How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects your relationships, how you appear in the world, how successful you can be?

Everyone, always, wants to effect the results directly, but that is not the nature of reality. The result comes from many many factors, that together and individually can be effected… and the synergistic effect finally gets all the way to the end result.

In some contexts the end result is your vibration. In others your worldly results, like how much money you make.

Because most people have no idea how the world works, what is the nature of reality, they are highly ineffective in the world, and they are highly dupable.

If you cannot see cause and effect, the connection between things, you’ll do stupid things, put the cart in front of the horses, and spend time and money on ineffective practices, ineffective programs.

Religion is one of these ineffective practices, ineffective programs. Continue reading “How the about-me score effects everything in your life”

You are a mad scientist? then the world is your laboratory

You are a mad scientist? then the world is your laboratory

I am sparkling today with insights.

Yesterday, just before the skies closed on the Days of Power energy, my friend reminded me to refill my cup again. And I did… and today my world is showering me with insights.

About your expectation and reality… The gap… the discrepancy… and how you don’t learn from it. Continue reading “You are a mad scientist? then the world is your laboratory”

People don’t care how much you know until…

People don’t care how much you know until…
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

As you know, I am a mad scientist. Mad, because I test things other people wouldn’t. Scientist because I talk, then test, then share it.

In thousands of experiments I have developed a sixth sense. What you would call the truth sensing ability.

It is a feeling that only develops after knowing a lot…

I am exposed to a lot of books, a lot of information, and this sixth sense has helped me to read only what has the kind of truth in it that is actually useful for me and my clients. Continue reading “People don’t care how much you know until…”

How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?

How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?

coherence, high vibrationAs I was looking for a picture for this post, I realized that vibration, raising your vibration, as a topic, probably has more bullshit out there than even food…

I can safely say that EVERYTHING you find is that… b.s. and has nothing to do with vibration, or consciousness… So maybe this article is a little late… but better late than never? Continue reading “How can you tell if someone is high vibration or just pontificating?”

An experiment will prove or disproves a theory

An experiment will prove or disproves a theory

This won’t be my first experiment that either succeeds or not. Either prove or disprove a theory.

We live in a culture that wants answers, certainty, security, and abhors uncertainty. We live in a culture that we want instant results… and we act accordingly.

So my work doesn’t appeal to many people, because I am an experimenter. Continue reading “An experiment will prove or disproves a theory”

Your soul correction is killing you… but how?

soul-correction-climbing-the-tree-of-lifeEach soul correction deals with a dominant pretense. A front, that hides the truth. A way to have two you’s, a dualistic way of living that is killing life.

If you read the few articles I have published on soul corrections, you may be able to see below the surface, and see what the pretense is. Most can’t. Especially their own.

But it’s there, hiding one or two layers deep.

  • Why pretend? Because the truth, although it sets you free, is also painful.
  • Why pretend? Because in the horizontal plane, in the world of the “other” survival seems to depend on this pretense… birds ruffle up their feathers to look bigger. Cats, dogs look fierce and big and threatening. It’s all pretense; it is all survival mechanism.

Then we believe our own lies, make our masks permanent, and suffer.
Continue reading “Your soul correction is killing you… but how?”

Reader questions about archetypes, manifestation, blockages

Reader questions about archetypes, manifestation, blockages

Reader-Questions1I was thinking of making this an article, but I think, as a question and answer type of post it will work better…

I am sure after reading this, you will have plenty of questions. Please post them in the comment section of this post: that way I can answer many readers all at once. Thank you.

PS: Important: Read the summary at the end about the bug free mind, the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Question #1:

So, I have been observing my thoughts and emotions as they come up just like you mentioned and I am learning to surrender to everything, including negativity.

I have heard that surrendering to negativity involves feeling the emotion in its full form instead of trying to suppress them.

When you feel an emotion of sadness and start to have some tears instead of suppressing them, are you doing it right?

Because at the same time, I do not want to be giving energy to this negativity and hence manifesting them so yeah…

Continue reading “Reader questions about archetypes, manifestation, blockages”

How to know yourself? The sideways glance

KnowThyselfKnowing yourself well is vitally important when you want to interact with reality powerfully.

What’s in the way of you knowing yourself well?

Illusions, delusions, flattery, comparison, arrogance, I could continue this list for a whole page.

So given that so many things are in the way, blocking or distorting your view, how do you get to know yourself? Continue reading “How to know yourself? The sideways glance”

Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice

Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice

shedding a layer of stuckednessWhat is transformation? There are many ways to say what it is, for the purposes of this article we’ll say: transformation is catching YOURSELF stuck in a state that is unproductive and self-righteous.

For a transformational teacher every moment looks like an opportunity to cause your transformation: you are always in layers upon layers of stuck states, even when you feel successful, and especially when you feel comfortable.

So, what gives a stuck state away as a stuck state? Stuck state, instead of wrong, right, etc…
Continue reading “Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice”