get them now?

it is too late to dig a well when you are thirstyI hope by now it is getting a little clearer: an activated ability, an unlocked ability is useless until you need it.

You create opportunities for needing the new ability by “putting yourself in harm’s way”, meaning any activity where you can fail, where you can be proven to be less than, stupid, look bad, etc. unless you use your new ability. What activity? You’ll be surprised that also any activity that fits the criteria.

The process is called “actualization” or said in another way, making it real, making it working, making it show itself.

Most self-help programs, especially extreme programs, work on those… bringing your hidden and unused abilities to the surface, to work. I experienced that in many: fearless, self-trust, the sight all got revealed to me, and given a workout. Maybe more… I haven’t done any of those programs in a long while.

Actualization… Actual… as in real. Real for you, real for others. The opposite of actual is imaginary. Maybe even potential. but not real. 1

Like with anything, digging for a well when you are thirsty is often too late… Activating abilities, energetically, the thing I do, is like digging for a well.

Continue reading “With abilities: should you get them when you need them, or should you get them now?”

Life, looked through the filter of games… Is life a game?

life-is-like-a-gameIn the game of life, when you are losing, or not winning, the two things that can be missing are moves and DNA capacities.

The game goes the way the game goes, but you can play well and with a full deck, or not. Life deals a hand that you can play to win, and you can play to lose…

Each game in life has moves. Winning moves, and losing moves. You can have all the winning moves if you can’t see the consequences of your actions, you won’t win. And even if you see the consequences of your actions (capacity), if you don’t have moves, you still lose.

You have to have the capacities and you have to have the moves to win. Both are part of the invisible.

Life can be treated as a game, and everything in life can be treated as a game… A game you can win, or a game that you can lose.
Continue reading “Life, looked through the filter of games… Is life a game?”

The distinction between behavior and ability… doing and being

self-trustA new student of mine writes:

I think self trust is a big challenge for me, and building self trust is necessary as a foundation before I can trust others and build authentic relationships. I gain self trust by genuinely provide value and service to others. There is no short cut in gaining self trust and trust from others, and I need to build my skills and deliver my value solidly step by step, like building from the ground up to a skyscraper.

In my current choice in career path between the two opportunities, the important thing to consider is not what job it is, but rather which job allows me to use my skills to provide value to others in a solid way. I want to start afresh on a solid ground by being genuine in what I can contribute, and no more pretending that I like it or I am capable of doing the job while I don’t know what exactly I am doing.

I muscletest if he has the ability for self-trust active, and the answer is “no”.

His entire speech is a true reflection of our culture that ignores capacities.

Why? Because we live in a society that denies DNA differences between people, let they’d call you racist… but accepts and validates fight, killing, war, between religious beliefs, between different political parties… what a world we live in.
Continue reading “The distinction between behavior and ability… doing and being”

Does your Third Eye sit on our forehead?

Third-Eye-2Like with all things spiritual, humans in all ages, reversed the statement “god created man to his own image” and created gods to their own image. Ugh…

I am not familiar with all religions, and religions is not what I want to talk about in this post, but it is worth looking how Moses, angry abandoned Hebrew prince, forced to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, saw god as he was, angry, jealous, possessive, vengeful, inhumane, murderous, punishing, etc. Nasty piece of work… lol, not funny.

The Indians with their thousands of gods, their dancing Krishna drinking, eating and having sex with thousands of young girls.

One of the symptoms of this reverse modeling is the chakras: utter nonsense.7% truth value… huh?

One of the chakras is the Third Eye… the video I put up the other day shows what people think it is… seeing what is visible… useless. Why would you want to have third eye capacity if all you are interested in is physical stuff you can see normally.
Continue reading “Does your Third Eye sit on our forehead?”

A new way to look at the Big Picture… dramatic

zero-point-field-stores-memoriesIt seems that our memories get stored, depending on where the memory is coming from.

Memories through the mind are stored in the brain. Memories through consciousness… unconscious to you, for the most part, are stored in the zero point field.

Even though you have seen a lot, even though you have learned a lot, even though you know a lot, as long as you attempt to retrieve the knowledge with the mind, you’ll come up empty.

When I learned PhotoReading, the whole essence of the technique was to allow consciousness to do both the seeing and the retrieving.

Some people, the moment they left the course, returned to mind reading, and lost the advantage… and the course was expensive.

You need to have your sight, the third eye capacity activated to use the memories in the zero point field, and actually have access to wisdom. The memories stored there are not only your memories, it is all memories by all humans in all ages.
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Wideheld belief: you should already know… or that you should NOT have to work for knowledge

acting should be learned, it is an artHave you ever noticed that if a character in a movie or on a TV show is a good actor, you can bet that the person is from another country.

In the United States and Canada there is a wideheld belief that you should already know. That learning something is for other people, who don’t already know, and if you admitted that you need to learn something, it is akin you admitting of being an imbecile, or a lower type of person.

Now, in some rare cases people decide to learn something, and they go as far as getting an understanding, a surface understanding, and then they stop. I already know.

I don’t know of a profession that can be done well with no knowledge, but I can tell you, spiritual growth, causing your own evolution isn’t one of them: it takes more work than getting a Ph.D. and you can’t copy your paper from another… you actually have to do your own work.

If you every want to unhinge yourself from this commonly held detrimental belief, obviously Dark Side suggestion, you need to take pride in doing the work, and doing it.

To expand the field where you live, take on curiosity

One of the beingnesses you could take on is curiosity.

I know you think you know what it is, but consider that you have no clue.

You know asking for answers. That is not the curiosity I am talking about, that is a strategy to wrap up life in a neat package, so there are no more questions… Not what I am talking about. Continue reading “To expand the field where you live, take on curiosity”

Let’s talk a little bit of what would make you first want to participate with me, buy stuff, and then go away?

Hope-whispers-maybe-245x300What attracts you to me and my site is hope. And what takes you away is also hope.

Hope is a state where you don’t accept the way it is, you, others, the world, and you are looking for some light that others promise, that others seem to get, but not you.

You base hope on the view you have of others.

Hope also signifies a state where all needs to come from the outside, because you’re sure don’t have it.

You are like a moth being attracted to any light, even if it is fire that burns it.

I got a vibrational measurement request from a client. His vibration dropped 70 points. I checked and he has nine attachments. I have already pulled attachments from him, but he went and got himself nine more, some of those are those infectious attachments you get from healers, energy movers like Christie Marie Sheldon, from practitioners of the Access Consciousness Bars method, and lots more I haven’t identified yet.
Continue reading “Let’s talk a little bit of what would make you first want to participate with me, buy stuff, and then go away?”