The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it

The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it

The ability to care, the ability to love: why is it that people don’t want it?

Why would a large majority of the human population refuse to receive the DNA upgrade?

In conversations with students, without ever asking their opinion about this, I have formed a view about the reasons why someone would not want the capacities included in the DNA upgrade of September 4.

It is hard to fathom… after all if you have more capacities, you can live more, love more, have more, enjoy more… but no, reality doesn’t work the way of my imagination, not at all.

The easiest it is to see this unwillingness when we look at the capacities of love and caring.

Most of humanity lives in a state I call “driftwood.”
Continue reading “The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it”

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Churchill and the dalek: tough choicesTough choices: knowing what’s important

Life is really so incredible perfect when you are committed to something, and therefore you look at everything through that commitment.

Here is a quote I had attached to my kitchen cabinet for four years. When I moved it was impossible to save it: it crumbled… lol. It has an awful lot to do with who I am today, and the incredible results I was able to produce in those four years:

Continue reading “Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t”

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?
can-you-be-with-rapeCan you be with it?

Can you just be… not running away. Not trying to fix it. Not hating it. Just BE. Be there.

Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be?

And observe? And do nothing?

None of your buttons pushed, none of your usual anger, or whatever… just silence, just peace, just emergence? Continue reading “Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?”

The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All

buddha had the capacity of having, the capacity of allowingThis article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.

But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…

Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.
Continue reading “The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All”

Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

dna upgradeHuman DNA, DNA upgrade… did you get it? Did you want to get it? What the heck is DNA upgrade?

For most of my life I knew I did not care. But no matter how bad that felt, I still could not care. I thought I was the worst person alive, a bad bad bad person. I was sure everybody else could care, only I could not.

I didn’t know, that caring was not part of my DNA.

But as I was raising my vibration, at some point I experienced caring. In a way I invented caring.

Maybe I wasn’t the first person to care, but I was now part of a very small minority. The people who can care, who can love, who can respect. But I still didn’t know I was different. I thought I just became like everyone else, finally. Continue reading “Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?”

What are the 13 new capacities in the DNA Upgrade?

What are the 13 new capacities in the DNA Upgrade?

I wrote this article two years ago, in 2013. Today I use different words to express what I did then. I say, today, that capacities inherent in human DNA were activated… instead of added.

But other than that… this article is as good as new… With, or course the major difference, of publicly activating capacities and seeing if they are taken or not, if they are resisted and how.

In the two years or so before the DNA upgrade of September 4, 2013, my job was to coach people in activating their human being capacities, raise their vibration, access their soul’s guidance, and connect to Source.

In hindsight, I’d signed up to do failed experiments so Source can learn humans and the human condition intimately.

In the first phase, it became clear that you cannot activate capacities in people that are unconscious and are driven by dark desires, greed, and lust.

In the second phase it became clear that even with individual activation something was amiss: humans are not even able to see that they are a result of co-creation, and they cannot just hold out their hands and get what they think they need and want.

In the 3rd phase I worked out methods that could work if humans had some missing capacities added to their DNA.
Continue reading “What are the 13 new capacities in the DNA Upgrade?”

Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…

Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…
what is your real iq?Geniuxole System

People are looking for ways to become smarter. And you should… I mean you should become smarter.

There is one major issue and that is: where do you think smarts lives?

We have spoken of this before, but let me repeat it for those that are new: Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…”

Easy vs what works. Illusion vs reality… how to tell the difference?

bending spoon illusionWe are living in the matrix. We eat make-believe food, have make-believe relationships, fight for make-believe causes.

The main weapon of the illusion that it convinces you that it doesn’t exist. They used to say that about the devil… but the real devil is the creators, the pushers, the promoters of the illusion. 1

25 years ago I participated, briefly, in a 12-step program: Adult Children of Alcoholics. As you may know, the first step of joining a group like that is to pick a higher power. Why? I am not sure, I have done no research. I am going to share my own way of using “higher power” because it is relevant to this topic.

