Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

This article closely relates to the soul correction articles AND the attachments, cords articles.

Oftentimes it is a difficult case is what leads researchers to new insights. This is exactly what happened today. I had a client who, periodically, has serious heart symptoms, even though physically there is nothing wrong with his heart.

For a while, whenever I muscletested people for attachments, even after the removal of the attachments, the muscletest answer was yes/no. The fingers opened but only a little bit. Yes and no. Maddening, lol.

I clarified it with Source, that it means: there are some things like attachments on the person, but not exactly attachments. Something else, but close.
Continue reading “Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?”

Just ask “What is it I don’t know? What is it I don’t see?”

Just ask “What is it I don’t know? What is it I don’t see?”

You can follow me down the rabbit hole. You can do it… The only question is: will you think it worth your while?

I know I have said it before, lots of times, but I will say it again, but slightly differently this time. So bear with me: the reward will be unbelievable!

When something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.

Said in another way:

When something isn’t working (the way you expected it to work), you can be sure that there is something you don’t know or can’t see.

Unfortunately to you, when you hear this sentence, you will never think about your mindset. You’ll never think that your thinking is wrong. That your life philosophy is wrong. Continue reading “Just ask “What is it I don’t know? What is it I don’t see?””

You can flip the context of anything… and change your life

You can flip the context of anything… and change your life

One of the transformational moves I use with my students is ‘flipping the context.’

Context is decisive, and the context inside which you live your life is what makes your life great or horrible… not what happens to you. Continue reading “You can flip the context of anything… and change your life”

Crying: what does it do for you? Expect the unexpected…

Crying: what does it do for you? Expect the unexpected…

When you cry and the crying/sobbing has no content. When you don’t know why you are crying, then something deep is clearing out.

But when you know why you are crying, then some past, some meaning, some opinion gets confirmed and your ego will continue giving you ‘reason’ to cry. Continue reading “Crying: what does it do for you? Expect the unexpected…”

Spiritual pattern recognition. Why is it important?

Spiritual pattern recognition. Why is it important?

One gift my father gave me is he encouraged me to not resist. I went through several interpretations of what he meant… I thought resisting made me a person, but I was wrong. Resisting gave the power over to others, and kept me stuck… stuck, stuck stuck.

This is a spiritual pattern, a spiritual principle… Continue reading “Spiritual pattern recognition. Why is it important?”

Can you grow? Grow curiosity, intelligence, motivation?

Can you grow? Grow curiosity, intelligence, motivation?

Let me start with a joke:

How to have a million dollars in business? Start with two million

How do you make a million dollars in the restaurant business? Start with two million

This is the joke that is making the circles in my brain when I think about how to have clients who have ambition, motive power, and actually accomplish stuff? Continue reading “Can you grow? Grow curiosity, intelligence, motivation?”

Meditation: separate yourself from the mind

Meditation: separate yourself from the mind

I have started the Osho meditation series with Day One.

Lots of talk… very meditative for me. Participants complained that there was no meditation.

When you meditate, that doesn’t mean there is silence outside. The silence is inside. When you meditate it doesn’t mean you cannot listen to someone talk: it only means you listen and hear it, but not through the busy mind, that compares, argues, tries to understand, criticizes and judges. No, the mind simply allows it to be, allows it in, in a meditative state.

It is like when you are in the shower. The mind doesn’t argue with every drop of water… and you can get wet without the mind interfering.
Continue reading “Meditation: separate yourself from the mind”

Fear, arrogance, laziness… how do these stop you?

Fear, arrogance, laziness… how do these stop you?
I am finding that what stops people from moving ahead in life is either fear or arrogance…

You could argue that laziness should be listed too, but I have found that laziness is a coverup for either fear or arrogance.

Nick Kyrgios (tennis player) is paralyzed by the fear of never being good enough rather than laziness. FEAR, not arrogance or laziness, has surely created the beast that is Nick Kyrgios

I get a lot of requests to eliminate people’s fear, but I am sorry to tell you: I can’t and no one can.

Fear is not the problem, and it doesn’t need to be eliminated.

I am afraid too, and you wouldn’t know from watching me. Continue reading “Fear, arrogance, laziness… how do these stop you?”

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Patterns… or Why do billionaires read books on physics, the ice ages, the shorelines of our planet?

There are many ways to deal with the Universe, with reality, and most of them are ineffective.

The more effectively you ‘deal’ with reality, the more you get out of your life. Continue reading “Why does a billionaire read books on physics?”

How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior

How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior

Self-improvement, self-development is a lot like the illegal drug trade. It’s not regulated. A few ‘cartels’ dominate the market. What they sell is mostly addictive, pleasure promising, but on the long term destroys the user’s life.

Then there are the drug pushers, the evangelists that seems to know what’s right and what’s wrong, and how a teacher should or should not be.

The programs and the tools are ineffective… you’ll find out why later in this article.
Continue reading “How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior”