Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?

Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?

This article is about personal evolution… going from where, how, who you are today to a higher level, a higher organization where you can be, have, do more.

Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations… from Wikipedia

As I am browsing the many pages of many self-proclaimed gurus about the topic, what is most striking is this: all think that they are there… up there… And looking from that imaginary height, they claim what the levels are.

That is the problem with imagination. You can only imagine things on your level, inside your paradigm. The higher paradigms cannot be imagined. Bummer, eh?

So you need to trust, and move into the invisible, the unknown, the maybe unfriendly… 🙁

Fear is normal. In fact, fear is healthy. If you are not afraid, you live in your imagination… and will wake up with your hand in the chamberpot… as we Jews say.

So what this means is this: you don’t know where you are going. I don’t know where I am going. I am, at best, taking you to where I have been. And then, if I am lucky, walk with you, trembling with hope and fear… with you.

Recommendation: when you see a website that has a graphic that names the levels: leave. They are lying to you. They are taking you on a ride. They have something to sell you.

Here are a few examples. Click on the pictures to view them full size.




It’s November 10, and the ground is covered with snow where I live. My hands are cold, I am contemplating putting on my typing gloves: gloves that the tip of the finger is cut off so I can type.

I started to keep my house cold in the winter a few years ago, but went all hogs with it last winter: my thermostat is set to 47 degrees (9 degrees Celsius) day and night, and I have a heating pad under my desk and a heating pad on the wall about two meters from my right shoulder on the wall in my office. I also have a heating pad in the bathroom that I turn on when I plan to take a shower.

Why am I doing this? Continue reading “Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?”

The truth about probiotics – Updated

OK, this is going to be mostly good news… Update is at the end…

They want you to take probiotics forever.

But in my experience, you will need probiotics to establish a perfect match flora for the food list you eat.

Or, when for whatever reason, you make quick and substantial changes in your eating habits. Continue reading “The truth about probiotics – Updated”

The truth will set you free, says the meme. Is it true? does it really?

I sometimes get lucky. A generous person lets me know exactly what are the sentiments that dominate my readers.

Right now I have this special offer for health muscletesting.

Two things special about it:

  • 1. I let you in and I’ll measure you, without you having to talk to me. And from my point of view: without ME having to talk to YOU… Less time, less emotional load on me.It’s also that you can get your measurements and put them aside… no accountability to me. I won’t call you on it. You are off the hook.
  • 2. I have a big discount. For the first time. And maybe the last.

Now, let me show you what this reader wrote to me this morning:

I have been dreading to sign up for your testing offers…

or better: to get the results. It’s kinda silly. The getting off milk has been intense and still is a challenge, going to the grocery store – there’s still a part of me that craves bread and pasta and cake and cookies and chocolate and cheese and yoghurt and fruit and carrots and whatever… and it feels like signing up for a death sentence.

Now at least I can pretend to not know… but then I’d have a list, black on white…. non-negotiable.
Continue reading “The truth will set you free, says the meme. Is it true? does it really?”

Can you find solutions to your health issues by googling?

let me measure your vibration If you have problems with your hair, your scalp, or with your skin, your teeth, you can research the internet for hours.

And you’ll end up with a serious case of “learned helplessness” where you see that in a field where no one has the answer is all you can do is throw your hands up, or try everything and its opposite. All that knowledge will victimize you…

This could also apply to poor sleep, digestive issues, or lack of energy. Continue reading “Can you find solutions to your health issues by googling?”

Is science wrong? Are you smarter than scientists? Who should you trust?

This article has a time limited offer at the end… don’t skip it!

It is not enough to call yourself a mad scientist, I learn. You may be mad, but unless you know the scientific methods, you are just mad, playing around.

