Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

co-creationYour physiology and psychology work hand in hand… And how can meditation work for you… finally

In some regards I am still a Twitchy Little Bastard… even though outwardly my behavior has calmed down a lot.

What am I talking about?

A Twitchy Little Bastard is someone who acts without regard to the future, without considering if the action is sustainable or not. 1

I am looking at this phenomenon from a different vantage point: your quick to react, your high-sprung state.

I am looking to prove to you that your physiology and your psychology, your body and your mind are intimately connected.

That you calm down one and the other calms down too. Continue reading “Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand”

Teaching you to climb the Tree of Life… how I do it nowadays

Teaching you to climb the Tree of Life… how I do it nowadays

Yesterday I downloaded the Days of Power energy. The “skies” open up at precise times and the energy that is available can be channeled if someone is able to go close enough, and if someone is brave enough to use themselves as a pipe to concentrate the energy for someone else’s benefit.

That is what I do in the Days of Power energy downloads.

There is a part of this though, that I want to talk about, because there is something to learn from it.

Humans, on the Tree of Knowledge, see change as a series of instant changes, like the cuts in a movie. Now I am here, now I am there.

But in reality, things don’t just jump from here to there… even the brain cannot switch as fast as the movie.

Continue reading “Teaching you to climb the Tree of Life… how I do it nowadays”

Let’s talk about your TLB, OK? Twitchy Little Bastard score is your TLB…

Let’s talk about your TLB, OK? Twitchy Little Bastard score is your TLB…

So, here I am, again, with tears dripping from my chin. Not from sadness, although there is sadness there. Not from happiness, not from grief, although there is grief there.

I have been watching videos of TED talks, all grouped, themed, around practice. Around getting better at something.

All are great, but the one by Carol Dweck 1 and her findings is when I started to cry.

I may be smart, I may be an empath, but I am no educational scientist, even though I teach. And I struggle… struggle with what I call TLB and what she calls yes/no mindset, or “now” mindset.

Continue reading “Let’s talk about your TLB, OK? Twitchy Little Bastard score is your TLB…”

Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!

Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!

everything you store makes you fullI have been running an experiment on the title of this post. So far it is an utter fiasco… No one wants to read it… even though it’s, maybe, the key to the kindom for you.

My mail box had a bunch of coaching requests and the Monday Morning memo.

All the coaching requests were in sync: all the coaching stuff was about letting go… about making room for the new… the new you claim to want…
Continue reading “Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!”

What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

The world has never been so divided.

The dividing criteria is intellectual and spiritual abilities, the ability to tell truth from falsehood. To interact with reality the way reality is… not how it should be.

The stupid is becoming stupider, and the smart remains the same. Said in another way: the underachiever is stuck there… and more are joining him. 1

In this article I’ll look what may be a linchpin issue, and how you can start moving from the hopelessly stupid to the smart camp.

Here are a few contenders to being the linchpin issue:

Continue reading “What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?”

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from ADD, frustration, depression, anger, and more

“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”

Of all the 10 starting point measurements, the most telling is your TLB score.

It tells me, and it tells you, how much discomfort you are able to experience and not run away mentally, emotionally, or physically. And therefore it tells you whether you can have the good life, health, wealth, love and fulfillment… or not.

Its activating mechanism is below your conscious awareness, and is quite habitual.

In modern parlance they call it “Attention Deficit”… but it’s B.S.

As long as there is no structural difference between an ADD person’s brain and a person who can stay planted… attentive, it is more a habit than a disease. Continue reading “Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…”

Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review

Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review

trump overextendedI have a few people in my sphere who admire Donald Trump and think him the highest IQ person nowadays.

One of my friends loves Donald Trump. He is not a smart man, and it is one of the attraction: they are similar.

I just watched a video on youtube that shows clips to illustrate the accusation that Trump can’t read well, that Trump probably has a low vocabulary.

So I am going to do a combo assessment of Donald Trump here… and then explain a few things:
Continue reading “Dyslexia, literacy and the President of the United States – a vibrational review”

Afraid to make a mistake?

Afraid to make a mistake?

incoherenceThis past week almost all and every input scrambled my mind. Made me incoherent. Made me restless, and I ended up tired with nothing to show for my feverish-feeling brain activity. I even continued the activity when I slept… or when I couldn’t sleep, like last night.

Familiar? I bet it is.

You can only move forward if and when you are coherent. 1
Coherence is akin to driving a four-horse carriage… it’s powerful, and it goes where you want it to go. Continue reading “Afraid to make a mistake?”

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change is going to win in life

Changeability, adaptability: what prevents you from being changeable or adaptable so you can win?

Darwin may have said: The species that is most adaptable wins the genetic lottery. Humanity’s, society’s emphasis is on smarts, but smart people are often losers.

Groups of people survived in history if they could adapt to the changing environment, the changing of the world successfully.

This is also true for the individual who wants to be successful and live the good life. (Success in one area does not translate to the good life, where you are successful in health, wealth, love and happiness equally). Continue reading “The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..”

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

I thought I would share something I haven’t talked about in a long while… And that is your memories. Your pain memories… specifically.

We all have it. And they are, for most people, packed away, in some fat, or some muscle, joint… like any other toxin.

Life is smart. You cannot be very effective with life, very present, if you have to deal with pain that can’t be resolved… emotional pain.

Many people go to classes to rid themselves of the pain, but these classes don’t work very well. Why? Because when you retell the story, you get caught in the story instead of feeling the pain. You feel the “marker feelings” the words awaken, but not the original pain. 1

The pain is NOT in the story… stories are words. But the pain is real, and the words, the story, push the pain further out of reach.

Continue reading “How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…”