Arrogance, appreciation, Sherlock, myself and your pebble

Arrogance, appreciation, Sherlock, myself and your pebble

If you have attended one of my Pebble webinars, you know that your pebble is your dominant desire that the world at large frowns at.

I have seen, on the calls, the desire to be significant, the desire to be different, the desire to belong, to be accepted, the desire to be untied, unburdened, allowed to be yourself, the desire to live on Easy Street, and the desire to do something that really matters.

There are more, but these are the desires that have been represented on the calls already. We have a lot more calls scheduled, so there is a chance that we’ll see a lot more.

The desire, when you look at it, is legitimate. You may have the same desire. Unfortunately to you, your dominant desire was not honored as valid, not honored as legitimate by your parents, your siblings, your teachers, your church, your peers.
Continue reading “Arrogance, appreciation, Sherlock, myself and your pebble”

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving, Pursuing, Fighting For. Even What You Call “Loving” Is Greed. Sorry to burst your bubble…

And all resistance in the chest, in the pit of the stomach and in the shoulders… whatever the reasoning.

What is the opposite of greed?

I mean, if you knew that anything with any element of greed in it works to your detriment: it makes you miserable, and it repels what you are greedy for… You would get curious what is the opposite of greed, wouldn’t you?
Continue reading “Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving”

Your Dark Side: Desire To Receive For The Self Alone, Cutting Your Nose In Spite Of Your Face

All religions are against selfishness. All parents, all people tell you that you are a better person if you are about others rather than being about you.

The problem with this universally accepted principle is that we actually don’t know what we are talking about. It seems that what we are asked is to be selfless, to give up our selves, our self-interest.

Selfless can mean two things, both are a crime, a sin 1 , a horrible thing giving you a horrible life:
  • 1. We now have and know no self. This is a widespread phenomenon 2 in this day and age, and I was a victim of this phenomenon for many decades.

I literally did not know what I liked, what I wanted, what turned me on, what floated my boat, what I was excited about, what would have I wanted.

I knew fairly well what I didn’t like, but just like with everything, there are a thousand ways to miss the bulls eye, but only one way to hit it.

Knowing who you are, what you want, what turns you on, what ticks you off, what your preferences are, what your values are is mandatory, if you want to be on the path to become a human being.

Without that you are just unconscious sheep. 3

  • 2. Giving up your own life, on your own life, on your own interest, on your own enjoyment, on your own fulfillment… for others’ life, interest, enjoyment, fulfillment, whatever…

You cannot be a human being giving away your own life: it is against your nature, you are suppressing your nature, and anything suppressed will get its due: you either will go crazy, sick, or raging angry at the most inopportune times.

It is only your ego, the one that says: “but I am good…” enjoys it.

Human Being, (not just by looks and physiology, but by consciousness,) a Human Being, takes 100% responsibility for his physiology, for his needs, and takes care of those, without abusing anyone, without taking away anything that belongs to someone else.

A real Human Being does not suppress: instead uses his intelligence to express the needs, fulfill the need at appropriate times and in appropriate places.

You need to own that you are built on animal body, and consciousness, nothing will change that.

Making your nature wrong kills you, kills your body, kills your spirituality, but feeds your ego.
Unless you are Self-ish, your life won’t matter. Your self-expression will be pretentious and fake, or non-existent. Your creative powers will be un-expressed, unused, or frittered away.

Now, let me talk about something that no one talks about: another price of suppression: ego.

Ego, in its eagerness to make you special, make you successful, is doing a horrible number on you.

All Soul Corrections deal with this very issue: I am going to explain it here.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what modern psychology calls ego. Ego desire. Being right, making the other wrong, dominating, avoiding domination, avoiding responsibility, and all the other ego moves. 4

Instead of being Self-ish, (knowing who you are, knowing what is your unique expression, knowing what you need and what you want, without EVER violating another’s right for the same) you have suppressed Self-ishness, and now you feel justified to trample on other people’s rights, interfere with their lives, or withhold what you would naturally give them.

I can see this clearly in conversations, namely in all podcasts, all Playground partner calls… It is so obvious to me, so invisible to the offending person.