Science has a bad reputation nowadays, mainly because of two reasons:

  • 1. the public doesn’t know that science is rarely able to get to the cause of anything, so the expectations are too high, the disappointments are too low. it is more comfortable to listen to fake science, fake doctors, fake gurus. At least they don’t make you think.
  • 2. the fact that scientists are not independent of biases, self-interest, and such, renders their results highly dubious, questionable, etc. And in some crucial issues, this threatens the general public, like in the issue of A1 milk, the issue of GMO, the issues of pesticides and other harmful stuff we are forced to eat.

Continue reading “Is science wrong? Are you smarter than scientists? Who should you trust?”

Mad scientist: My experiments with milk

Louis Pasteur was a French scientist, the archetype of the “mad scientist”.

He was famous for many inventions, including pasteurizing liquids, including milk…

But his maddest act was to inject himself with rabies virus… and then cure himself with his remedy.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I turn out to be a mad scientist.

I experiment on myself. Why on myself? Because I can observe myself… and some of my experiments are potentially harmful. I am not as sure of my solution as Pasteur was…
Continue reading “Mad scientist: My experiments with milk”

Please help me in this test… Thank you

I trust you that you’ll do what is in your best interest. That is what I want you to do… because then the information I’ll glean from this test will be valid. thank you.

Who is my ideal client? It matters not what you say, it matters more if it is heard by the right people…

I have been asking this question for a few years now.

Marketing teachers tell me to find people who are kept awake at night by something that nag at them, that doesn’t let them sleep… a problem, an itch that cannot be scratched. I am not attracted to the suffering.

I want to expand my business to start selling “stuff”.

But what stuff shall I sell and to whom?
Continue reading “Please help me in this test… Thank you”

How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy

How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy

The Logic System Of The Mind Is “Everything Is The Same As Everything Else … Except Not Always.”… and the mind, of course, is stupid

The test of a first-rate intelligence (astuteness) is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

The comment that sent me to the article on the different cows that produce different milk woke me up.

Life is a lot more complex, has a lot more variety than our brain, hellbent on simplifying, is able to, or even willing to track.

I fell in hate with Bill Harris, when he said: water is water. That was in 2005. I knew better…

What I didn’t know, that everything that looks the same isn’t the same by necessity, only by accident. Continue reading “How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy”

Habit Stacking… a shortcut to your new life

I am reading a book, Habit Stacking. I think all non-fiction kindle books are poorly written… and I hate them. No joy of reading, even if the information is good. This one is no exception…   but the topic is needed.

Why do you need what this book teaches? Why do you need habit stacking?

In my programs, both in the health program and in the “good life” program, you will need to develop new habits. But… to develop a habit by itself is an uphill struggle, and to maintain it is virtually impossible.

Quote of the Day

If you never venture beyond what you know… You’ve spawned your own limitations.

I have been practicing “habit stacking” without giving it a name, successfully. What I am learning is that I can take it to a whole different level. And I can stack all desirable habits into stacks.. groupings, and things will get done…

Do what’s difficult when it’s easy… but it’s easy to say, hard to accomplish. Because what is difficult only shows up when it is already not easy… when it’s needed, what you already gone too far not having done it. Continue reading “Habit Stacking… a shortcut to your new life”

Disclaimer… Who am I to guide you? The Truth Method

Disclaimer… Who am I to guide you? The Truth Method

become aware of your own bullshitDisclaimer:

My reviews on health, supplements, and nutrition, practitioners, systems, modalities are based on a little knowledge and a lot of muscletesting. Same with my nutritional consultation.

I am not a doctor, I am not a nutritionist, I am not a pharmacist… I am a True Empath, an avid reader, and a very diligent muscletester. I also test some stuff on myself. To the tune of thousands of dollars worth of stuff a year. 1

I also test on clients: it is never intentional, but it is often a test nevertheless. Watching, observing evaluating, learning new things.

The hardest thing to test is: why something won’t work. Why? Because if you ask stupid questions, you’ll get stupid answers.

The art of asking questions is to get to the cause… to the root. Continue reading “Disclaimer… Who am I to guide you? The Truth Method”