How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…

How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…

I didn’t mean to write a fourth article today… but I was poking the box, and this is what came up.

How do you tell the vibration of a “modality” without having permission to muscletest?

If there has ever been a good reason to ban me from measuring vibration, this would be probably the best: turning all the power over to you.

Why? Because there should never be anything or anyone between you and Source. Not me, not a book, not a church, not anything. Why? Because that would be idol worshiping, that would be taking away your power, that would be turning you to sheep.

Now, my experience has been that people turn themselves to sheep: shame on you.

I understand: it is scary to take responsibility for your choices, for your questions, for your answers, for your direction. But…

You weren’t created to be sheep. You are made of the same matter as Source, thinking stuff, powerful stuff. Not sheep stuff.

Now, if you are sheep, you can stop reading here: you and I have nothing to talk about.

Continue reading “How to tell the vibration without muscletesting…”

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

heaven on earth energy remedyThe Heaven on Earth energy bundle and your soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains all 38 Bach Flower Energies, the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies.

As I said it in other articles, the 38 Bach Flower Remedies correspond with strong feelings.

what are feelings? Feelings are the reaction to a thought, a meaning.

Isn’t it the other way around, Sophie? Well, yes and no. It is more like a snake that bites its own tail.

You see/experience something. It’s always a trigger. Your reptilian brain searches in its memory banks and spits out a meaning: this is a threat of this kind… and then you feel the feeling. Then the feeling becomes the new trigger. The reptilian brain does a database search again, and gives you a new coping “response” with will be a new feeling or a new action. Those again become triggers… and you can see the merry go round, can’t you.

So, what do the Bach Flower Energies do?

They interrupt this snake biting its tail mechanism: something happens, the feeling comes up and the energy neutralizes it.

Can it neutralize it before it comes up? After all who wants to have 38 different fears come up one time or another?
Continue reading “The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction”

Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction

fireplace give me heat then I'll give you wood: fatal attraction under the hood Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction

The cornerstone or linchpin of this correction is trust.

We, humans, have trust such that it has to be earned.

We use trust as a traffic signal: go, stop, or hesitate…

But the world works differently.

Here is an analogy: you are cold. You have a fireplace, you have wood, so you bundle up, sit down in front of the cold fireplace and start talking to it:
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction”

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

heaven on earth energy bundle infused in water

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle (the homeopathic energies of the 40 bad feelings) infused in water contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download, coming straight from Source.

Continue reading “How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?”

Activators? De-activators? What are you talking about?!

Activators? De-activators? What are you talking about?!

heat seeking missileActivators? De-activators? What the heck are you talking about, Sophie?! Tell me what it will do for me!

In this article, I am going to talk about activators, what they are and what they can do for you. Continue reading “Activators? De-activators? What are you talking about?!”

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales of the past and what is so unless ego got the best of me… lol

As I am doing my empath training, both in the Sunday afternoon empath training classes, and in my private sessions with my friend Matsa, I am finding out that not all empaths are created equal.

At least not in the arena of the empath curse/blessing.

I once saw, ok, I admit, twice, lol, a movie where a father could touch someone and could see the mortal sin the touched person had committed. I was fascinated. One of the sons of that father was the same way.
Continue reading “True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales”

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

This is a student’s email to me.

“I’ve been reading your emails and doing the Unconditional Love Activator and taken the Bach Flower Remedy and I have felt things that I haven’t felt in a while, such as getting angry, wishing others wouldn’t win, etc.
Continue reading “From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?”

Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief.

Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief.

oscillating structure by robert fritz: brilliant distinctionAgrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief. Are You Willing To Change? Do You Have a Big Enough Why? LOL… not funny

I’ve been diligently working on my assignment: connecting Humanity to Source and vice versa.

Humanity is learning about Source, and Source is learning about Humanity.

One thing Source learned yesterday is that Humanity, as a whole, is unwilling to change.
Continue reading “Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief.”

How Do You Become what Source Meant You To Be?

How Do You Become what Source Meant You To Be?

become the best you you can beHow Do You Become The Human Being Source Meant You To Be? How Do You Start Your Soul Correction?

This article explores the different aspects of Humans, the personality,  what methods will work to make a Human a Human Being,  what methods will kill you and what methods will destroy the planet?

Many of you are asking for your soul’s purpose, or in essence, your soul correction.
Continue reading “How Do You Become what Source Meant You To Be?”

Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…

Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…
soul mates soaring together in a synergistic fashionSoul Correction #28: SOUL MATE

Update: Having worked with two more soul mate people, I am seeing something additional: you cannot find your soul mate if you have a preconceived notion of what that looks like.

But if this is your soul correction, then no one is good enough for you, because you have an expectation, an agenda, and everyone will fall short. Even you will fall short of your expectations of how YOU should be. Continue reading “Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…”