Lead your life with your strength… instead of fixing

Lead your life with your strength… instead of fixing

benjamin-buttonIn this article I introduce the antisocial idea, that you are important enough, your time, your life is important enough to be used for something that you are good at and enjoy doing it.
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Intelligence: your view on intelligence is limiting you

how-smart-are-you-measuring-your-intelligence-levelWe all want to be intelligent, and we are never satisfied…

How come? How come we are never happy with ourselves, never happy with our results, our lives?

I have found, yesterday and today, that what we consider intelligence is wildly different from what it is, and having intelligence, intelligent behavior so misunderstood, is a big cause of us not being happy with ourselves.

Here is what I found… let’s see if I can articulate it in a way that it can make a difference for you.
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Panache Desai’s Soul Signature… Dissolving Density Programs and why they don’t work

it-talks-to-your-mindAny program that talks to your mind, the automatic thinking mind, is doomed to fail. But first it will titillate, soothe, much like a lullaby of a mother.

Why cannot they change you, and actually move you up where your soul wants to go?

Because you are stuck on low levels, young levels, and to unstuck you from there requires work… work that may not be pleasant, but unless it’s done, you are stuck forever.

The teachers you follow, the teachers whose products you buy, have one thing in common: they can sell ice to an Eskimo.

And you, who buys their product: you have one thing in common: you hope that life is going to be easy, and that by some miraculous way you can wish yourself out of the deep hole you live in.
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Updated: Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Darren Weissman, David Sereda and others

panache desai with oprahUpdate: I got an email today to promote Panache Desai. He is touted as Contemporary thought leader, giving away his $297 audio program, “Accelerate Your Awakening.” His vibration is still 200 170 in 2023, which is an accomplishment: most teachers’ vibration is dropping. Do I recommend him? No. But if you like him… it is ultimately your choice.

On this picture is Oprah smiling. Is Oprah a happy person? Is she a high vibration person? Let’s measure her vibration… shall we? Oprah’s vibration, today is 150… indication that she is not happy, she has no peace of mind… go figure. All the spiritual teachers she invites and buddy-buddies… It should tell you something.

Dr. Darren Weissman DC personal vibration: 170 updated: 100, (impatience, intolerance, anger, all feelings in the center, from the chest bone to the throat). Truth value of his ‘theory’: 0% My question is: is every chiropractor trained to be a professional shyster? Muscletest says ‘yes’.

Dr. David Sereda personal vibration: 180 updated in 2023: 100. Truth value of what he teaches: 0%

Old Vibrational Readings copied from comments:

Jim Self – Mastering alchemy: personal vibration: 170 (riddled with horrible anxiety); teachings: 150. All learned, Tree of Knowledge stuff…
Panache Desai – Vibrational Catalyst; personal vibration: 200; teachings: 170
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On the right to think… and not thinking as the path to evil

looks-like-youve-had-a-bit-too-much-to-think-support-your-local-thought-police-dont-speak-out-or-question-closed-minds-stop-thought-crimesSometimes I sit on a topic for days before I have the courage to write an article about it.

Why do I need courage, you ask? Because some topics go so much against the current power structure, that you can get ostracized, killed, deported… and only when one is clear and willing to take on those punishments, that one will be willing to open their mouths.

I watched a Netflix movie yesterday, Hannah Arendt, a German-American political theorist and thinker. Her claim to fame or infamy was her book or report on the Jerusalem trial of Adolph Eichmann in the 1960’s.
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Love Your Neighbor As Yourself or The Evil Eye

love your neighbor as yourself The Commandment: Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

Some people are connected, yet they teach Tree of Knowledge stuff.

One such historical figure was Rabbi Akiva Ben Joseph. He was a Rabbinic sage. There is always one rabbinic sage in any generation in an area… he was active in Jerusalem. A rabbinic sage is a thought leader.

Rabbi Akiva was connected to source. He connected deeply and long. But he taught from the knowledge of the world.

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How to be with The things you can’t be with

How to be with The things you can’t be with

dwelling-on-the-negativeI got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.
Continue reading “How to be with The things you can’t be with”

Your actions, attitude. You are your own toxic environment

Your actions, attitude. You are your own toxic environment

water1Your actions, behavior, and emotions are toxic to your emotional and physical well being. Enclosed into your own energy, you are your own toxic environment

Most everyone already knows the frozen water crystals experiment by Masaru Emoto: how words, music, and other emotional expressions altered the coherence of the water. Coherence, I guess, can be expressed in the symmetry of the crystal. Continue reading “Your actions, attitude. You are your own toxic environment”

Mastery: go from unconscious incompetence to…

Mastery: go from unconscious incompetence to…

The one rule of the Playground Program: All speaking needs to answer the questions: what happened, what is real?

One of the first things people learn in the Landmark Education Forum is the idea that most of what you think happened to you, around you, in your life, is a story.

It’s a simple distinction, yet it is profound, it is life altering… for a moment. In the moment of seeing that, it is profound. Then it disappears, it goes underground.  It is replaced completely by the story… Flash in the pan, kitchen fire, not forest fire… Inconsequential. In spite of the fact that when it is alive, when it is operational, it is life altering, transformational. Big.

When I talk to graduates of Landmark Education’s programs, they, maybe, can give lip-service to this distinction, “story”, they know about it, but if you listen to them, it is not a distinction that is alive and well, guiding them through the maze of mind-full (living from the mind) living, unconscious living, living without distinctions.

My experience has been that a little knowledge will definitely lower your vibration to lower than it was before that little knowledge. Tree of Knowledge… knowing about it, but no mastery.
Continue reading “Mastery: go from unconscious incompetence to…”

Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?

say no to negativity and get stuck with it People talk about positive and negative, positivity, negativity, and other Law of Attraction b.s. but they are completely misdirected, mistaken, shallow and involved in magical thinking.

The only real divisions of “content” when it comes to your mind, your actions, your emotions, your intentions, your context and principles: is it from the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge, or said in an even simpler way: is it reality or is it unreality, is it a fact or is it a fiction.
Continue reading “Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?”