Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

Originally posted 2011-12-13 12:54:51.

Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

sexual energyWant More Energy? Want To Get More Out Of Life? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

I have discovered that sexuality can be awakened by directing Source energy to the sexual organs.

Now, why would I be so excited about that? After all we live in an oversexed society… right?


But the society is oversexed because of manipulation, not because we were “designed” this way!

One of the most important books I have ever read was Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality. It is a difficult read, but I was hooked early on: I have a soft spot for sexuality, if you haven’t noticed, lol.

I read only one of the four(?) volumes, volume 2.

In that book he tells the reader how sexuality is being used by the powers that be to play 3-card Monte with humanity. 1

Foucault say that by turning sex into the topic of conversation, people
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A Fulfilled Life Is When You Become A Match To Your Dreams… How Is Your Life?

Originally posted 2011-12-09 22:51:09.

a fulfilled life is when you become a match to your dreams Becoming A Match To Your Dreams: The Key To A Fulfilled Life

This article is an open Critique Of Coaching as if you knew How To Use The Law Of Attraction
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Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable?

Originally posted 2011-11-30 19:46:59.

Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable?

iceberg or what's below the sea level is more important to what's above: it can sink you Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable? The Most Binding Agreements Are The Ones You Never Made

I had a session with a client. The conversation went to one of my ‘favorite’ topics: why wives stop wanting intimacy after the children are born.

This is a big issue for men, and destroys many marriages.

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Why An Activator Cannot Change Your Behavior, Only You Can?

Originally posted 2011-11-01 18:05:32.

nerves that work together fire together Why An Activator Cannot Change Your Behavior, Only You Can?

What happens when you get an activator downloaded to you? Even though the activator (a set of statements that are worded as commands, and are very similar to affirmations) alters the “terrain” or the balance of power in the sub-conscious, those affirmations will not alter your behavior.

What will alter your behavior?

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Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

Originally posted 2011-10-29 19:35:15.

from the limited perspective of the human mind Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

In this article I’d like to share about one benefit that you see when you connect, and you connect regularly.

In the 6,000 years that we’ve been voluntarily disconnected from our Source, we have been limited to the vantage point being ground-bound, physical existence-bound, mind-bound, past-bound.

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It’s Important For You To Know the Holographic Universe

Originally posted 2011-09-09 18:41:15.

It’s Important For You To Know the Holographic Universe

holographic universe: hologram or real? matrix or is there anything else? What Is The Holographic Universe, And Why It Is Important For You To Know It Inside And Out?

I’ve read a book by Michael Talbot, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holographic_Universe on the holographic universe. It was interesting, it was nice, but it was hard to see why it was useful to know it. Yet, this may be one of the most important piece of information that humanity needs right now. This information may change the future.

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Life Is Not Working? Look at Integrity. Maybe It’s Out

Originally posted 2011-08-25 14:41:07.

Life Is Not Working? Look at Integrity. Maybe It’s Out

Without Integrity 2 Nothing Works. Sounds Good. Sounds Weird. It’s True! But Why?

I am borrowing that phrase, “without integrity nothing works” from Landmark Education.

It’s a catchy slogan. When things aren’t working, you can look where is your integrity, you put it back in, or not, and that’s that. Life either starts working or not.

Yeah, but why? Why would integrity matter?

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God Doesn’t Have A Thumb or Will You Dance?

Originally posted 2011-08-20 13:56:46.

god doesn't have a thumb I am never made to watch a movie that is not what I need to watch.

It also could be that I am mono-maniac, that I have a one-track mind… who cares, right?

Today, in the middle of the day, I was taken to the movie “The Girl on The Bridge.” It is a french movie from 1999. On the surface it seems to be about luck and about two people, unlucky apart, lucky together.

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What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation?

Originally posted 2011-08-15 19:21:28.

What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation?

What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

I don’t believe dark side was even anticipated at the time of creation. I also don’t believe that Source is concerned about the dark side, or even knows about it.

So where did the Dark Side come from? Great question, right?

It seems to me that Dark Side was created by humanity. it is fed by the desire to receive for the self alone.

Desire to receive for the self alone has two parts:

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Want To Be Grateful? What is it Going To Do For You?

Originally posted 2011-08-11 11:55:50.

Want To Be Grateful? What is it Going To Do For You?

Gratitude puts you in the driver seat, activates abundance In this article I am going to teach you about gratitude. I will show you why you haven’t been able to evoke this powerful state, even though gratitude opens the gates of Heaven, opens your ability to ask for what you desire, and get it.

Chances are that your Original Design capacities have been activated. That means that your vibrational frequency is at 299, or will be in a matter of hours or days.

299 is the dividing line between being able to be a cause in your life and in your reality, or staying an effect.

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