Chasing the blue bird of happiness and not finding it

Chasing the blue bird of happiness and not finding it

the illusion that you are supposed to be happyAnything that is obvious, anything that makes sense, anything that you know is from the Tree of Knowledge, or the desire to receive for the self alone.

The Tree of Knowledge is the part of the Cosmos that is visible with the five outward senses, and the mind.

Approximately 10% of what is knowable for humankind, and 1% of what is.

The hidden dimension contains all the cause and effect… so nearly all cause and effect that you “know” from the Tree of Knowledge is false… what you see as cause is not cause, and what you see as effect is often the cause.
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Force your thinking brain to work or else

Force your thinking brain to work or else

51OOOMK5tcLI had an insight into how our education system fosters only first brain thinking and how to force the thinking brain to work…

I am reading a book, Stumbling on happiness… so far it’s excellent, funny, witty, and very enlightening. 1

I am learning that the difference between animals and humans is their capacity to plan, their capacity to do computations for a future, imagine a future, their capacity for “if… then” statements: (If I do this, then that happens…), i.e. foresight and preparation for the future.

The part of the brain that does that is the frontal cortex. People with frontal cortex lobotomy cannot plan, and don’t have anxiety. Because anxiety always deals with the future… albeit in a very primitive way.

Now, unless you had lobotomy, or a frontal cortex injury, you have the capacity of a human, for thinking.

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If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

did-not-come-to-stop-hereIf you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would, you should ask the question: Why you won’t follow a system, why you lie, why you’ll never amount to anything worthwhile?

This article will attempt to point you to some answers…

Our tendency to socialize and spend time with people with our lesser (at least in our not so humble opinion) is so strong, and so “normal”, that I expect you not to recognize it in yourself.

Why? Because the desire to do that does not come from our conscious self, it comes from our “other than conscious” self, the selfish gene.

Continue reading “If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would”

Case study: Attachment removal. What can you learn from it?

Case study: Attachment removal. What can you learn from it?

dave-watts-song-thrush-turdus-philomelos-eating-a-worm-ukI started to offer attachment removal in 2015, I think. This is one I did today… and I am sharing it with you because there is a great lesson in it, especially if you read Osho’s words I also included:

She: Do I have any attachments?

Me: yes. you have about 20 Continue reading “Case study: Attachment removal. What can you learn from it?”

Updated: How To Protect Your Energies, How To Become Energetically Invisible, How To Isolate Yourself From Others. Cloaking and Bubbling

blowing soap bubbleOnce I remove your attachments, you are not protected forever. You may get new attachments.

This is, normally, from what YOU do.

Here is how I get attachments: I connect to someone… I lean it, I merge with them.

It hasn’t happened much that someone found me, without me connecting to them first… So don’t lean in too close… Keep your distance… But if you can’t… here is an energetic method to protect Your Energies, How To Become Energetically Invisible, How To Isolate Yourself From Others

These are exercises or methods that work. I have tested, and the people I taught them to have been using them effectively.

What’s the issue?

Sometimes your environment wants to use your energy. Sometimes people want to “enroll” you in their view of the world, which is ALWAYS low vibration. Sometimes they want to dump on you.
Continue reading “Updated: How To Protect Your Energies, How To Become Energetically Invisible, How To Isolate Yourself From Others. Cloaking and Bubbling”

The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition

The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition

If you are able to catch the point, have the power of distilling essence… aka called distinguishing, you have seen in all my work, and all of Tai Lopez’s 69 steps, that every single session, every single article, every single video is about stuff you do, be, see, believe, think, feel, that keep you stuck.

So, in essence, all spiritual work, and all transformational work is getting you unstuck.

And all fake programs, all fake gurus are about getting you stuck… filling your head with useless crap.

One of my students sent me a laundry (long) list of what she should do…

It was her 67-steps answers… answer to one of the steps… I don’t know what number.

It is not possible to do 100 things, especially in the thick of life. When you are in a hurry, upset, troubled, etc.

But it is possible to remember one or maybe two things you shouldn’t do in that same situation. Continue reading “The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition”

What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?

What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?

man on the moon... what is possible?Sometimes a simple question can open up a whole new world of possibilities

In one of the 67 step videos, Man on the moon, the question is, at the end of the video: what was impossible before, and now it is possible.

I looked, down the page to see what other people wrote, and nothing resonated with me. I had no answer.

But this morning I kept on thinking about my favorite TV show, Lie to me… I have watched all episodes at least three times. I wasn’t sure why… but this morning it all added up.

In one of the episodes, Hal, the main character, pulls a long con.
Continue reading “What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?”

Two tricks to fall asleep earlier so you can avoid not being able to fall asleep

maybe you could sleep if you had more comfortable pajamasLack of sleep is one of the biggest issues of our time. Not because you are doing anything useful, or because you don’t have time to sleep.

This article is about taming your tiredness so you can sleep.

This is one thing no one is talking about… you are too tired to go to bed, you are too tired to go to sleep.

Most of my life I lived a life like this: I would work, intensely, 12-18 hours a day. Then I would be too tired to go to sleep.

I may even get to my bedroom, and sit on the edge of the bed, preening, or just thinking, or jumping up and racing back to my desk to finish just one more task.

My mind was both tired and busy. It would take me hours to get from the edge of the bed to turning off the light.

Now, you probably aren’t spending your time working till it’s time to go to bed. But being too tired to go to bed, turn off the light and go to sleep is a lot of people’s problem.

I have found two strategies that worked for me:
Continue reading “Two tricks to fall asleep earlier so you can avoid not being able to fall asleep”

Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry

Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry

Did you know that every revolution has been, historically, just a re-shuffling of who is going to have power over who?

When I first read Osho’s book, Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness, I actively worked on understanding.

In Hungary we learned a lot more history than American students do, and I personally have seen revolution, and reform and all that never changed anything on the long run.

It’s like making a dish, turning it on a plate… and thinking that now it’s different. No. it is the same dish… just what was on the bottom is now on the top. Continue reading “Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry”

Angry? Frustrated? Anxious? Ask: Does this benefit me?

Angry? Frustrated? Anxious? Ask: Does this benefit me?

anxiety-and-careerYou get angry, you get frustrated, you get anxious, you get jealous… you name it, the emotions pop up and you have nothing to do about them.

But… and this is a BIG but: A normal emotion comes and goes, like clouds on a windy day. Com and go… sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy.

Emotions and feelings are energies, and energy’s nature is to move. If they don’t, you have the static electricity thing going: and because energy MUST move, it will explode… like lightning.

You just have to hold onto the emotion by resisting it.

After all most emotions don’t feel good. I even dare say: held-onto emotions don’t feel good… even if it is happiness you are holding onto.

It’s like laughter: it is great. It is a great release. It is invigorating.
Continue reading “Angry? Frustrated? Anxious? Ask: Does this benefit me?”