Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

I got an email this morning from a student whose numbers are doing the macarena… up and down.

You can hear the exasperation in her voice… WTF? I am so good. I do the work. I don’t see wrong… so
What. The.F?!

Hear the emotion? Not sober eyes…

What is going on is shown by your emotions… the hissy fits, the yelling, the WTF. Continue reading “Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena”

The myth that is between you and the life can love

The myth that is between you and the life can love

Myth is a widely held but false belief or idea.

Your soul correction has one element that serves as linchpin.

A linchpin is the ‘thing’ that holds a construct together. But to remove the linchpin you need to be willing for everything to fall apart… temporarily.

This is a difficult thing to do, even though you may be able to see what’s on the other side: when you rebuild yourself anew.

What’s on the other side, potentially, is a you who isn’t stuck with what you have now: fear, anger, disappointment, discouragement, hopelessness, distrust, resistance… whatever the linchpin of your soul correction is. Continue reading “The myth that is between you and the life can love”

What a one minute exercise reveals about you?

What a one minute exercise reveals about you?

What do your emotions and behavior hide?

Your behaviors, your feelings and emotions are the tip of the iceberg, hiding the below water part, your attitudes. Your attitude to anything…

Here is the exercise: Close your eyes and imagine a bowl of cherries in front of you. It’s all for you. No competition. Or a box of chocolates if that fits you better.

How do you eat your cherries?

You reach out and take a cherry, or whatever you have in front of you.

  • Did you take the largest, most ripe cherry? The best of all the chocolates?
  • Did you take the puny little cherry first? The kind of chocolate you don’t really like?
  • Did you just take any of the cherries, without looking if it is big, plump, or puny?

The underlying attitude shows clearly on your behavior.
Continue reading “What a one minute exercise reveals about you?”

Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?

Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?

Guy goes to his doctor. The doctor says, look, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you just got to stop masturbating. Why? asks the patient? So I can examine you, answers the doctor.

OK, but all jokes aside, it is not easy to be a doctor, or a ‘spritual teacher’… So many things are in the way.

I have been having a lot more private calls than normal.

And as it always is: it is hard to be silently brilliant, lots of thought occur when you open your mouth.

So I have had lots of thought occur, and, maybe because I am talked out, it is harder to write. Continue reading “Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?”

The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind

The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind

Even a blind chicken will find a seed here and there… but it may die before it finds enough to survive.

There are statistics that before someone become a millionaire or a billionaire, they went through a few bankruptcies.

One could surmise that it’s a rule… but what no one is saying, at least I haven’t heard… is the blind chicken rule.

If you learn to see through trial and error what there is to see, in business, in relationships, in health, then your next try will have more chances to succeed, if you put in practice what you saw.

There is something about the learning that is unusual: it is non-verbal.

If and when the person turns what they saw into words, rules, the learning disappears.
Continue reading “The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind”

The secret that every successful person uses thinking that it is common knowledge

The secret that every successful person uses thinking that it is common knowledge

I have been in deep thought since yesterday…

This article can become a watershed… when you’ll say: before I learned that… and after I learned that… What? Read the article.

“Adoration of a President-to-Be” –

Newly engaged John F. Kennedy & Jacqueline Bouvier – Cape Cod, July 4th 1953
source: Life

Continue reading “The secret that every successful person uses thinking that it is common knowledge”

It’s not always what you do, but in what order

It’s not always what you do, but in what order

Actions that are perfect at one time are disastrous at other times.

To see what is the cause and what is the effect is mandatory if you want to be happy.

To know that starting a building the roof before the house is stupid… is a rare skill… most people do the equivalent of that in the area of spirituality, building a business, finding a fulfilling vocation, etc.

The Sight capacity can really help, but it takes building the skill of seeing what is there to higher levels than it naturally is. Normal sight is 1% accurate. 1%… horrible, no?

If you were a tracker, someone who tracks an animal or a person, the signs you see as clues would mean nothing to the other… although they, maybe, have the same sight capacity open, and yet. Continue reading “It’s not always what you do, but in what order”

How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness?

How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness?

How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness? In attitude? In emotional intelligence?

A lot of people use famous quotes for guidance, and, if my observations are correct, those quotes increase your sense of inadequacy, your sense of doom about 90% of the time. And 10% of the time you don’t even need inspiring quotes, you are already inspired.

So, what do you do? You pretend how much you love it, how much difference it makes… while inside, the gap between your authentic self and the horizontal self is growing with every lie.
Continue reading “How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness?”

The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach

The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach

Most people, including coaches, are too wrapped up in their thoughts, in what they want, etc.

They cannot see outside of it… In essence they are locked into the nine dots… the famous exercise.

Here is another one I learned this morning, and I fell into the same nine dots trap…

A father and a son has a car accident. The emergency services take them to different hospitals given their injuries. Continue reading “The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach”

Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?

Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?

My first breakthrough in emotional intelligence came when a number of years ago I identified the emotion that curled down the corners of my mouth. It was familiar… and it was the first time I had words to wrap around the emotion: “I am personally offended.”

The key word there is ‘Personally’…

Of course, every time you are offended, you took something personally, as if it happened to you, as if it were directed to you, personally.

Rarely, if anything, is directed at you personally.

In fact the offending party is so wrapped up in their own ‘stuff’ that they scarcely took notice of you… at all. Continue reading “Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?”