Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?

Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?
3-ways-to-change-your-stateWhat is the easiest method to shift someone’s state of being?

We already know. Children, when they cry because they hurt themselves, can be brought out of crying by directing their attention to something more interesting, more engaging.

We use it in the Soaring Method.

I use it in almost every coaching conversation I have with people who are stuck in some unproductive state of being, like sadness, despair, maybe even resistance.

State of being, mode of being, beingness… all are outside of what you call self-awareness…

Self-awareness on the level of human is all physical and emotional.

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What’s your story? Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves.

What’s your story? Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves.
The Outcome Is Not Pretty. You Are Trying. You Fail. What’s Going On?

Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves. your life is scripted. different locales, different characters, but it is the same repeating story. You Are Living Out A Script… The Outcome Is Not Pretty. You Are Trying. You Fail. What’s Going On?

I would dare to say, that repeating a script that only brings you trouble, pain, guilt, shame is the opposite of emotional intelligence.

  • The first “modality” for “emotional intelligence” I encountered was beating. By my mother, occasionally by my father.
  • The second modality I encountered was psychotherapy, by a psychiatrist, who, after two years of therapy, decided that sleeping with me is more fun. I was 16 at the time.

Continue reading “What’s your story? Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves.”

The Carrot and Stick Method, or what’s between you and doing what you need to do, want to do, dream of doing?

New research seems to indicate that brain chemicals may control behavior and for people to learn and adapt in the world, both punishment and reward may be necessary.This is an article from 2013… as valid as it was then…

The signup to the Carrot and Stick webinars has started. This has prompted me to write this article.

Most of us, thinking that we are machines that can be operated by anyone, think that just by finding the switch, we’ll be able to do the things we haven’t been able to do, haven’t been willing to do, haven’t been liking to do.
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Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…

self-confidenceI watch, I observe people’s behavior and the emotions that go with it.

Unless I can see what you did, your emotions and much of your behavior don’t make sense.

And occasionally I get the opportunity to see both the actions and the emotions…

  1. The most frequent behavior is you acting without looking.

Promising without looking. Saying/answering a question without looking.

What’s the emotion? Anxiety… afraid of the future… Rightfully

Much like a drunk jumps into an empty pool… expecting it to be full.

You buy something. You are on the payment page. You assume you know what’s there… you are not looking. You don’t even suspect that you are signing up to a monthly program as well… and that you need to “un-tick” the box if you don’t want it.
Continue reading “Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…”

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving, Pursuing, Fighting For. Even What You Call “Loving” Is Greed. Sorry to burst your bubble…

And all resistance in the chest, in the pit of the stomach and in the shoulders… whatever the reasoning.

What is the opposite of greed?

I mean, if you knew that anything with any element of greed in it works to your detriment: it makes you miserable, and it repels what you are greedy for… You would get curious what is the opposite of greed, wouldn’t you?
Continue reading “Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving”

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Don’t be hasty answering…

we-have-met-the-enemyYesterday and especially today I had plenty of reasons to not want to face what there was to face: that we are the problem. 1 Especially if and when we think it’s others.

I haven’t done MY soul searching, but I will, I promise.

For now, just to document it, I’d like to address what I have seen.

One client paid me to remove her children’s attachments.

I am still working on the second child, and this is what I have seen:

If you live inside a strong judgmental world of your own, where everyone, maybe including yourself, is wrong, then you are the Dark Side in your and your children’s life.
Continue reading “Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Don’t be hasty answering…”

A life worth living: What does poetry have to do with it?

A life worth living: What does poetry have to do with it?

love-truth-goodnessThe world is mundane. Ordinary. At least through ordinary eyes. It is just the way it is.

Some people see beauty, some people see truth, some people see goodness, but for the most part you see reasons to justify why you only trudge through life, never really seeing any poetry, any romance, anything really uplifting.

The Beyond, The Divine, The “Spirit” gets through to you through one of those, truth, beauty, goodness, and how you know it got to you because something echoes in your Soul.

You cry, you laugh, you shut up… words don’t come close to express it.

When I work with people on their life’s purpose, on the meaning of their lives, especially when I do it in a private call, I need to work a lot.

When I speak your purpose, as I see it, I hear you being hooked, being moved. Then you get off the call, and turn it into mundane… money, sex, or such other stuff, that makes life and you stuck in the mud. Continue reading “A life worth living: What does poetry have to do with it?”

The Process Of Raising Your Vibration Is A Spiritual Process… Here Are The First Steps You Must Take

the self is an empty space
Photo by Colmar Wocke

The process of raising your vibration is a spiritual process. It is a process where you regain your power, you restore your soul to its rightful place, where you restore your Self to its fullness, and you become an individual.

If you are like most people owned by the Dark Side, i.e. you are 99.3% of the population, your whole existence, your attention is directed outward. You expect everything to come from there, meaning, love, respect, value, knowledge, even spirit. You think that by connecting to Source (outside of you) you become spiritual.

you are an empty shellTherefore the most important action is to turn your existence, your attention away from the outside.

The purpose of meditation, real meditation, is not to calm you, but to take you away from the outside.

But real meditation is a meditative way of living. Mrs. Roosevelt said best: What other think about me is none of my business.

The only person that wants to be with others, wants to know what other people think, etc. is the person who has no self. Nobody home. Vacant. Empty. Machine. Second-hander. Wants to be told, given, filled up. Loved.
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Your Biggest Pain Is Your Biggest Blessing, or How To Awaken The Soul’s Desire

your soul is your responsibilityIn this 2011 article I will show you how I connected to Soul, and through that connection how I have been able to awaken the desire to connect.

As I have said in other articles, desire is necessary to open the spigot of light… Desire opens and closes this spigot, and you can control desire.

The biggest issue is to awaken this desire: it is not active in Soul.

All the modalities, all the methodologies that talk about soul’s desire, try to cause your conscious self’s desire, and that desire doesn’t open the spigot. This is how I did it…

In 2010, October, I took a program, called the Landmark Education Forum, for the 20th time.

Why on earth would I do something for 20 times? Well, there was something that I wanted to uncover, that in all the Landmark Education programs I had never able to get a glimpse of. I wanted to discover how come that in spite of all my talents, in spite of all my diligence, I was never able to stay above “just over broke.”

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What are OUR tools in raising your vibration… Updated

transformation is like picking a lock. here are our tools to raise your vibrationTransformation is like picking a lock. You need tools, you need patience, you need immense awareness, and the results need to be valuable, or you’ll quit before you are done. Partial transformation gives you bragging rights, but no results.

This is going to be an article that, I predict, will grow as we discover or invent (with Source) new tools to bring about the 1,000 Years of Peace, the restoration of the Original Design.

I will not give details of the tools in this article. The details you can find in other articles, or in the glossary. I will link the tools to where you can read more about them as time allows.

Patience, my friend, patience is a virtue. I’ll get to it when I can. Start at the beginning… do you know how to connect, yet? I don’t mean know about it. I don’t mean “I think so” I mean, have I said that you are connected? If not, then please come to a connection call or stop feeding your mind. All this information is worthless there.

I will list the tools in the order I received them, not in the order of importance. This is where the good guys finish first, even if they started last…

Continue reading “What are OUR tools in raising your vibration… Updated”