Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

raise your vibration. it is like a score on the scoreboard Raise your vibration, 19 ways, 22 ways, eat this, do that, breathe this way, visualize that…

The misinformation of what raises your vibration proliferates. It’s a popular topic. People want to feel better. People want to be part of the new humanity. People want to survive 2012.

So what is vibration, for god’s sake? Continue reading “Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?”

On Soul Correction and Connecting to Source

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Sharing the light. A single candle, though its light is weak, banishes darkness. But it needs to be lit.

When you hide your light under a bushel basket so no one can see it: you are doing no one a service, including yourself.

Continue reading “On Soul Correction and Connecting to Source”

The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip

The Peacock: The Soul's Death-Grip The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip for Soul Correction

I knew there were more Bach Flower Feelings, there were more Bach Flower Energies, I just didn’t know what, which, how, and when.

Yesterday, on the afternoon connection call, a woman from Sweden, brand new person came to the call with that particular pain. Smack on the top of the Seat of The Soul… mimicking angina attack, very strong, very painful.

It didn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth, so I knew it was new. I also knew I had experienced it before, in fact I had it for years, until the time when I started to do my soul’s work, in earnest, a few years ago.

You don’t really experience it until your vibration hits 300… that is why it has never been present on the calls.

What is this energy, and why do I call it The Peacock?

Continue reading “The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip”

Soul Correction: Sharing The Flame, The Light

Soul Correction: Sharing The Flame, The Light
soul correction: sharing the lightSoul Correction: Sharing the light. (23)

A single candle, though its light is weak, banishes darkness. But it needs to be lit.

When you hide your light under a bushel basket so no one can see it: you are doing no one a service, including yourself.

Your job is to share your light, and trust that your single light will light up the life of all you touch.

Continue reading “Soul Correction: Sharing The Flame, The Light”

Soul Correction: Diamond in The Rough

Diamond in the rough

Soul correction is the soul’s purpose. No matter what activity you choose for your life, you can use it to be perfect for your soul’s correction.

This particular soul’s purpose is to find the diamond inside the rock: it’s there.

When life gives you rocks, they contain the diamonds. You did get rocks from life, and it is consistent with this soul correction.

So far you have been behaving like a victim, but the truth is that your soul really trusts you to turn it around.

You can do it, and this program is here to guide you through it.

On the other hand you may be the one who is the Diamond in the Rough… maybe you have the diamond inside you and you have been thinking that what you see is all you have.

But like with any diamond, the value in the removing the parts that are not diamond, and then the creating the lots of surfaces: that is what makes a diamond a brilliant cut diamond… that people pay all that much for… because they reflect the light in so many beautiful ways.

Which is true for you? My guess that it’s the second… So get going, get chiseling, get yourself out of the prison.

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

the 72 names of g-d in kabbalah

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

Tree of Knowledge is the body of guesses humanity has made to make sense of the Universe.

It’s a huge body of knowledge, much of it made up… the mystical knowledge all belongs there. Religion, astrology, numerology, etc.

I, myself, wasn’t very curious about the world. My class mates were: I was pragmatic: I was taking things as they were. That was, in a way, my advantage when I started to delve into the world of the 99%: I had no preconceived notions, pretty much none.

I did like to read my horoscope though, but my attitude about horoscopes was different from the majority’s: I used and still use horoscopes to take me off the beaten path and pay attention to stuff I normally don’t pay attention to.

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How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…

How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…

I didn’t mean to write a fourth article today… but I was poking the box, and this is what came up.

How do you tell the vibration of a “modality” without having permission to muscletest?

If there has ever been a good reason to ban me from measuring vibration, this would be probably the best: turning all the power over to you.

Why? Because there should never be anything or anyone between you and Source. Not me, not a book, not a church, not anything. Why? Because that would be idol worshiping, that would be taking away your power, that would be turning you to sheep.

Now, my experience has been that people turn themselves to sheep: shame on you.

I understand: it is scary to take responsibility for your choices, for your questions, for your answers, for your direction. But…

You weren’t created to be sheep. You are made of the same matter as Source, thinking stuff, powerful stuff. Not sheep stuff.

Now, if you are sheep, you can stop reading here: you and I have nothing to talk about.

Continue reading “How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…”

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

heaven on earth energy remedyThe Heaven on Earth energy bundle and your soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains all 38 Bach Flower Energies, the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies.

As I said it in other articles, the 38 Bach Flower Remedies correspond with strong feelings.

what are feelings? Feelings are the reaction to a thought, a meaning.

Isn’t it the other way around, Sophie? Well, yes and no. It is more like a snake that bites its own tail.

You see/experience something. It’s always a trigger. Your reptilian brain searches in its memory banks and spits out a meaning: this is a threat of this kind… and then you feel the feeling. Then the feeling becomes the new trigger. The reptilian brain does a database search again, and gives you a new coping “response” with will be a new feeling or a new action. Those again become triggers… and you can see the merry go round, can’t you.

So, what do the Bach Flower Energies do?

They interrupt this snake biting its tail mechanism: something happens, the feeling comes up and the energy neutralizes it.

Can it neutralize it before it comes up? After all who wants to have 38 different fears come up one time or another?
Continue reading “The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction”

Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction

fireplace give me heat then I'll give you wood: fatal attraction under the hood Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction

The cornerstone or linchpin of this correction is trust.

We, humans, have trust such that it has to be earned.

We use trust as a traffic signal: go, stop, or hesitate…

But the world works differently.

Here is an analogy: you are cold. You have a fireplace, you have wood, so you bundle up, sit down in front of the cold fireplace and start talking to it:
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction”

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

heaven on earth energy bundle infused in water

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle (the homeopathic energies of the 40 bad feelings) infused in water contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download, coming straight from Source.

Continue reading “How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?”