I make decisions really slowly. One may even accuse me of procrastination…

slow decisions vs fast decisionsLet me correct that: I consider most decisions I make a test. Experiment. Rough draft. 1


Yeah, I thought so. I thought it will sound foreign… But you will learn something, through this article, that is not common knowledge… and it is even new to me!

Decisions are an expensive activity for the brain. Any choice is. Important choices and unimportant choices equally use up a renewable resource, for ease of language, I’ll call glycogen, although it may not be that.

You wake up with more of that glycogen… it replenished itself during the night… If your sleep is restless, then you won’t have your full stores of glycogen: ever since that nurse moved to the next house, my sleep is restless. Even with the audios… Mind you, I have tried to sleep without the audio, and slept a total of 58 minutes that night. With the audio I wake up a few times, and dream or solve puzzles, or write articles in my mind, but I sleep and wake up rested. So…

And yet, I have less glycogen than if I slept through the night without working in my sleep…

But I digress… What I really want to teach you is… Continue reading “I make decisions really slowly. One may even accuse me of procrastination…”

If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

did-not-come-to-stop-hereIf you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would, you should ask the question: Why you won’t follow a system, why you lie, why you’ll never amount to anything worthwhile?

This article will attempt to point you to some answers…

Our tendency to socialize and spend time with people with our lesser (at least in our not so humble opinion) is so strong, and so “normal”, that I expect you not to recognize it in yourself.

Why? Because the desire to do that does not come from our conscious self, it comes from our “other than conscious” self, the selfish gene.

Continue reading “If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would”

Dyslexia… the most successful people are dyslexic

Dyslexia… the most successful people are dyslexic

Dyslaxia strategyI had an insight this morning. This article may be the most important article I have ever written. And 99.99% % of you will ignore it… even if you read it three times. And I bet, you won’t even bother to read the footnotes… Must be not important you say, and you are right… about everything.

The world belongs to the changeable. The flexible. The one that can adjust, and go with the punches. This is what’s been missing… or at the minimum, without this you can’t change.

You know, if you know me that I have been harping on the color exercise. Simple exercise, everyone gets it right in minutes… except.

What people are not getting is this: It is training. Like wax on wax of in Karate kid. Doesn’t have anything to do with colors.

You know by now that I am dyslexic… very dyslexic.
Continue reading “Dyslexia… the most successful people are dyslexic”


love, that warm fuzzy feelingIs calling that fuzzy feeling, that uplifting feeling, what the love gurus meant for us to be? The love they say god is?

I don’t think so.

I think no person in their right mind would think that god, whatever that may be, is sitting there loving you up… feeling love.

So what does that make you? A person not in their right mind? Exactly.
Continue reading “Love”