Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time – Practicing The Feeling Of Freedom And Power Through Contributing To It

Churches, communities, etc. ask you to contribute. And you comply: you volunteer, you give away your old winter coat, you give food, or money.

But as in everything, context is decisive.

What’s the context in their request? That you support the less fortunate. There is morality: you can afford and therefore you should, and there is shaming… you don’t eat your food and little kids starve in Africa, or “be generous and earn the Kingdom of Heaven” b.s.

All of these make you a wretch. And not just you, anyone. Why? Because context is decisive.

Nature, trees, animals, do not willingly give what they have, unless they have a selfish reason for it. Not a feeling, but a direct benefit. And nature is fine, thank you, and no one suffers. No morality, no shoulds, just good old selfishness. Surprised? Good.
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Hope, Lemuria, Channeling… or how to be joyous, content, and have peace of mind

ring-tailed-lemursHope is eternal, and so is stupidity.

Hope means: I don’t want the truth. Hope means: I prefer to dream. Hope means: It will be given to me. Hope means: If it is to be it must come from some place other than here, because I sure won’t move a finger to make it happen.

Do I sound angry? Bitter? Yeah… I am having a bout of bitterness here… lol. It comes, predictably, every 2-3 weeks, I know some sense into myself, and then I am good for 2-3 weeks.

I am talking about having your well-being, your happiness, your peace of mind depend on other people’s behavior.
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Why You Still Need God. But where do you find God?

looking-for-godSome people are like grasshoppers, others like butterflies, some bees, bumble bees. I seem to be the kind of person who sticks with one “plant” until its juices become tasteless, or until it’s time to move on.

neal-stephensonMy current fascination is with Neal Stephenson, whose novels I would call historical fiction.

I have read the Cryptonomicon, and I am 60% into Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle No. 1). The main characters of this book are the same family as in Cryptonomicon, only 300 years earlier. In addition to the main characters, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Now, you can do your reading on these two giants of science, mathematics, geometry, astrology, if you want, I won’t do it. I am not into that. I am into catching glimpses of heaven in everything I do, everything I watch, everything I read.
Continue reading “Why You Still Need God. But where do you find God?”

Talk Back To Me: How shall I take sarcasm directed at me?

Talk Back To Me: How shall I take sarcasm directed at me?

The holidays quickly approaching, this is a very timely topic to deal with: the sarcasm, or sarcastic remarks of the people you meet: instead of holiday cheer, love etc. you need to deal with poison coming through sarcasm. How do you do it? This article will help to look at it differently and save yourself from grief.

Hey Sophie,

I hope you are well.

I’m wondering if you could help me to clarify something?

I’m trying to understand sarcasm.

The Irish people are generally quite sarcastic, it’s called ‘slagging’ here. I think, in general, one is supposed to be able to laugh at himself or answer back in similar manner.

But most of times I don’t really know how to react to it, it’s hurtful sometimes.. and I guess I don’t really know if I’m overreacting? Should I just observe the origin of MY hurt or try to see why perhaps the other person is veiling mockery, i.e. observe THEIR hurt?

It seems to me that there are different kinds of sarcasm, or I just don’t understand the definition of it.

I can give you the examples that got me wondering about this.

The other day I felt I was sort of ‘attacked’ 3 times within about 10 minutes. All those situations were concealed to be funny but I only either felt confused or hurt.

(to make sense you have to hear the things said in sarcastic tone)

    1. I called into see my in-laws to ask if they could mind my son for about an hour. My father-in-law was there and as we walked in he remarked ‘this is becoming your second home, is it?’. (In the last three weeks or so we’ve had 1-2 dinners a week there, every time invited.) I felt confused.
    2. I bumped into my brother-in-law and he went on a laughing rant about me being the scrooge, cheapskate, anti-spirit of christmas and so on, because for the second year in a row now I don’t want to take part in buying/receiving christmas presents between the adults. I think it’s for the kids. I guess I felt sort of embarrassed and hurt.
    3. I was talking to my hubby, saying I couldn’t find any hoover bags in the shop and an old acquaintance overheard me and commented ‘I didn’t know you hoovered’. I guess my house is dirty 😀 I felt a little annoyed.

sarcasmI was sort of left speechless in all of these situations and it left me feeling uneasy and wondering. I could, too, be easily sarcastic back but I don’t really want to because it feels like that I’m just being mean then. And if I don’t feel like laughing about it, should I just be quiet or straight confront them?

And I suppose this all comes to the fact that I’m really quite clueless how to interact with people. Where should I put my attention to? Observe my emotions, or theirs, or both?

I’m sorry for the long email. It’s just really boggling my mind today. It feels like the answer is right there but I don’t see it.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

All the best,
name withheld for privacy (client from Ireland)

Wonderful question, thank you.

Let’s look at sarcasm first, and then we’ll look at how to take it, so it is useful, instead of hurtful… ok?

In my view, sarcasm is a sign that straight communication is not happening. Sometimes it is cultural: some cultures don’t do straight talk, and it seems Irish is like that. And other times it is a personal cowardice, the hallmark of Soul Correction 25… interestingly.

