Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

Originally posted 2011-11-08 18:13:28.

sweep the floor Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points.

Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg.

Oh, you thought that I was beyond that? Oh, sorry to disappoint, you are never beyond that. Besides, if I were, I would not be writing these posts, it would be painfully boring.

Life is about growing, life is about being an advancing personality, not about comfortably teaching something that is a non-issue for me. Even if writing about it would potentially cause your growth: life is about each person becoming an advancing personality, not some teaching others to be that, so they can be off the hook…

Anyway, returning to my top of the iceberg imperfections: I am wondering what is the payoff.

Continue reading “Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation”

Are you a frog, a turtle or a hare? Your results tell

Are you a frog, a turtle or a hare? Your results speak for themselves.

Blog_Boiling_FrogsHow do you cook frogs?

You put them in water. And then, slowly raise the temperature. So slowly that it is near imperceptible for the frogs. They will not jump out of the pot, because they won’t feel it.

The way you cook frog is the surest way to change.

Wild turns, jumps, dramatic workshops are dramatic, but ineffective.

Most things you want to change are stuck on the genetic level. All the behaviors are lined up neatly, like apples on an apple cart.
Continue reading “Are you a frog, a turtle or a hare? Your results tell”

Why are my articles so hard to understand?

Why are my articles so hard to understand?

I have been having a difficult time writing enough about any one topic to finish one article… Meaning I have six articles started, and can’t or won’t finish them.

What’s going on?

I am afraid.

That’s new FEARLESS Sophie, tell me more?

Some of the things that are being shown to me recently are polarizing. Dividing people. Will make some, maybe many people angry.

The truth hurts. And when something hurts, it is natural to go to victim mode, effect mode, and point a blaming finger at someone. At me.

So I have been cowardly, and have been sitting on the fence.

But today I think I’ll overcome the inertia, and say what there is to say.

OK, it’s about vibration, capacities, and what you can get or not get, what you can use, what is going to work for you or not, depending on your numbers. 1When I measure your Starting Point Measurements, I give you a recommendation. It is not cookie cutter… I actually look what would be a step that you can take. Occasionally I say: I don’t recommend anything. That is a bad sign… 🙁 Continue reading “Why are my articles so hard to understand?”

When The Monster Comes Out And Starts Doing Monster Stuff

When The Monster Comes Out And Starts Doing Monster Stuff
the-journeys-of-socrates or how to develop your will and your attention to raise your vibrationWhen The Monster Comes Out And Starts Doing Monster Stuff:

What Will You Do? How will you raise your vibration back up?

The long time student left, in anger. Has canceled everything, including her facebook account. Must be really angry… the monster came out. Continue reading “When The Monster Comes Out And Starts Doing Monster Stuff”

What is your level of consciousness, what is your vibrational frequency? How can you tell?

Delusion-of-choice-copy-624x416If you want to be successful, you need to start where you are.

But if you don’t know where you are, or mistakenly think you are somewhere else than where you actually are, you will never get to where you want to get to… NEVER.

This includes your knowledge level, your skill level, your experience level, and your level of consciusness or your vibrational frequency.

The only reliable way I know is to tell someone’s vibration accurately is to muscletest while truly connected to Source, by a person whose vibration is past ego… on or above the level of unconditional love.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have clues…So that you can get a ballpark estimate of where you are or where another person is…

Stages of consciousness… metaphor by what can you see, accurately… how much of the context you see, both in time and in width
  • .buried or in a well
  • .in the basement
  • .street level
  • .street level but inside a house
  • .second floor of a building, no windows
  • .second floor of a building, with sound isolating windows.
  • third floor
  • fourth floor
  • .
  • ..lots of floors….
  • penthouse: lookout point.

Continue reading “What is your level of consciousness, what is your vibrational frequency? How can you tell?”

You want money? Are you a producer or are you a consumer?

You want money? Are you a producer or are you a consumer?

nation-of-moochersIf you are a student and you pick and choose what to read, you’ll end up with an incomplete knowledge of what I teach.

It’s like learning some letters of the alphabet, and not the others…

If that is you, please examine your reasons of being on this site, and start telling the truth: you are not here to become all you can become, you are here to consume.

What do I mean?

The world has two types of people, the producers and the consumers. This is obviously just one way to look at people, but it is a very interesting angle, you’ll see. Because their behavior, their principles, their mindset is very different. Continue reading “You want money? Are you a producer or are you a consumer?”

What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…

building-resiliency-raise-your-vibrationPeople ask: what is the spiritual practice, the spiritual work that allowed me to climb up to the skinny branches of the Tree of Life, and allowed so many spiritual capacities to turn on? To raise my vibration…

All these years I’ve been asked, and all these years I didn’t know what to answer. I didn’t know what to suggest that you do, that I did, until this morning.

This morning, while and after I was leading the workshop “What’s missing” I realized something profound:

Life is not set up to challenge you to turn on new capacities. The box you live in has no room for new capacities, and offers no challenges.

So how are you going to grow?

You can learn to swim by being thrown to the deep end of the pool, and it’s life or death… sink or swim. Not a pleasant experience, and will probably scare you away from swimming again, for life.

This is when the need for a new capacity is thrown at you. You are unprepared, and you are not at your best… because of fear. Incoherent, and reactive.

It is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty… and it is too late to summon empathy, or courage, or resiliency, or other capacities when you need it, unless you already have it.

This is how it works with capacities.
Continue reading “What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…”

Want to become an expanding human being? Suggestions: Act like one!

become an expanding human beingYesterday I wrote an article, and asked you to recommend a course of action for the mother in the article with the female child…

Many of you have asked me before: how can I raise my vibration? What shall I do to build skills? Where should I start to find my life’s work that I would love to do?

My standard answer has been: keep alert, keep aware, life is full of training and growth opportunities. You take a path, keep your eyes open, and grow in the process.

Taking that challenge, placing yourself in the position of the mother was an excellent way for you to see if you have been giving lip service to growth or you are actually committed to grow.
Continue reading “Want to become an expanding human being? Suggestions: Act like one!”

Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?

You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it?

I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration?

The answer, when I give it to most of you, goes right over your head. We are like two trains passing each other in the night… I am not getting through to most you and therefore I can’t make a difference for you. But why is that?

This is what this article is about… so read it, and read it a few times, until it’s crystal clear.
Continue reading “Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?”

Awakening: the one practice to enlightenment

Awakening: the one practice to enlightenment
AwakeningNowThe illusion of progress

I had a rude awakening this morning. The illusion of progress, the illusion of doing something that works hasn’t left me untouched either.

In my coaching session this morning I woke up, I woke up from my illusion. The illusion that people understand what it takes to grow, what it takes to become an expanding human being, the illusion that people know anywhere what the work entails.

I think this illusion is shared by quite a few teachers, but not being alone is not a consolation, it’s just a fact.
Continue reading “Awakening: the one practice to enlightenment”