You don’t have to change yourself… nothing wrong with you

You don’t have to change yourself… nothing wrong with you

The conclusion I came up with in yesterday’s article: you don’t have to change, so you can rest in peace about that. But if you look at the memes, the memes say: nothing wrong with the: something is wrong with the world. And that is a worldview that the memes disseminate…

There must be something wrong, because I don’t fit in, I am not loved, I am not doing what I should be doing, I am not succeeding.

And yet…

There is nothing wrong with you… You don’t have to change. You are enough…

But being enough doesn’t mean your actions, your attitudes are a match to reality…

If you want a different life: you don’t need to change: your worldview has to change.

In a wheat field, a rose is a weed—even if that rose is voluptuous and vibrant. Translation: it’s your sacred duty to identify the contexts in which you can thrive and then put yourself in those contexts.

Continue reading “You don’t have to change yourself… nothing wrong with you”

The average truth value of good articles only 7%

The average truth value of good articles only 7%
Why is the average truth value of a good article only around 7%? That is a very low number! Please explain…

As you may have noticed, it is harder and harder for me to write an article a day. There are 4000 articles on this site, and they all came easily… if I remember correctly. But suddenly I have nothing to say.

Or better said: I have only to say something when someone asks me, like in coaching or on a webinar… otherwise I feel there is no listening for me to say something, therefore I have no desire, no urgency to say anything. Continue reading “The average truth value of good articles only 7%”

I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty

I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty

I could say ‘I am depleted’ as I have always said: I am running on empty. I could also say: I feel emotionally and intellectually empty. But like you, I can benefit from adding to my vocabulary of state-expressing words, and feeling-indicating words.

When I don’t feel energized, when I am not full of creativity and when I don’t have three new articles almost ready to write, when I don’t feel like I have new programs to launch, then eventually I start to wonder, maybe even worry.

It’s not like me to have nothing to say.

Why? What happened? Where did my energy go? Continue reading “I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty”

Get out of your mind and take control of your life

Get out of your mind and take control of your life
Getting out of the mind is easy to do, hard to teach…

Mainly because the words are misleading: you don’t want to control your mind, you can’t. You want to control and direct your attention. Your mind is not controllable… But your attention is.

Once you get the hang of it… have an experience outside of your mind, life starts to open up.

The trick is not to try to change your thoughts… that would still trap you in the mind. Or change your fear… or change your desire… or change anything.

What works is to take your attention off the mind and put it on something, anything, in the present. My favorite is to download the Heaven on Earth and follow the path of the energy bundle through the 40 stops. It goes slowly, and it does work on all the 40 locations in the body: removing blockages, one after the other. I don’t remember where I teach the stops… so I may have to recreate it… I’ll add it to this post. Email me if you want it.

Another way to move your attention off the mind is to do the “find your feet” exercise… search the site to find it… I share it in some other article.

A third way is to start examining minutely your hand… you can even do that while you talk to someone, or listen to a lecture…

What is wrong with the mind-control type of teachings?
    1. the mind-control teachings, the teachings that say: control your mind? After all they say that if you can control your mind, you can achieve anything…
    2. And the Law of Attraction teachers/fans say: if you hold the image in your mind, and hold onto it long enough, it will happen…
    3. And the Positive Thinking people say: if you can turn everything into its opposite, or just avoid saying anything negative, you’ll be happy, and blah blah blah…

Continue reading “Get out of your mind and take control of your life”

Expectations, Self-Image, should you expect the best?

Expectations, Self-Image, should you expect the best?

I have a friend who is 4 years older than me, he is in his late 70’s. We have been talking once a week for about 14 years.

He would like to retire, but his business is in decline, and there is nothing to sell: he is a glorified self-employed person.

Since I have known him, he bought about 15 money making programs, only to drop them after a weak attempt, after losing money with them, or trying.
Continue reading “Expectations, Self-Image, should you expect the best?”

Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave

Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave

Confession: You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me

One of your most defining characteristics as a person is, whether you are an optimist or a pessimist.

But the common, and ordinary way to look at those attitudes is inane…  as in stupid and near-sighted. Continue reading “Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave”

Awakening your inner motive power, ambition

Awakening your inner motive power, ambition

Although I use this iconic picture from the French protest… this is not a political article… Something, deep inside the French was activated by the new tax on fuel… and moved them to action…

In this article I want to talk about how to awaken that inner, deeply buried energy that could set you free. The caged desire. A suppressed desire. Continue reading “Awakening your inner motive power, ambition”

Why are happy people happy? Have you ever asked?

Why are happy people happy? Have you ever asked?

the anna karenina principleThe biggest differentiator between a successful, happy, balanced, unbroken person, and someone with a life not worth writing home about is their relationship to failures. 1

Yes. Plural.

Wanting only successes is like wanting to walk but never take a step with your left leg… Unnatural and … and why would you want that?

Everything in life has a rhythm, sex, breathing, eating and elimination… everything. Continue reading “Why are happy people happy? Have you ever asked?”

Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?

Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car on a long trip. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions. but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling. Continue reading “Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?”

What is transformation? Is it so important to know exactly?

What is transformation? Is it so important to know exactly?

Everyone talks about stuff… using big words, like transformation, but no one actually knows what the word means, and what do people actually do, or promise to do, who cause transformation.

If you really look, you can talk for half an hour, and you won’t even get near to it… Continue reading “What is transformation? Is it so important to know exactly?”