Most of your life is about gaining power over others… a clear violation of the base law which is: you can have anything you want without taking away another’s right for self-determination, for fulfilling their purpose, to earn their living, to live in peace and happiness.

Your main ambition in life seems to be making people miserable, upset, feel bad about themselves, get sick, lose the will to live.

I mean it. This is your main occupation, your main, albeit hidden purpose in life, unless you are Self-ish.

When you are Self-ish, you are busy creating, you are busy Self-expressing, or just living.

People suffer servitude, or animosity around you, and you pretend that you have nothing to do with it.

You won’t really do anything else, lest they have some fun, some benefit, feel like they can just live their lives. No, you won’t allow that!

Let me give you a recent example:

I have recently released a revolutionary audio recording, called Harmonize The Planet. Originally it was meant, like the name suggests, for harmonizing the planet. I asked people to join in and I was collecting a “donation” to be able to make a difference in the world.

Making a difference in the world is something very important to me, given that humanity has accelerated the pace with which it is destroying life on the planet. And there are not a lot of people whose activity can make a difference in that arena. I was excited that I could create something, and I thought that people will be excited to be able to contribute. After all this is OUR planet. And I supposed that my readership consisted of high-minded people.

Then something unexpected happened: the audio turned out to be doing two other things, on the level of the individual, things I didn’t know it would do or even could do..

  • It turned out to be an effective antidote for the common anguish and anxiety… Trust me, I had tried everything before, and nothing worked like this audio.
  • The second thing that it does is even more valuable. You see, to go to the next evolutionary level, humans need to use the mind as a tool, instead of being used by the mind… like puppets.

People use their minds to understand things, to listen, to see, to see what they feel. The mind is not a suitable tool for that, so people are completely cut off from reality, and the culprit is the predominance of the mind.

This audio, The Harmonizer, shuts up the mind. It creates a welcome pause, a silence, in which the Beyond can talk to you, in which you can contemplate who you are, in which you can feel your feelings, listen to your inner guidance, hear what others are saying, or just rest.

The audio cost a pittance, but only my students were buying it.

When I muscletested why other readers don’t buy it, I got that people resent that they have to pay for others’ benefit. They’d rather stay anguished, or riddled with a busy mind, lest others benefit from what they are doing.

Now, whether they are thinking of their mother-in-law, their “best” friend, I don’t know. I know one thing: if it benefits another, as well as them, they don’t want it.

Here is another example:

Some 25 years ago I had a lover. Every time I wanted to have sex, he refused. He said he felt used. He said that I was asking for it because it was good for me.

What he could not see, did not see, is that he, a man, always enjoyed sex, whether I did or not. But he preferred that he was the only one enjoying it.

Somehow it made him feel better if he was the only beneficiary of the “act.”

The people that say: no, “I won’t buy the Harmonize The Planet audio, because it also helps others,” are just like this one-time boy friend of mine.

A direct result of pretending all your life to be generous and selfless… while you withhold yourself and wish everyone dead around you, so you can finally have your day.Get your Harmonizer audio

PS: Misery loves company, the crab bucket are examples of desire to receive for the self alone. Each soul correction has their unique way of sucking the life out of life… maybe I should write an article about that. Do you know what is your soul-correction?

The secret sauce that makes you start having joy in your life

The secret sauce that makes you start having joy in your life

fox_and_hare, dinner or life?The fox and the hare tale: Why does a rabbit run faster than a fox?  Because while the fox is running for his dinner, the rabbit is running for his life.  All of life works the same way…

Keep this tale in mind as you read this article: are you running for your dinner, or are you running for your life?

I have noticed that take-away, as a manipulation technique, works exceptionally well on me.

Here is how the technique works: you show something, and you state that it is only available at this price or any price for a limited amount of time.

I find myself scrambling to get it…

Obviously I was taken in, because once I have it, I don’t want it. I was put in a hypnotic trance, and I acted under that influence.

I am fairly certain that nearly all humans are sensitive to scarcity or takeaway: the pain of loss is bigger than the joy of having something. Or better said: the genes are…

One area you may notice it (the fact that you don’t notice it, doesn’t mean it’s not there!) is how you value your life. Or a relationship. Continue reading “The secret sauce that makes you start having joy in your life”

Astute, clueless… how many distinct things can you tell apart?

There are two ways to get to Self-Love… One through finding things to love… the other is the strait and narrow method: discounting all the bad things you do, so you end up with loving yourself.

I prefer the second path.

Once you love yourself, learning new things to do well is much easier.

So far 46 people read my article about the exercise for self love.

One of them actually did what I did, followed my example, and wrote to me about his experience. He is astute 5.

So what did the rest of them do?

Some of them, at least, hugged themselves, and felt the pain or the sadness.

Did any of them have a conversation? Yes. Some of them. Continue reading “Astute, clueless… how many distinct things can you tell apart?”

Identify and overcome your dominant way you avoid

Identify and overcome your dominant way you avoid

pikes_peak_from_garden_of_the_godsIt’s eerie how soul correction that is calculated from your date of birth and zodiac signs, calculated from just your birthday can be so very accurate in their core.

By core I mean your base nature. What you are inclined to do, the attitude you are inclined to have.

My horoscope for the next weeks or so… by Rob Brezsny:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Pike’s Peak is a 14,115-foot mountain in Colorado. It’s not a simple task to trek to the top. Unless you’re well-trained, you might experience altitude sickness. Wicked thunderstorms are a regular occurrence during the summer. Snow falls year-round. But back in 1929, an adventurer named Bill Williams decided the task of hiking to the summit wasn’t tough enough. He sought a more demanding challenge. Wearing kneepads, he spent 21 days crawling along as he used his nose to push a peanut all the way up. I advise you to avoid making him your role model in the coming weeks, Virgo. Just climb the mountain. Don’t try to push a peanut up there with your nose, too.
As you know, or should know, I don’t teach anything I haven’t tested myself… and mostly on myself. Continue reading “Identify and overcome your dominant way you avoid”

Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?

Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?

March 4, 2011 I’ve been talking about paradigm jumping as a major tool to improve your life. I have been talking about all kinds of stuff regarding paradigms, but what is it, and why should you care?

Evolution of a species is not linear.

There are evolutionary shifts, we could say paradigm shifts. The fish climbing out to dry land was a paradigm shift. A lot more freedom, a lot more stimuli, a lot more fun… but also a lot more danger… And evolutionary jump.

Humanity is, supposedly, poised to take an evolutionary jump, and by poised I mean: should take an evolutionary jump if it wants to survive as a species on this beautiful little planet, Earth.
Continue reading “Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?”

Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments

Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments

My horoscope often tells me what I should be dealing with, either for myself, or for you and me.

This is the horoscope I received in my email box today, from Rob Brezsny:

If you were a snake, it would be a fine time to molt your skin. If you were a river, it would be a perfect moment to overflow your banks in a spring flood. If you were an office worker, it would be an excellent phase to trade in your claustrophobic cubicle for a spacious new niche. In other words, you are primed to outgrow at least one of your containers. The boundaries you knew you would have to transgress (step over the boundary, infringe or go beyond the bounds of) some day are finally ready to be transgressed. Even now, your attention span is expanding and your imagination is stretching.

Obviously he uses the word ‘transgress’ to express that you are in some self imposed prison, he calls it container. Rob Brezsny is a typical California positive language dude… not a straight talk dude, like myself.

Now, whether it is addressed to me, or whether it is addressed to us, I am going to attend to both aspect.

The first thing to examine where it is where ‘we’, you and me, consider certainty, security, knowing more comfortable than stretching.
Continue reading “Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments”

From Hated to Loved – a case study. My story

From Hated to Loved – a case study. My story

I used to be smart. At all cost. In fact smarter, that would be more precise to say. Smarter than you, him, them… 😉

You see, it almost didn’t matter whether I was happy, rich, pretty, healthy, as long as I could be smarter than you.

Most people hated me, and I had few if any friends. Continue reading “From Hated to Loved – a case study. My story”

The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery

The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery

There are, in my experience, three thinking brains, at least potentially, in every human…

The first thinking brain

The first thinking brain, the mind, that is in cahoots, in collusion with the selfish gene, works against you. That is what creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it. Continue reading “The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery”