Vibrational reviews: Matt Kahn, Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Vibrational reviews: Matt Kahn, Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Matt Kahn’s personal vibration is 130. B.S. artist… totally inauthentic. What he does is completely 91% ineffective. Thank god, he doesn’t put attachments on you, at least not in his audios. If you are one of my students, you’ll be able to appreciate the quality of the video below, designed to dupe the stupid even more.

Jean-Houston-Ph.DJean Houston, Ph.D. Review: I got an email about a new program by Jean Houston. I had never heard about her, so I checked how effective she is in teaching you to live a live aligned with a purpose… that she also teaches you to find.

This is what I measured: Jean Houston, plagued with anxiety, her vibration is 130… So she doesn’t even live on the street level, she lives in the catacombs level… not a very good level for teaching, unless it is OK to teach what is already in your mind.

How effective is she to teach people to find and live their life purpose: 3%. Truth value of what she teaches: 7%. In addition to that, this is my personal addition: she is darn expensive for being this ineffective. These are her one-on-one results…

I will add more vibrational reviews to this thread as I see people who are searched for on my site

Ayahuasca opens you and your friends up to be annihilated

ayahuascaHumans are the hapless, ignorant, trappers of their brethren.

I have written about the client who, without asking me, went and done an Ayahuasca retreat, then continued to drink that stuff after he returned home.

Result: I needed to do 200+ dollars worth of work on him, 200+ dollars worth of work on a friend of his, and then 200+ dollars worth of work on me.

These are the people who we know were effected.

The spells (attachments) were debilitating and painful. I experienced them both directly and indirectly.
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Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Scott aka Teal Swan aka Teal Bosworth must be making waves again… Frequency paintings

teal-swan-frequency-paintingCan these paintings raise your vibration automatically? Of course not. It is another greed: raising your vibration… without work… hah, gotcha! lol Continue reading “Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews”

Modern gurus: The business of consolation, the business of confirmation

neelam-indiaI had a “guru” ask for his vibration today. Nice guy. Low vibration.

Another guru, 1 some 6 years ago told him that there was no need to seek, he could start his own guru business…

Horrible disservice.
Continue reading “Modern gurus: The business of consolation, the business of confirmation”

About Quantum Jumping. Future self? Parallel reality?

quantum jumping burt goldmanQuantum Jumping

Quantum Jumping is a technique. Burt Goldman calls it a visualization technique, but I call it a connect to all-of-it, a confer with all-of-it technique. A technique to ask a question of an alternative self of yourself, that has chosen a different path than the one you are on… a more rewarding path. I don’t believe in the subconscious mind… by the way.

There are three good things about this program:
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If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular
ResonanceIf your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.

Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know. 2

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.
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Vibrational Review: Jesus Christ

religions of the world including ChristianityI get my ideas of whose vibration to measure from people who search for names on my site.

Lots of people search for “Jesus vibration”

How do I measure vibration?

Step 1: I connect to Source.
Step 2: I connect to the person or idea I want to measure.
Step 3: I say: more than 200 and muscletest…
Step 4: If it is more than 200, I say more than 210, more than 220, etc. and I muscletest until my fingers open signifying a no. If it is not more than 200, I go downward from 200, until my fingers open.

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Jesus Christ”

So you want to become a healer?

healing handsEnergy Healing, Energy Healers

People want to become healers. It is all ego, pride, a way to go around doing their own spiritual work.

Thousands upon thousands search to become Reiki “Masters”… they are not a master in anything, barely can tie their shoe laces, but they are Reiki Masters. Yeah, right.

It’s the best racket of our age:wave your arms, and get paid. No one can see energy, no one can measure energy, and only a very small percentage of people can feel energy. And when they don’t… it is their fault, isn’t it?
Continue reading “So you want to become a healer?”

Carol Tuttle — more reviews

carol-tuttle-chakras-balancedMindValley is coming out with a new course, by Carol Tuttle. I don’t know Carol Tuttle… but I want to make sure I know how to advise my readers, my students, my clients… should they spend their money and their time with this course.

Of course the course is about making more money. Of course that is the answer to all misery: if you had money you would be happier… bah humbug. You would be just as miserable, with bragging rights.

But apart from that, a core issue, you want to fix your outside, your circumstances, so you can be well on the inside… utterly backwards, I want to be able to see the methodology without having to buy the course myself.
Continue reading “Carol Tuttle — more reviews”

Vibrational reviews: Cat Yronwode, Catherine Yronwode, Daniel Biskind, Dianne Eble, Dr. Margaret Paul, Kris Cahill, lucky mojo, Sandra Bsikind

Dr. Margaret Paul,, lucky mojo,, Catherine Yronwode, Cat Yronwode, Sandra Bsikind, Daniel Biskind,, Dianne Eble,, Kris Cahill,

  1. Dr. Margaret Paul ( She specializes in innerchild and loving yourself.

    Margaret Paul: personal vibration: 200. Inner state: extreme unease, can barely breathe. anxiety and fear. Does her method work? 0.5%

  2. Lucky Mojo organization ( They have several practitioners who do spells, readings, hoodoo oils, powder, candle lighting etc etc. Catherine Yronwode is the founder.
    Catherine Yronwode: personal vibration: 180
    I don’t know anything about spells, but I can tell you, doing spells is very low vibration. (40) the level of desperation

  3. Sandra and Daniel Biskind ( They are healers, trainers, and do enlightenment works. I used Sandra once and she is very expensive, around $500 for the session.
    Sandra Biskind: Personal vibration: 110. anxiety, malaise
    Daniel Biskind: Personal vibration: 90, lives entirely in his head

  4. Dianne Eble ( She is a certified healing codes practitioner.
    Dianne Eble: personal vibration: 90 (normally 110) but always miserable

  5. Kris Cahill ( She is a clairvoyant and energy reader.
    Kris Cahill: personal vibration: 170. barely breathing, forced calm, inner uncomfortable pressure and burning.

Who you approach says a lot about you. You are looking for modalities and practitioners that resonate with you… so I can find a lot of you in your “healers” and such.