The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment

The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment

entrainment to greedNature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least in appearance… Continue reading “The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment”

Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?

Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?

who are you?I just read an article in the Monday Morning Memo and I cringed. It hit me what b.s. is being propagated as wisdom.

As you have seen, if you have been with me for more than a week, you would know that I knock the idea of beliefs being important to your success in life. And after reading Roy Williams article, I am also going to start knocking the notion that the why is what’s important. Continue reading “Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?”

How to become whole and complete? Like good soup…

How to become whole and complete? Like good soup…

What kind of soup are you?Tai Lopez uses an analogy that really talks to me. He says that we need to be like a soup. Our knowledge, our lives needs to be like good soup.

What does it mean to be a good soup?

You can’t make a good soup with just a few ingredients. You need a lot of ingredients to make a soup that you don’t have to make edible by crumbling crackers into it, or bread.

Some poor man’s soups, onion soup, garlic soup, ‘rue’soup in Hungary, are so uninteresting that you can’t eat it without putting bread in them. The versions with poached egg, cheese melted on top, etc. are the restaurant versions of the same soups… but the soup itself is a poor man’s soup. Poor as in not having much to give. Continue reading “How to become whole and complete? Like good soup…”

Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin

Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin

lily-tomlin-actress-quote-reality-is-nothing-but-a-collective-hunchMy article Energies Part 4: Designer Energies has been read by many people, and everyone I have spoken with, has, so far, misunderstood it. It matches not reality, but what they think of as reality

Why? Because the article touches on the most fundamental worldview through which you perceive everything: Through your personal reality.

You can’t see it, you can’t verbalize it, you don’t believe when someone calls it your worldview: it is reality for you, and that’s that.

No matter who it is, what they do for a living, what level of education, what level of vibration they are at: we all have a personal reality. Each vastly different from another’s… Continue reading “Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin”

The personality habits that keep you feeling safe, small, bankrupt, and not moving

The personality habits that keep you feeling safe, small, bankrupt, and not moving

During a webinar, or a personal call I can often see what in someone’s personality, the way they are, the way they react is not natural.

Sometimes I notice something that doesn’t fit the picture, and just like a good detective, I latch onto it, and watch it, and if I can, I use it to unravel the mystery someone’s story is.

Sometimes it takes a while to identify exactly what doesn’t fit… it is a hunch, it is a feeling… like the faint scent for a search dog… Continue reading “The personality habits that keep you feeling safe, small, bankrupt, and not moving”

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: how do you cause one? There is a science to causing breakthroughs! Learn it! This article teaches it.

No matter on what level you are on the evolutionary scale, the percentage of knowledge that you didn’t know that you didn’t know stays at 99%.

Sometimes it overlaps with what you think you know because, most of what you think you know, you mostly do not know, or it isn’t so: low truth value.

But to cut this part short, every breakthrough comes from the 99% that you don’t know that you don’t know.

There is a certain way of being, behaving in the world that triggers the 99% to ‘release’ that hidden knowledge to you. I call it ‘unfolding’. Seth Godin calls it ‘poking the box.’ Continue reading “Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?”

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

insight must precede application... caterpillar to butterflyYou can’t talk to a caterpillar in butterfly language: It won’t land.

I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope every Tuesday morning. I use it as guidance, I use it as a possible context for my week.

Last week my horoscope was:
Continue reading “Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…”

Want to Beat Fear? Here is your Secret: Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous

Want to Beat Fear? Here is your Secret: Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous
beat fear with love. because of great love one is courageousBeat fear? Beat it with love…

Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous (Lao Tzu)

I have an exploratory course. It’s called HeartConnection Meditation.

The goal was to get to a combination of methods to awaken courage.

What we, human beings, experience when courage is needed is fear. And we concentrate on the fear, either by talking about it, or by hiding it. But either way it occupies our entire field of (inner) vision.

When I ask a student what it is that they have the biggest issue with, they say fear.

So I asked the Creator what was the Seat of Courage, and I got the surprising answer: the heart. Continue reading “Want to Beat Fear? Here is your Secret: Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous”

Are you habitually depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sick?

Are you habitually depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sick?

habitually depressedDepression can be like pessimism, it can be habitual. Habitually depressed. I know it sounds weird, but there is more of that habitual stuff than you would notice.

You KNOW how it is, you KNOW how you are, and any change in that is only possible if you actually LOOK and see how it is, and how you are.

You may have the thousand mile stare. But you never actually LOOK.

You seem to settle into a life KNOWING, as if living in a created little universe, your own, where everything is known. You know how to live depressed… You may complain, but you don’t even entertain the option of looking from outside to see if you are still depressed.

When you live like this, and I think everyone lives like this! then mostly an outside of you energy is needed to kick you in the hind quarters, so you open your eyes, and gasp. WTF?

Like the just born baby who needs a slap on the behind to even consider breathing. Still sure that they don’t have to…

I think that we need to be slapped on the behind, a lot.
Continue reading “Are you habitually depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sick?”

Dominant belief is found to act like an energetic attachment

Dominant belief is found to act like an energetic attachment

fir tree, like an energetic attachment, is growing inside man's lungDominant belief is like the fir tree that was growing in this Russian man’s lung. True story… and a great illustration of what an attachment is and how it debilitates you.

15 years ago I met a guy who was into energies. It all sounded a tall tale to me, somewhat irritating, to tell you the truth. After all I knew everything about everything… and this wasn’t one of the things I had even heard of… energies?

Anyway, I was proven wrong soon, and became a convert.

Energies became very real for me, as physical as dirt and milk and bread… Soon I was training to become an energy practitioner, and I worked on him, on myself, and even traded energy work for massage therapy… Continue reading “Dominant belief is found to act like an energetic attachment”