I am an atheist. I do not believe that there is a higher power, per se. I do feel that there is a certain order in the Universe, that it is even intelligent, but Higher Power?

And yet, what makes AA and other 12-step programs work, is this higher power thing…
Continue reading “Easy vs what works. Illusion vs reality… how to tell the difference?”

The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently

are you a Ford with a Maserati inside?The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently.

I find myself reluctant to say anything. I find myself reluctant to write, and that feels weird after having written seven thousand pages in the past two years. After having worked on the distinguishing of these missing capacities for 10 years…

My dilemma is that just because you can, you still haven’t changed. And unless you change your behavior, unless you do what it takes to activate those new capacities, nothing will change. Nothing.

You are still listening with the old mindset. And you ARE your mindset, and no new capacity will change that. No new information will change that. Only new action will change that.

The choice, for me, is to be inspiring or truthful. It always has been the choice, I just could not see it.

Your other teachers and healers talk inspiring. 100% lie. 100% soothing. Permission for you to stay the same.
Continue reading “The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently”

Self-Discipline And WillPower are The Path To Grace & Ease

Self-Discipline And WillPower are The Path To Grace & Ease
Why Do You Need Self-Discipline And Will-Power To Achieve Higher States Of Consciousness? The Path To Grace and Ease

A ‘normal’ human is weak, weak willed, and behaves in a pleasure seeking way.

A ‘normal’ human, when asked why they do what they do, they always have a because. Their whole being is effect: they are never the cause of their own action, their own feelings, their own thoughts.

The world of humans is an interplay of cause and effect. Rare humans are the cause of their actions. They are in higher states of consciousness. They don’t need an outside cause: they act as their own authority.

To go from ‘normal’ human, meaning weak willed and pleasure seeking, ordinary consciousness, you will need to develop capacities that are not taught in school, and they are not even encouraged.

When I first learned this whole distinction, responsibility, or said in another way, being a cause, the occasion was being late. I was late, and I had good reasons: I started late, the weather, the train schedule, the cab driver, the elevator… a slew of reasons.

The trainer suggested that I become cause of my being late. I tried, ‘I am late because I am forgetful…’ but as he explained, I mean the trainer, that would still be something other than me being the cause. If it is an internal and inherent weakness that causes something, I am still a victim, I am still an effect.

It took a long time, but the speaking that expresses being totally the cause of the result was, ‘I am late because I am late.’ or in my case ‘I am late because I started out late… all the rest are just excuses.’

This was a huge revelation to me. In the three years following this discovery I accomplished nine years worth of work, and went from a low-paid architect to a magazine owner, a magazine publisher with staff. It was amazing.

Then, of course, I got sloppy and victimized again, and my life has been an alternation of being cause, and being a victim.

You need self-discipline and will power to stay cause. Just because you know what you are supposed to do, what you are supposed to notice, what you must be aware of, you won’t, unless you have a well-developed self-discipline and will-power.

Both practically help you forego the desire to bail out, to escape, to go the easy route.

You don’t go from an undisciplined prince or princess to a disciplined person. The world does not prepare you for that: a disciplined person is a threat to society: it rocks the boat of mediocrity and complacency.

I have a few clients who are either in the military or retired from the military. Even the military doesn’t care about you being self-disciplined: they just want you to do what you are told to do, like a machine.

Those military types are the least disciplined of all my clients… a total disaster.

So, how are you going to go from ‘normal’ to highly disciplined? You know that the meaning of a discipline is teaching, and a disciple is someone who can be taught.

As long as you are undisciplined, no matter what I do, and no matter what you do, the results will not be forthcoming.

And because a normal human is blind to its own behavior, its own ego, you need outside help to be able to see yourself.

The tools that I offer are energetic and cognitive.

Energetically, my harmonize your vibration audio is your best choice, if you are normal.

Cognitively, I recommend that you find out what is your soul’s correction, so you can actually direct your awareness at something that will change you in the right direction.

UPDATE: now there is a specific Avatar State audio to address self-discipline.

Go and try the Self-Discipline Activator