Want to get rid of Procrastination? I would if I were you…

Want to get rid of Procrastination? I would if I were you…

It’s really hot here. I don’t use air conditioning, and I don’t sweat. So I am really hot. And I am still digesting a lot of things… and it’s not a good idea to write about half baked stuff… or not often.

I don’t feel like writing. But I feel like telling you something, so I whipped out my headset and made an audio… a podcast if you will.

I learned this method from MY mentor, Robert Plank… you can talk a lot faster than you can write… and it gets you over the hump…

It was inspired by this article and this TED talk.

and below is the article:

Procrastination isn’t shameful or a character flaw. Instead it’s rooted in a very human need: the need to feel competent and worthy, says Continue reading “Want to get rid of Procrastination? I would if I were you…”

What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?

What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?

I don’t offer a communication course… I have done Landmark Education’s courses, over and over, and then more. I have learned some moves, but did I really learn the art of communication? No, THAT I haven’t…

But it is time for me to learn it. Now or never. lol.

How do I know? Well, I just said so… but other than that: I am noticing some envy that is always a sign of aspiration: the secret yearning of the soul. I noticed it, recognized it, and now I am going to act on it.

So it’s time. Now or never. Or as they say it at the wedding ceremony: speak now or forever hold your peace…

I am speaking now. Continue reading “What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?”

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…
meaning-of-life2What is life about?

What is the purpose of life? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

There are two schools of preference. Two schools of priorities. The main difference between the two schools is how they consider your size, and how they define what is your “job” in life, what should be your aspiration. Continue reading “What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…”

The difference between knowing and transformation

The difference between knowing and transformation

As you know, I have been learning the difference between information and transformation the hard way…

Even though I have “known” this difference already ten years ago (I have a video of myself to prove it,) even the knowledge of that isn’t transformation. Continue reading “The difference between knowing and transformation”

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects your relationships, how you appear in the world, how successful you can be?

Everyone, always, wants to effect the results directly, but that is not the nature of reality. The result comes from many many factors, that together and individually can be effected… and the synergistic effect finally gets all the way to the end result.

In some contexts the end result is your vibration. In others your worldly results, like how much money you make.

Because most people have no idea how the world works, what is the nature of reality, they are highly ineffective in the world, and they are highly dupable.

If you cannot see cause and effect, the connection between things, you’ll do stupid things, put the cart in front of the horses, and spend time and money on ineffective practices, ineffective programs.

Religion is one of these ineffective practices, ineffective programs. Continue reading “How the about-me score effects everything in your life”

Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…

Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…

Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…

… if you are willing to look and see what is so about you and your life.

The truth. Naked. Ugly. Often shameful.

Here is a correspondence I had with a client today:

She said: “I’m interested in changing my context since it’s part of what keeps me stuck.”

“… answering the questions: what am I doing? Why am I doing it?

Unless you have done the work of identifying what you have been doing, and why you have been doing it, no way you can shift the context. You cannot catch what you can’t see. And you cannot change what you can’t catch.” Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…”

Building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?

Building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?

shackledI am going to quote an email from Tai Lopez, because it is so useful.

He talks about a conversation with the founder of Quest bars… A protein bar I would never touch… but the guy is smart, at least what he says here is very smart, and I wish I had said what he said: (I got stuck at a few sentences, so I changed them around hoping they make more sense that way) Continue reading “Building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?”

Are you teachable?

you must become teachableI help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?

This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable. Continue reading “Are you teachable?”

In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is…

do-you-see-that-i-am-brokenIn search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is blocking your evolution

In this article I will talk about DNA capacities activation.

Let’s talk about the failures, people where in spite of my effort, the capacities did not activate…

Let me start with the accusations a commenter threw at me/us: that the positive results may be due to time spent with me, instead of DNA capacities getting active in you.

I would ask the same question, and have.

Some results are definitely placebo.

Continue reading “In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is…”