Feeling lonely? Are you feeling your own feelings?

Feeling lonely? Are you feeling your own feelings?
SuntowerAre your feelings yours?

I had a realization a few minutes ago: Every summer I am attacked by this strong feeling that unless I have a life-partner, I am alone, and I have an empty life.

It comes fortified with bouts of depression, bouts of misery, bouts of fear, bouts of anxiety.

Today was really horrid.

Then I got a flash of insight: what if this is not mine at all? What if this has never been mine?

Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…

Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…
How Self-Awareness is the Key to Happiness, Effectiveness, Intelligent Decisions… The Sideways View

self-awareness-2I thought I was going to have a domestic day. you know laundry, dishes, stuff. and watch myself, my emotions, and have a good old time.

The weather is gorgeous. My neighborhood is even prettier in the fall than in the summer. you can see far. and the contrast of the blue sky and the rusty color of the leaves and branches is really beautiful.

The thought: ‘I could actually be happy‘. The though of being cured. These thoughts were very present there for a few minutes. I made myself a nice cup of tea, and checked my email.

There was a note there from Youtube that I have a comment on my ‘Why are Jews smart?‘ video, so I went to check it out.
Continue reading “Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…”

Case Study: Abraham Channeled by Esther Hicks

Case Study: Abraham Channeled by Esther Hicks
Feel better vs. Raise Your Vibration

Please remember that this whole series of case studies is interested in one thing: does the modality raise your vibration permanently.

Or does it only teach you to feel better temporarily… That is the only criteria that I examine here.

Why? Because there are plenty of feel better, flash-in-the-pan modalities out there. Modalities that enslave you.

What do I mean?

Let me give you an example: A friend of mine ran his idea by me today: he wants to offer an on-demand coaching service, where people pay a monthly retainer fee and then a per-minute fee when they call for a coaching session. Continue reading “Case Study: Abraham Channeled by Esther Hicks”

Your Resistance To An Activator Is A Gift – A Case Study.

Your Resistance To An Activator Is A Gift – A Case Study.
Your Resistance To An Activator Is A Gift – A Case Study.

Just like pain shows you where you are out of whack physically, a resistance shows you where you need work spiritually.

It may be more than just one thing, so don’t jump into conclusions. Pay attention and you’ll be able to peel it, layer by layer, like an onion.

Bee. had resistance to all the activators in the beginning.

Continue reading “Your Resistance To An Activator Is A Gift – A Case Study.”

You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See: tranquilized obviousness

You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See: tranquilized obviousness
You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See or Activators Are Not Magic Bullets

I have been doing the Daily Connection for 10 days: one major activator a day. It’s quite new to me. Before September 27 I only activated individuals. Since then I am only activating groups.

It’s a whole different ball-game. I need to be aware of every single person’s energy at the same time: they are all in my head. Also, each person resists an activator download in a different way: I need to say the right thing for each to allow it through.

Continue reading “You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See: tranquilized obviousness”

Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

What is the difference between mulling something over and contemplating?

A lot of people asked Dr. Peter Popper what it takes to be as knowledgeable is he is. His answer is: reading. And then contemplate over what you read. And then reading more. Contemplate more. Continue reading “Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?”

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it
Depression comes and goes in my life.

Oftentimes and a depressed mood, a hopelessness, a futility starts mixing into my life.

It is hard to sleep, or hard to get up, or both.

Nothing changes and everything changes.

I have been watching it with curiosity. Curiosity tinged with worry… it is not pleasant to be depressed. Continue reading “Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it”

Depression, Hate, Anger… Signs of The Dark Forces

Depression, Hate, Anger… Signs of The Dark Forces
Depression, Hate, Anger… These are All Signs That The Dark Forces Have Gained A Foothold In You

I read a book a few years ago by Kabbalah teacher, Yehuda Berg.

The book was on depression, and it promised to show you the restart button, so you can restart yourself and    stop suffering. Continue reading “Depression, Hate, Anger… Signs of The Dark Forces”

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

oversleeping depression side effectsSome days start out like this… I don’t know if you can relate… I oversleeping and suffer from the  resulting depression

Today I overslept. Some fascinating dream was more important for me to continue watching than getting up.

It’s now three hours later, and I am till groggy, unmotivated, and I have a fear that is playing hide and seek with me: I can’t really see what it is afraid of. Continue reading “Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery”

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing
The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing…

But do you even know, have you even decided what is the MAIN THING?

The internet is full of articles by people who know exactly how to solve the other guy’s problems. They do this with how to do this or that in 3-7 steps articles and books… but they are all wrong, and those ‘solutions’ are not solutions at all. Continue reading “The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing”