Update 10/5/2018: I didn’t realize this when ‘i wrote this article: I should have tested the energizer audio’s effect on my cell hydration, not direct download from source.
What is the difference?
When I download the energy into the water a five gallon container gets energized to coherence in less than a minute. Using the audio it takes between 48 hours and 72 hours… so9 that means that the audio does not raise your cell hydration directly. oops, my bad.
Do the remedy creating audios work on your body too? Does the Water Energizer energize your cells directly?
I haven’t heard this question in a long time, which is interesting.
Regardless, I tested it.
Because 60% of your body is water, some body parts more, if you listen to the audios through headphones they get infused in your body.
How did I test it?
I just downloaded the Water Energizer energy into my body. I measured my cell hydration before, in the middle, and after.