Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

Originally posted 2011-12-17 15:22:33.

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

when we connect to Source, you are like diamonds in my crown: I know if you are there!Hi Sofie,

I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is part of the program. I have been reading the books, reports, and articles on your website, They are very enlightening. Continue reading “Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader”

The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy

Originally posted 2011-09-30 19:46:19.

Are You Trustworthy? Trustworthy

Tonight, on the Daily Connection, I downloaded a 3rd Phase activator, called Trust.

Some of the commands in the activator talk about being trustworthy, and trusting yourself.

As expected, the ego spoke up, loud and forceful, declaring that we are full of hot air.

Continue reading “The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy”

The Daily Connection – the Third Phase Activators

Originally posted 2011-09-29 14:37:24.

The Daily Connection – the Third Phase Activators

the tangerine method of connecting to sourceI have scheduled a bunch of short webinars, daily, to support you in connecting.

The webinars are called the Daily Connection webinars. They are at 10 am weekdays, 11 am Sundays, NY time. (When I have some obstacle, I reschedule and send an email to everyone who is registered.) On September 30th, Friday, I will have the call at 7 pm NY time instead, I have a doctor’s appointment. You know… my Atlas…)

On these daily short webinars I instruct you to switch on the connection, correctly, so you can get all the light that is due to you.

You need to register only once, and then show up on the calls when you can. Easy, painless. 15 minutes at a time. Nothing else but connecting and an activator download. to register

Daily participation is recommended but not mandatory. If and when you are able to connect on your own, you are set… except

On these calls I also download a new activator each time, with the intention to test it.

Activators are positive mindset sand feelings that you were supposed to have but probably don’t.

Example: the capacity to love yourself… you can’t take care of yourself, unless you do love yourself.

Once this capacity is activated you’ll notice a marked difference how you feel towards yourself.

Depression lifts, and your capacity for joy, your capacity to be a winner return.

You’ll be amazed how fast and how well they work.

I would also appreciate if you brought a friend. You’ll feel good about sharing something with them, and this work will get out to the seven billion people half the time, so please, help accelerate “the thousand years of peace.”

Thank you again for being on the webinar

lol (lots of love). Sophie

How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!

Originally posted 2011-09-29 12:23:42.

celebration of the beginning of the Shabbat Hagadol Confession time:

When I scheduled the Event on the 27th, I promised to check people on the call if they connect, really.

And I also promised that I was going to know if they are getting the download or not.

Continue reading “How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!”

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…
soul correctionSoul Correction: Take the peacock, for example…

In this article, I create a new context for 2021: one that makes this year the REAL beginning of the thousand years of peace. How the peacock is like your soul correction

I have a few coaches and teachers. One of them has a group call every Saturday, and I went on that call.

I wasn’t in tune with this call. I’d just come off a connection call: peaceful and in reverie. This call was noisy, people talked over each other. I felt like getting off the call. I am sure you have been in a similar situation… haven’t you? Continue reading “Soul Correction: Take the peacock…”

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

I have mentioned in another post that I am re-reading the book, The Tipping Point. It’s a brilliant book and it talks about something that is very very relevant to the work we are doing here. The work we are attempting to do…

It’s about raising the vibration of humanity, taking humanity, or at least a small group, to the next evolutionary stage.

With the current level of evolution, humanity is not capable of bringing in the age of “Heaven on Earth”, also known as “The Thousand Years of Peace.”

This article is about what is in the way (the single most important obstacle) and how to go about removing it.

Continue reading “Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?”

The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…

The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…

I got a comment this morning on my article about the Mind Movies. Of course I am knocking the program and its creator.

The commenter says: Stop being an asshole and a bully. Promote your products without discrediting others.

But the principle: The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing is also true about useless crap. You become part of evil when you remain silent

Why is the vibration of gurus so low? Why is their teaching ineffective?

Continue reading “The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…”

From my correspondence: I have noticed a change in your tone: what’s happening?

Dear Sophie: your tone is changing. It is more demanding, and I wonder what’s going on… you are wielding a stronger demand on the students… did something change?

Answer: Let me answer with a story:

A Pig and a Chicken are walking down the road. The Chicken says, “Hey Pig, I was thinking we should open a restaurant!” The Pig replies, “Hm, maybe, what would we call it?” The Chicken responds, “How about ‘ham-n-eggs’?”

The Pig thinks for a moment and says, “No thanks. I’d be committed, but you’d only be involved!”

Sometimes, the story is presented as a riddle:

Question: In a bacon-and-egg breakfast, what’s the difference between the Chicken and the Pig?

Answer: The Chicken is involved, but the Pig is committed!

Continue reading “From my correspondence: I have noticed a change in your tone: what’s happening?”

Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence…

Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence… What’s Your Sentence?

Watch this video.

The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it.

That sentence will be your functional expression of your life’s purpose.

Good luck.

Continue reading “Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence…”

Feelings are running you. Do you have a handle on your feelings?

Feelings are running you. Do you have a handle on your feelings?

marker feelingsI am republishing this article, because of the new insights… that everything that is not need based is the not-you, the society created “IT”, the not self, and because it is very difficult to explain… I need these articles to be together… Eventually I’ll find the right words that communicate to more people.

Needs are feelings. They run you, from the inside. Need is a feeling… and it can be on many levels.

Animals have needs. Human have the same needs, and more.

Depending on how many needs you have, you are on different evolutionary levels of humanity.

In this article we’ll need with the two needs where most get stuck: the needs of the self. These are non-physical needs, resulting in non-physical pain if not met, and pleasure if they are met.

So let’s begin.

I have always wondered why it is that only people who commit to something and then work on it are ever happy.

I could not explain it with the limited knowledge I’ve had… but this is changing.
Continue reading “Feelings are running you. Do you have a handle on your feelings?”