You want to be smarter because you want to succeed?

you can't get smart from a pillIt is still very clear: whenever I talk about getting smarter, I get a huge influx of visitors from people who have taken the bad advice this article will dispel…

I am here re-publishing an article by one of my favorite people, Roy H. Williams.

I am republishing it, instead of trying to paraphrase it, because the way he says it, I can feel, is from his personal experience. I am listening to it also as a student… I am not ready to declare it quite my own knowledge… Maybe yes, but until I totally live like that… well, I will just quote the ones that have it as a real knowledge… not mind knowledge… There are not many like that, by the way. Most people spout tree of knowledge b.s. as if it were their knowledge… Beware.

So here you go: this article is worth its weight in gold… through and through. Don’t miss it! My notes will be in the footnotes…
Continue reading “You want to be smarter because you want to succeed?”


Profound article… please read and heed… What else can I say?

Question – Yesterday I heard that my friend had died. Yet as I wept, I found myself giving thanks for the sweetness of life. Is there a place for mourning?

Osho – If you have loved somebody, really loved, and you didn’t miss an opportunity to love, then there is no place for mourning because then there is no repentance. You never postpone anything, death cannot destroy anything. If you postpone, then death destroys. For example: you love somebody but you say,’I will love tomorrow,’ and that’s what you go on saying. You go on imagining tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, You go on postponing: you fight today, you will love tomorrow. You are angry here-now, you will love tomorrow. You go on postponing.

Then one day suddenly death comes, and it is always sudden. It gives no hint that it is coming. The foot sounds are never heard, the footsteps can never he guessed. It always comes suddenly, catches you unawares, and the friend is gone, the lover is gone, the beloved is gone; the mother, the father, the brother is gone. Then there is mourning because death destroys tomorrow, and you were depending on tomorrow. Now there will be no tomorrow. Now you cannot postpone, and the person is gone. Now you feel a deep repentance; out of that repentance mourning arises. You are not weeping for the friend who is gone, you are weeping for yourself, for the wasted opportunity.

Continue reading on my Osho blog

Yup, I am afraid, too

chains-fallingI am afraid of ridicule. I am afraid of being thrown out. I am afraid of being called a witch.

Yup, fear is normal. You, me, would not have survived without fear.

I am also afraid of bugs. Of mice. Of a lot of things.

The question is: am I going to honor that fear as my “Higher power” or am I going to honor something else?
Continue reading “Yup, I am afraid, too”

Do you want someone else to clean up the mess you made?

siberian-shamanI had an interesting interaction with a client. She has been getting sessions from a “Siberian Shamana”, dead giveaway, by the way, that the person is a fraud…

Anyway, this client was riddled with attachments, which I needed to remove several times, because she insisted that it wasn’t the “shamana” that put them on her.

Finally, she had to see the truth.

The next step was: she asked if she could send me an encrypted email… about other people. Members of her family that had session with this shamana… and are probably also full of attachments.
Continue reading “Do you want someone else to clean up the mess you made?”

Counting the days till… What is it doing to you?

Counting the days till… What is it doing to you?

counting-the-daysThis article is my personal experience. I don’t know and don’t really want to know what the videos, books, articles, say about negativity, I’ll tell you what I see.

Three years ago I met a woman. She was delightful, bubbly, enthusiastic, and I liked being around her.

About two months ago she started counting the days to her retirement. And with that her whole outlook on life altered: she started to pay attention to what she didn’t like, what she didn’t want.
Continue reading “Counting the days till… What is it doing to you?”

Who is Responsible? Or How To Increase Your Personal Power… Raise Your Vibration, Improve Your Health… etc.

cantaloupe or who is responsible?One of the things that show the level of your intelligence is how much of your power you give away. Or keep for yourself and use it for what you need to do…

We, humans, are really good at playing the “blame game.”

We, humans, are really good at playing the “blame game.” That, combined with the other favorite, “suddenly,” is really lethal.

I don’t have a TV, I don’t read the newspaper, but can’t avoid getting glimpses of “big news,” like the cantaloupes that killed.

Let’s look beyond where the news (and probably you) stopped: what is the assumption that killed here?

Continue reading “Who is Responsible? Or How To Increase Your Personal Power… Raise Your Vibration, Improve Your Health… etc.”

Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?

selling with a story: your bioIn another article I wrote about the importance of the “story”.

Because the customer, the buyer, the client, can relate to a story, a well crafted story sells you and sells your business. Why? Because the story appeals to the emotional, hypnotizeable part of the brain… People buy into the story, and if the story was true, then all is good. If the story was a lie, then only the people who have a religious bent will stay, the rest leave, or cry bloody murder.

In personal development, spirituality, we mostly deal with the beyond, what is beyond people’s conscious awareness, what mostly cannot be tracked, measured, documented, or even agreed upon.
Continue reading “Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?”

A reader asks: Isn’t inventing a being pretending?

A reader asks: Isn’t inventing a being pretending?

pretending-to-be-happy-2Hi Sophie – I need some clarifications ..

Isn’t inventing a being the same as pretending?

Is the goal to have the being be the ‘inventing being’? ..someone who can be any being? i.e caring, happy, courageous etc.

What kind of being do I invent when 99% of the population is there to make me feel bad?

Thanks! Continue reading “A reader asks: Isn’t inventing a being pretending?”

Osho on money and happiness

osho rajneeshIf you ask anyone, they all want to be happy. But happiness eludes people, the more you want it the further it goes. In this talk, Osho addresses the issue. He approaches it from many different angles, blaming it on your parents, blaming it on society, and then finally he gives you a glimpse of what seems to be in the way, the secret… A must read.

Read the article on my Osho blog

Judgment: What is judgment? what is it really? The whole picture…


Update: When we are on a lower level of consciousness, we think it is all about us. What we do, what other people say, our results… everything. So our “self” is always in danger of falling off its pedestal, and we feel that with it we die.

The reason: we can’t tell, we don’t even think, that we and our actions are not the same. We can’t see that we do something, and the results of those actions don’t change who we are… there is no real connection. The results are the results, you are you, no connection. Continue reading “Judgment: What is judgment? what is it really? The whole picture…”