Knowledge is not enough… what’s missing?

Knowledge is not enough… what’s missing?
  • Unless it’s accurate knowledge… i.e. true, tested, from an accurate source.
  • Unless you know what you learned… unless you know what you know… you didn’t learn anything.
  • And unless what you leaned changes your behavior, inside or outside, nothing will change.
All learning is behavior modification, modifying behavior to become more fit to life, to play the game of life better, for yourself and for the human race.
As a coach, unless I modified your behavior, I didn’t do anything.
So how do you modify behavior?

The process starts with an insight. The more energy is in the insight, the more energy you can or are willing to bring to the insight, the easier it will be to make the modification. Continue reading “Knowledge is not enough… what’s missing?”

What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…

What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…

I have been, I am just noticing, making myself miserable.

What got me out of that direction down to desperation, ultimately, a Carlos Castaneda 1 quote:

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same

Continue reading “What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…”

Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… choose!

Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… choose!

invisible strategyMy notes:
If you feel like you want to transcribe this audio and let me have it, please do so. I’ll appreciate it and you’ll learn ton from it.

Miko transcribed this audio: thank you very much, Miko!

This post is going to be about something really important. If I look at all the people that contact me, all the people that I teach, all the people that I know, they have no idea about it, and even I am just starting to scratch the surface. I mean, maybe I am years ahead of you, but even that is just scratching the surface.
Continue reading “Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… choose!”

The fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing

The fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing

How the notes you take, the stories you tell, put blinders on you and prevent you from growing…

As a coach, I will send you back to the same book, the same video a number of times. My intention is that you watch it… Continue reading “The fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing”

The price of comfort is weakness, cowardice, putz

The price of comfort is weakness, cowardice, putz

Where did this humanity-wide phenomenon of being so weak… living like a putz come from?

Putz: putz
1. a stupid or worthless person.
2. vulgar slang: a limp dick.
verb: putz; engage in inconsequential or unproductive activity.
origin: 1960s: Yiddish, literally ‘penis.’

I meant to share student essays on how self-created rules keep them alienated from themselves, keep them playing safe and dead… not joyful, not accomplished, not living a life worth living.

Then I changed my mind.

I had two calls, where I was training, each, a person to take on a practice to activate the capacity to be with unpleasant, bothersome, disturbing feelings and actions. To be a MAN…

This capacity used to be active in humans… but because of the widespread positive thinking and comfort: society now deems these situations, these feelings, these actions undesirable.
Continue reading “The price of comfort is weakness, cowardice, putz”

What results can you expect from a low truth value course?

What results can you expect from a low truth value course?

I have been intensely curious why something with a 7~10% truth value would make a difference for people who read it, study it, practice it, and apply it to their lives.

Ultimately we are talking about 90-93% untruth… and yet. People report results… in the testimonials. Continue reading “What results can you expect from a low truth value course?”

What happens if you are a habitual liar, a con artist?

What happens if you are a habitual liar, a con artist?

If you are awake at all, you have noticed that people, both in writing and in actual speak, avoid the word lie.

Even when the word they replace it with means something totally different. They say: I lay down… instead of I lie down.

Why is that?

Because the word lie also means: say untrue things. Continue reading “What happens if you are a habitual liar, a con artist?”

A spiritual practice that can change improve everything

A spiritual practice that can change improve everything

If you’ve bought into the b.s. that thinking good thoughts, happy thoughts, being non-judgmental is good for you, 1 then your vibration is low, but more importantly, your vibration cannot be raised, unless you let go of this b.s.

Let’s turn this baby on its head: if you bought into the b.s. that your thoughts create your reality, and you need to avoid thinking bad thoughts regarding yourself, the world, the future, other people, because it makes you and your life bad… then there is nothing I can ever do for you, unless you change your mind.

Why? Because you refuse to interact with reality, you refuse to base your actions on reality.

Reality is neither good nor bad, it is what it is.

Continue reading “A spiritual practice that can change improve everything”

How free are you? Wisdom doesn’t come with age…

How free are you? Wisdom doesn’t come with age…

When you reach a certain level of freedom inside your machine, you have the presence of mind to pay attention to a lot more than now.

And I am in a growth spurt… a lot more of MY machine, and THE machine got distinguished in the last few days, due to workshops and private conversations. I went from 50% free to 70% free in these few days.

So yesterday I saw something I have never been able to see… not that I wanted to… it was something I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Continue reading “How free are you? Wisdom doesn’t come with age…”

Become like god… create with your word… but how?

Become like god… create with your word… but how?

I bet you want to be able to create with your word… right? But your attempts have been failed attempts…

Here is some clarification why that doesn’t work, even though you have the capacity… but it isn’t working. Continue reading “Become like god… create with your word… but how?”