Atheists are the most spiritual…

demotivation.us_Religion-is-for-people-who-are-afraid-of-going-to-hell.-Spirituality-is-for-those-who-have-already-been-there_138262858294I have a friend who I call a few times a year, and then we talk a lot for a few weeks, and then not for months at a clip.

I’ve called him the other day, and now we are talking again.

Today he asked me a question that put me in touch with something I buried deep…

He asked me “What is Energized Water?”

I wanted to find out what he thinks energized water is. And that conversation lead from the pristine spring he got his drinking water from when he was a kid, through the hot springs of Lourdes, the healing waters, to a realization, that because I am an atheist, I have been not allowing myself to be moved.

I wrote notes while we spoke. This is what I wrote…

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The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction

The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction

revealing-the-hiddenIn my last article, I was praising Thought Experiments as a tool to get to the good life.

But: in the area of thinking you are like a human who gave up trying to walk after the first failure, and is now zipping around in a motorized wheelchair.

Alternatively, you could have been educated in the United States… the result, no thinking, is the same. Same in China…

A thinking person is dangerous “civilization”.

But I am thinking all the time! you cry…

But you are not thinking, you are having thoughts. No conscious effort.

Are any of the soul correction types fare worse off than others?

Hell yeah. Your soul correction is your cross to bear… and some are worse off than others.
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Are you disconnected from All-of-it and beg for knowledge from others?

inner-lightOne of the horrible costs of living in your mind, trusting your mind, going for Tree of Knowledge, is that you cut yourself off from your inner knower… and hand your life and destiny over to people who are not your friends, who are not on your side, who have their own agenda in saying anything.

I am observing the few high capacity producers in my circle, and this is one of the big difference between you and them: they may take hints… but then they do their own thinking, their own process.

The missing capacity, self-trust, or as Dan Millman calls it Faith, of course needs to be based on other capacities: cannot stand alone. And you also need to build some reality to it, some solid foundation. That is why you don’t have it: you life has been, and likely will be a life of turning to other people for all your thinking.

This is Dan Millman’s “article” from the book “The Life You Were Born To Live”. He knows a lot, sees, a lot, and doesn’t know and doesn’t see a lot more. But the article may awaken the desire in you to be your own person…

The Law of Faith

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An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?

1920What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comments by Major General Michael K. Nagata, the Special Operations commander for the United States in the Middle East, admitting that he had hardly begun figuring out the Islamic State’s appeal. “We have not defeated the idea,” he said. “We do not even understand the idea.” In the past year, President Obama has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as “not Islamic” and as al-Qaeda’s “jayvee team,” statements that reflected confusion about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic errors.

What to Do About ISIS?

Continue reading “An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?”

More about changing… but not the mind

seeing the world and yourself differentlyYesterday’s article said that it’s futile to try to change the words, try to change the thought to change you or your life.

And yet, some of the time those programs work. Often? Not at all.

So why do they work, how do they work?

When I look at the examples where something shifted like in my first encounter with hypnosis, I see that the behavior changed. Dramatically.

Were the words that changed? No. Something much deeper. If I want to go out on a limb, I could say that the picture of myself changed.
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Ayahuasca opens you and your friends up to be annihilated

ayahuascaHumans are the hapless, ignorant, trappers of their brethren.

I have written about the client who, without asking me, went and done an Ayahuasca retreat, then continued to drink that stuff after he returned home.

Result: I needed to do 200+ dollars worth of work on him, 200+ dollars worth of work on a friend of his, and then 200+ dollars worth of work on me.

These are the people who we know were effected.

The spells (attachments) were debilitating and painful. I experienced them both directly and indirectly.
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Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

thumnail-phpIn this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

Continue reading on my Osho blog

Awakening to the glass ceilings we have…

Awakening to the glass ceilings we have…

growth is a processYesterday I did some teaching with some people and the stuff didn’t go through. I am at a point where I am questioning if anything can be taught, if any change can be accomplished, if the current humanity is even able to go to the next level of evolution.
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Can Intelligence Be Activated? You be made more intelligent

Can Intelligence Be Activated? You be made more intelligent
unconditional love allows you to break the chains that keep you down, keep you a slaveDoes the intelligent person have more brain cells?

The difference is to what degree they use what they have. Or how they use it… or for what…

It is said, that most people use 2-3 percent of their brain. That statement is not entirely true, they use more, but not for thinking. Continue reading “Can Intelligence Be Activated? You be made more intelligent”

Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?

What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other? Really?

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