The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

depression is a sign that you are unwilling to hit bottom. when you hit bottom, there is the beginning of coming upThis article, unintentionally, has two parts. They are loosely connected. One part is about hitting bottom, the second part is about getting out of the judgment, getting out of the systemic value paradigm where you have no future.

Depression Is A Sign That You Are Unwilling To Hit Bottom.

Continue reading “The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy”

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

psychopathy will stop you from soaring, will make the world fixedIn this article we’ll look how psychopathy will stop you from soaring by making you, the center of the world fixed, unchangeable. And unless you can change…

Don’t be mistaken: Source’s definition of psychopathy doesn’t quite agree with the common view… I listen to Source, not the common view.

Long time ago clients are suddenly interested in participating again… clients that I hadn’t heard from for many years.

And somehow I managed to talk to their soul… and the soul told them to get off their butt and do something about their life.

Because don’t be mistaken, life is not kind to anyone, and it continues to be unkind if you continue living exactly the way you have always lived. Continue reading “Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…”

Predatory genes revisited… you have 10 genes, now what?

Predatory genes revisited… you have 10 genes, now what?

My notes: maximum predatory genes: 8
psychopathy is more than just predatory genes.

Putin and Trump have both 8 predatory genes, while Putin is NOT a psychopath.

research, science is often guessing

certain cultures higher number of predatory genes

exceptionally beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women Continue reading “Predatory genes revisited… you have 10 genes, now what?”

The two types of truth testing… are you asking the body or the soul?

Yesterday I accidentally was lead to a year and a half old article of mine. I was stunned. I didn’t remember writing that article. It was the best article I have ever published… 100% channeled.

It was about the difference between asking-your-body type of muscletesting, and the asking-Source type of muscletesting. 1

Every nutritionist, chiropractor, etc. ask your body. Continue reading “The two types of truth testing… are you asking the body or the soul?”

The unanswerable question trap: it holds you by the balls

The unanswerable question trap: it holds you by the balls

56104204Creativity comes from the “other than conscious” activity of the brain. The part that is neither linear nor word based.

I spend a large chunk of the day allowing it to do what it does…

It is allowing whatever is going on in the brain and in the body to go on… The best way is to make yourself busy.

Washing the dishes, vacuuming, doing the laundry, walking, or playing Freecell…

One of the useless things Tai teach is what he calls armchair meditation. He wants you to do serious linear thinking… which is proven to be a lot less accurate than your other than conscious brain doing the work unattended.
Continue reading “The unanswerable question trap: it holds you by the balls”

What is the purpose of Life for you? Life’s not yours

What is the purpose of Life for you? Life’s not yours

your-daily-routineWhat is the purpose of Life for you? Not YOUR purpose… LIFE’s purpose FOR you?

I stumbled on this meme this morning. It is still a little dark outside, and I am still a little sleepy… so I am going to follow this meme, down the rabbit hole… wherever it takes… hm.

The full quote is from a book: Today Matters…

How would you describe your life? Are you achieving what you desire? Are you accomplishing the things that are important to you? Do you consider yourself a success? How do your prospects look for the future?

If I could come to your house and spend just one day with you, I would be able to tell whether or not you will be successful. You could pick the day. If I got up with you in the morning and went through the day with you, watching you for 24 hours, I could tell in what direction your life is headed.
Continue reading “What is the purpose of Life for you? Life’s not yours”

Republished: Want real love in your life? Awaken caring, compassion and empathy in you

transform yourself to activate compassionHow do you go about awakening compassion, caring and empathy?

The first step of transformation, and awakening a missing capacity is transformation!, is to tell the truth about how it is now.

Transformation is so rare, because people are unwilling to tell the truth. Why? Because truth, any truth about you, will first be painful, and it will piss you off.

The truth about you is that you, the way you are, are unable to feel for another person. You mistake your loin’s yearning, your heart’s yearning for connection to a feeling for the other, but they are not the same.

At this point only a handful of people are able to feel, feel deeply for another person.

Continue reading “Republished: Want real love in your life? Awaken caring, compassion and empathy in you”

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

dying to be lovedWe all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult.

Its purpose is survival.

The organism wants to survive, desperately.

We don’t know what that love is, but we want it. And some of us want to earn it. Continue reading “Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies”

How to be successful without being evil. Is it possible?

How to be successful without being evil

winningOne of the distinctions from Wallace D. Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich is called “The Creative Plane.”

Most of us, most of the time, live on the competitive plane.

The competitive plane has several aspects, and depending on your disposition, you’ll be able to counter some, while not be able or be willing to counter others. Continue reading “How to be successful without being evil. Is it possible?”

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Churchill and the dalek: tough choicesTough choices: knowing what’s important

Life is really so incredible perfect when you are committed to something, and therefore you look at everything through that commitment.

Here is a quote I had attached to my kitchen cabinet for four years. When I moved it was impossible to save it: it crumbled… lol. It has an awful lot to do with who I am today, and the incredible results I was able to produce in those four years:

Continue reading “Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t”