Any method that teaches you to heal another is a scam

Any method that teaches you to heal another is a scam
Any method that teaches you to heal another is a scam.

Access Bars, Access Consciousness? Energy healing, reiki, the Healing codes… Theta Healing… Ugh, ugly.

Even connecting to Source cannot be taught. You need to discover it for yourself.

Wow wow, Sophie, that is a big audacious generalization, isn’t it?

Yes and no. The truth value of that statement is 30%. If you are new here, I am using muscletesting while I am connected to Source. Continue reading “Any method that teaches you to heal another is a scam”

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

One of the annoying secrets of communicating with Source through muscletesting is that the questions need to be precise and specific.

I can touch a food and ask if it is good for me. And the answer is as imprecise as the question.

If I ask: is this food generally good for me? that’s a whole lot better.

As a rule of thumb Source considers every question as ‘right now’… and if you want to know if it will be good for you tomorrow, then ask that.

Often because of what else you have eaten on a given day, a perfectly good food will test as ‘no’.

Observing people, and myself as well, our tendency is to assume that the person or Source knows what we mean. This is the source of a lot of mischief… Continue reading “Better late than never… my newest battle cry”

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a ‘practitioner’ of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing. Continue reading “Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking”

The nature of inner guidance, or how does inner guidance work?

outer guidanceHow does guidance work?

I bet, you expect a straight line from where you are to where you want to be.

Unfortunately, nature doesn’t work on a straight line.

So unless you are willing to take everything as guidance, and not stop asking, thinking you are home free… you’ll make wild left right turns before nature, Consciousness, your body takes you home.

I have been observing this for decades, and tearing my hair our…

Because more often than not, the first “guidance” towards a result you crave will take you to a bad result.

Why? I have some theories, but I don’t actually know why. Continue reading “The nature of inner guidance, or how does inner guidance work?”

You can have everything, but not at the same time…

Look how hard I try! Look how good I am!

You can have everything, but not at the same time…

In certain areas of life it is obvious… Like eating sugary stuff and weight loss…

But in this work, the work of causing human evolution, from human to human being, I don’t address many obvious things, because the secret of evolution is in the invisible domain. Continue reading “You can have everything, but not at the same time…”

Why are you not able to sustain a new mindset?

Why are you not able to sustain a new mindset?

Update: if you think you don’t retain or sustain a new mindset, chances are, you never internalized it, so there is nothing to retain or sustain. Same with transformation.

Before we can talk about retaining: first you have to have it… you cannot lose what you never had. Thinking you had it is not the same as having it.

Thinking about flying isn’t… Continue reading “Why are you not able to sustain a new mindset?”

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?

Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…

Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner… Continue reading “What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?”

Your map of reality and the post-truth world… what is it all about?

I have been pretty dumbfounded lately by my findings. As you know I use muscletesting while connected to Source to glean insights into things…

It has given me the “Forest Whitaker eye” lol.

Here are a few examples:

  • 1. I have already shared that it took me testing 20 pages of Turmeric products to find one that tested yes. Price, label, manufacturer, story didn’t matter… and when I actually bought it and used it, the results were miraculous. Beyond my wildest expectations.But what was wrong with the rest?
  • 2. I had the same experience with Potassium, which I need almost daily… And in the end I bought one that works.What is wrong with the rest of them?
  • 3. Sulphur… edible sulphur, a main component of bones…
  • 4. Egg shells… this was really just out of curiosity: I am making my own egg shell capsules from the eggs I have used.

    I am thinking of selling them… what do you think? Best calcium ever, but it’s a lot of work to prepare the egg shells…
  • Continue reading “Your map of reality and the post-truth world… what is it all about?”

How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy

How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy

The Logic System Of The Mind Is “Everything Is The Same As Everything Else … Except Not Always.”… and the mind, of course, is stupid

The test of a first-rate intelligence (astuteness) is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

The comment that sent me to the article on the different cows that produce different milk woke me up.

Life is a lot more complex, has a lot more variety than our brain, hellbent on simplifying, is able to, or even willing to track.

I fell in hate with Bill Harris, when he said: water is water. That was in 2005. I knew better…

What I didn’t know, that everything that looks the same isn’t the same by necessity, only by accident. Continue reading “How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy”

I did the energetic brain cleansing webinar I promised yesterday

remove plaque from your brainI found, during the call, that I still have a non-functioning segment in my brain, that is cold… dead? Muscletest says it’s a part of the brain I could coax back to work, if I put the work into it.

That is me. I do what I need to do to grow, every day. And some days I grow, others I don’t… but I DO WHAT I NEED TO DO TO GROW!

What do YOU do?
15 bucks to get your starting point measurements 1 .

You now know where you are, how your brain works, to what degree you are barking up the wrong tree, to what degree what you see is not what is there. You may also know the causes: your hydration is off, your diet is off, your attitude is off.

So you decide to do something about it… but… no change… or temporary change only.

Why wouldn’t it work for you? It worked for me! It works for others!

This is what I’d like to talk about in this post. I even had some insight this morning. Maybe because I had the brain cleansing? I would not be surprised…

Please don’t discount brain health.

Everyone jabbers about mind-health, but unless your brain is healthy, unless it is a high performance machine, you are not going to be able to see, identify correctly, and correct.
Continue reading “I did the energetic brain cleansing webinar I promised yesterday”