25 (Speak your mind) is a coward, and behaves cowardly. Straight talk requires courage, and straight talk requires a capacity that is one of the 13 capacities included in the DNA upgrade: responsibility.

When you do straight talk, you communicate your opinion to another person as your opinion, and you are willing to take the response, the wrath, or the grief… whatever is coming. So people who don’t have the capacity of responsibility resort to sarcasm: they can always say they were joking.

lazinessIt is always a lie: they NEVER joke, they mean it, and it is a communication. It is not straight, it is not constructive, it is not helpful, it is like a poisonous arrow “accidentally” sent your way to hurt.

So we can say: being sarcastic is being cowardly, unwilling to be responsible, unwilling to be helpful, unwilling to be constructive, and hurtful.

It is the sign of a cowardly, powerless, weak individual.

Now, let us look how someone who isn’t living on the pedestrian level takes a sarcastic remark:

  1. They accept it as a feedback. Which means they are willing to get the gist of the communication, and not the poison of it.
  2. They look at the communication as the point of view of the speaker or someone close to them.
  3. sarcasm and feedbackThey look at what is true about the communication and take responsibility for that.Ultimately, for a person living above the pedestrian level sarcastic remarks are a valuable feedback to navigate in the world of people.

I know it is hard to be with not being welcome, and not being well thought of in your community, but it seems that is your reality right now. You have earned barely passing grades socially.

So what?

If you want to be widely loved and appreciated (a waste of time in my view) then start working on that.

If you just want to be happy and fulfilled, decide that other people’s opinion about you is their business…

What is missing that your life is not changing?

What is missing that your life is not changing?

What is missing that you aren’t changing? What is missing that your life is not changing?

Missing refers to something not present. There is no ‘missing’ in reality… but in comparison you can see that one scenario it is there, in another it isn’t. Continue reading “What is missing that your life is not changing?”

The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it

The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it

The ability to care, the ability to love: why is it that people don’t want it?

Why would a large majority of the human population refuse to receive the DNA upgrade?

In conversations with students, without ever asking their opinion about this, I have formed a view about the reasons why someone would not want the capacities included in the DNA upgrade of September 4.

It is hard to fathom… after all if you have more capacities, you can live more, love more, have more, enjoy more… but no, reality doesn’t work the way of my imagination, not at all.

The easiest it is to see this unwillingness when we look at the capacities of love and caring.

Most of humanity lives in a state I call “driftwood.”
Continue reading “The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it”

The planet’s smartest people have a narrow cone of vision

The planet’s smartest people have a narrow cone of vision

This is an article I reprinted because I found that it comes at the right juncture: where people are asked to decide if they are going to be the cause of their own evolution, or if they are going to assume the worry for themselves… Worry means no action. It’s a pretense. It is the only recourse of the cowardly, impotent, and ineffective.

The 150 Things the World’s Smartest People Are Afraid of

Afraid Of What? By Brian Merchant

vice_630x420Every year, the online magazine Edge–the so-called smartest website in the world, helmed by science impresario John Brockman–asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that query was “What Should We Be Worried About?”, and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven’t yet been widely recognized.

This year’s respondents include former presidents of the Royal Society, Nobel prize-winners, famous sci-fi authors, Nassem Nicholas Taleb, Brian Eno, and a bunch of top theoretical physicists, psychologists, and biologists. And the list is long. Like, book-length long. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet’s biggest brains. And I read about them all, so you don’t have to: here’s the Buzzfeedized version, with the money quote, title, or summary of the fear pulled out of each essay. Obviously, go read the rest if any of the below get you fretting too.
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I’ve just finished reading the most horrible story I have ever read

I’ve just finished reading the most horrible story I have ever read. It’s about a parasitic sea creature, and the reason I am sharing it with you is because the way it takes over the host’s body and mind is a lot like we, humans, are taken over by the Dark Side, and become Dark Side ourselves.

Maybe the process is not literally the same, but yet… there is a lot to learn from this horror story, so I am going to quote it here:

This may be the ocean’s most horrifying monster (and you’ve probably never heard of it)

When I first learned about rhizocephalan barnacles I lost my appetite.
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Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…

healers are marketersOne of my favorite books is Seth Godin’s ‘All Marketers Are Liars.’

Now, this book isn’t teaching not to believe everyone’s story, it teaches how to craft your story so people that are like you, that people that are easily fascinated, will become your fans.

In the industry of healers, gurus, psychics, ascension people, the stories are more important than in any other industry.
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Two myths that lead you to no success and misery

Little Boy Reaching out to CookiesMost articles just flow out of me… this one just didn’t want to flow.


My guess is that this article may be the most damaging to the current status quo, current success myths that keeps people that follow the common knowledge stuck in their misery.

My second guess is that it’s because I myself am just now going through the process of liberating myself fully from this common knowledge.

With transformation, with success, with raising your vibration, there is no way around hard stuff, only through it.  The shortcut leads through the stuff… Said in another way: the shortcut is not an easy way, it is the hardest, emotionally, existentially, because there is no easy way… so if you were looking for an easy way, please leave now.
Continue reading “Two myths that lead you to no success and misery”